What Supplements Are Good For Anxiety Attacks?

People who suffer from anxiety know how difficult it can be. There are several types of anxiety disorders, all of which come with their own set of symptoms. When a person develops an anxiety disorder, they often experience mental and physical symptoms that can be debilitating. 

One of the most challenging symptoms of anxiety is an anxiety attack. People who suffer these types of attacks most likely require treatment. In some cases, taking medication can work for people with an anxiety disorder, but that’s not always the case. Many people suffer from treatment-resistant anxiety or prefer to go the natural route. So are there supplements you can take to help in these situations? Read on to learn more about what supplements are good for anxiety attacks.

What are anxiety attacks? 

Anxiety attacks are also known as panic attacks. During an attack, a person will experience feelings of intense fear or panic that lead to severe physical and emotional symptoms. In some cases, an anxiety attack can bring on chest pain that is so severe it can feel like a heart attack.

These attacks can occur with or without triggers, making them impossible to predict. The good news is that there are natural ways to keep anxiety attacks at bay. 

What is the best natural supplement for panic attacks?

Natural supplements are gaining traction in the health and wellness world because they are effective and do not contain chemical ingredients. The best natural supplements for panic attacks include: 


Saffron is a type of spice used in cooking. However, it has a lot of beneficial medicinal properties. People who suffer from anxiety attacks can benefit from taking saffron because of its antioxidant compounds. Antioxidants are used in the body to help balance free radicals. When free radicals build up, it can create various health problems. 

Research shows that saffron supplements can reduce anxiety so effectively that it rivals the anti-anxiety medication known as fluoxetine. 

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Image by Michal Parzuchowski on Unsplash: What supplement is good for anxiety? 


Chamomile is a popular tea people drink for its calming properties. While tea is an excellent way to consume chamomile, people with anxiety may want to opt for supplements. Studies show that chamomile can help reduce anxiety symptoms in people with severe generalized anxiety disorder. 


L-theanine is a natural amino acid found in green tea. When taken in supplement form, it can reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. Certain mood disorders that cause anxiety as a secondary symptom can also be relieved using L-theanine. 


Curcumin is one of the main compounds found in turmeric. It also gives the spice its bright hue. Curcumin is a polyphenol, a plant-based compound packed with health-boosting antioxidants. It has been shown to reduce inflammation as well as symptoms of depression. In terms of anxiety, regular curcumin use can reduce symptoms significantly.  


Cannabidiol, otherwise known as CBD, is a natural compound found in marijuana plants. Its popularity has grown in recent years with the increase in marijuana legalization across the county. The medicinal benefits have been studied extensively, and current evidence finds that people with anxiety disorders can reduce their symptoms when using CBD.  

What vitamins are best for anxiety? 

While natural supplements can be helpful, giving the body the nutrients it needs can also keep anxiety levels down. Some of the best anti-anxiety vitamins include: 

Magnesium glycinate 

Magnesium is a mineral the body needs for various functions, including the stress response. Since stress and anxiety go hand in hand, regulating the stress response can aid in reducing anxiety. This can in turn reduce the number of panic attacks a person has. 

Vitamin D3

One of the most common nutrient deficiencies is vitamin D3. People often fail to get enough through diet alone, and the health of the body and mind suffers for it. The body uses vitamin D3 to help regulate mood and encourage good brain function. People with anxiety are far more likely to be deficient in the vitamin, showing a connection between the two. 

Research shows that people with anxiety who take vitamin D3 supplements can reduce their symptoms, including panic attacks. The severity of their anxiety can also be reduced, decreasing panic attacks over time. 

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Image by Diana Polekhina on Unsplash: Can you take vitamins for anxiety and panic attacks? 


Omega-3s are vital to brain health and function. Many people don’t get enough through diet and nutrition alone. Studies have examined omega-3 supplementation in people with anxiety and found that the vitamin can reduce symptoms of the disorder if taken in high doses. 

Vitamin C 

Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant to help combat free radical buildup and oxidative stress. Since oxidative stress can cause inflammation and other issues within the body, it’s essential to maintain balance as best you can.

For people with anxiety, oxidative stress can contribute to worsened symptoms. Research surrounding vitamin C and anxiety concluded that people who take 500 mg of vitamin C daily could reduce their anxiety symptoms over the long term. 

None of these supplements will take a panic attack away while it’s happening. However, taking them regularly will help reduce overall anxiety in people with these disorders and thus reduce the frequency of panic attacks. 

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5 Peptides & Supplements That Promote Healthy Sleep

Good-quality sleep is crucial for physical and psychological health. Getting enough quality sleep makes us healthier, improves longevity, enables us to be more psychologically robust, and reduces the likelihood that we will experience anxiety and depression.

Getting a good night’s sleep every night should be a priority for anybody who values their own health and emotional wellbeing. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over a third of Americans do not get the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep they need to live an optimally healthy and happy life.

There are several things you can do to improve the quality of your sleep. You can implement good sleep hygiene practices such as getting regular exercise, avoiding stimulants later in the day, and having a cool and comfortable bedroom. You may also wish to take peptides or supplements that promote healthy sleep.

Keen to learn more? Read on for our round-up of peptides and supplements that promote healthy sleep.

The Importance Of Getting Healthy Sleep

Not getting enough good-quality sleep can have a lot of negative psychological and physical health effects. Research suggests that being underslept can increase feelings of irritability and stress, and that being chronically underslept can increase the risk of developing mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. Research also indicates that people who do not get enough quality sleep have an increased risk of several negative health outcomes such as diabetes, hypertension, and mortality.

woman sleeping well
Image by Claudio_Scott on Pixabay: What peptide is good for sleep?

What Is A Peptide?

A peptide is the same as a protein, but smaller. Peptides and proteins are substances that occur inside the bodies of animals and plants and participate in essential metabolic functions. Peptides, like proteins, are made of amino acid molecules. Generally, peptides contain between two and 50 amino acids and proteins contain 50 or more. Peptides are present in the animal and plant foods we eat.

What Are The Benefits Of Peptides?

Research suggests that peptides may have many potential benefits, including:

  • Reduced inflammation
  • Slowed aging of the skin
  • Improved immune function
  • Prevention of the formation of blood clots
  • Lowering high blood pressure
  • Destruction of harmful microbes
  • Antioxidant properties
  • Improved memory
  • Improved athletic performance
  • Increased muscle mass

Where Are Peptides Found?

Peptides are found in food, and can also be created synthetically in a lab. The richest plant and animal food sources of peptides include:

  • Eggs
  • Milk
  • Corn
  • Rice
  • Meat
  • Soybeans
  • Wheat
  • Fish and shellfish
  • Beans and lentils
  • Hemp seeds
  • Oats
  • Flaxseed

What Peptide Is Good For Sleep?

The peptides that appear to be good for sleep are:

  • Delta Sleep Inducing peptide
  • Circadian Adjustment peptide
  • Bioactive milk peptides (lactium)

What Is The Most Effective Natural Sleep Aid?

Some of the most effective natural sleep aids include:

  • Melatonin
  • Magnesium
  • Valerian root
  • Chamomile

Can A Vitamin Deficiency Affect Sleep Quality?

Research suggests that people with a vitamin D deficiency have a higher chance of experiencing sleep disorders.

What Are The Best Sleep Supplements?

Here are five peptides and supplements that promote healthy sleep.

1. Delta Sleep Inducing peptide

How does Delta Sleep Inducing peptide work to improve sleep quality? Research suggests that it causes higher sleep efficiency and shorter sleep latency.

2. Melatonin

Research suggests that melatonin may promote healthy sleep in several ways, including promoting the onset of sleep, improving daytime sleepiness, and improving people’s subjective assessment of how well they slept.

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Image by volant on Unsplash: What is the most effective natural sleep aid?

3. Bioactive milk peptide (lactium)

Lactium is bioactive peptide derived from cow’s milk. The amino acids in lactium act appear to have the effect of reducing stress and cortisol levels, inducing relaxation, improving mental function, and improving sleep quality.

4. CBD oil

Research has found that taking 160 milligrams of CBD oil can increase sleep duration. This may be caused by the cortisol-lowering properties that research has shown CBD oil to have.

5. Magnesium

Magnesium is a mineral that supports healthy cognitive function and mood and helps relax muscles. Some people take magnesium to improve their sleep and report that it reduces anxiety, increases relaxation, and makes it easier to fall asleep.

What Are Good Sleep Hygiene Practices?

  • Stick to a consistent sleep schedule. Try to get to bed and wake up at similar times every day.
  • Have a pre-bedtime routine that helps you wind down and get ready for sleep.
  • Keep your room cool and comfortable. A temperature of roughly 65 degrees Fahrenheit seems to be most conducive to good sleep. Make sure your room is dark and quiet.
  • Dim electronic lights after sunset. Avoid bright screens in the hours before sleep.
  • Read a book instead of looking at a screen in the final hour before sleep.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Avoid caffeine in the second half of the day. The quarter life of caffeine is twelve hours. This means that if you drink a large coffee at 11am, it is the equivalent of drinking a quarter of a large cup of coffee at 11pm!
  • Avoid eating in the two to three hours before bed.
  • Avoid alcohol and medical marijuana in the hours before bed. Both may negatively impact sleep quality.
  • Use your bed for sleep and sex only.
  • Avoid napping during the day.

Featured image by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

8 Peptides & Supplements That Improve Cognitive Function

Sharpening the clarity and efficiency of our thinking can lead to positive results in many areas of life. Performance in work, school, creative projects, and interpersonal relationships will tend to be enhanced if we can improve our cognitive function.

There are many ways to do this. Lifestyle choices such as sleeping well, eating a healthy diet, exercising, reading, writing, and getting into nature tend to improve our ability to think clearly. A generally healthy life will improve our chances of having a clear, optimally functioning brain.

But apart from healthy lifestyle choices, there are also several peptides and supplements we can utilize that may help to optimize our cognitive functioning. An exciting body of research points to the effectiveness of several peptides and supplements in improving brain health and functionality, memory, and focus. Several peptides and supplements also appear to slow age-related decline in brain function.

Read on to discover more about various peptides and supplements that improve cognitive function.

What are peptides?

Peptides are substances that participate in the metabolic functions of living organisms. They are structurally the same as proteins – made of amino acid molecules – but peptides are smaller than proteins. Generally, peptides contain between two and 50 amino acids, while proteins contain 50 or more amino acids. Peptides are present in food and can also be created synthetically. Several types of peptides can have positive effects on various aspects of health when supplemented.

Peptides are contained in plant and animal foods such as:

  • Eggs
  • Milk
  • Soybeans
  • Wheat
  • Corn
  • Rice
  • Meat
  • Fish and shellfish
  • Beans and lentils
  • Oats
  • Flaxseed
  • Hemp seeds
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Image by Milad Fakurian on Unsplash: What peptides are good for the brain?

Benefits of peptides

Research suggests that various bioactive peptides may have some of the following benefits:

  • Improving immune function
  • Slowing aging of the skin
  • Reducing inflammation
  • Preventing formation of blood clots
  • Lowering high blood pressure
  • Killing microbes
  • Antioxidant properties
  • Improving memory
  • Increasing muscle mass
  • Improving athletic performance

Are peptides good for memory?

Many studies are showing that peptides might be good for memory. Recent research has found that short amylin receptor antagonist peptides improve memory in Alzheimer’s disease mouse models.

What is a supplement?

A dietary supplement refers to any product that is designed to provide extra nutrients in addition to the diet. Supplements typically come in the form of pills, capsules, powders, or liquids. Some of the most widely used supplements are:

  • Multivitamins
  • Protein powders
  • Vitamin B-12 tablets
  • Vitamin D

What vitamins improve cognitive performance?

B vitamins such as B6, B12, and B9 (folic acid) play a role in brain health. Research suggests that vitamins E, A, and C may stave off cognitive decline as people age. Vitamin E has been shown to have beneficial effects in moderately severe Alzheimer disease.

Are there supplements to improve brain function?

Yes, there is quite a wide variety of supplements available that claim to improve brain function. Most supplements have multiple effects and improved brain function appears to be one effect of several options, including:

  • Multivitamins
  • B vitamin complex
  • Vitamin E
  • Fish oils
  • Caffeine tablets
  • Creatine
  • Ginkgo biloba
  • Bacopa monnieri
  • Resveratrol

What peptides and supplements are good for the brain?

Here are eight top peptides and supplements that improve cognitive function.

1. AC253 peptide

Research has discovered that the AC253 peptide, in studies on mice, can lead to a significant improvement in Alzheimer’s symptoms. Daily injections of this peptide improved the mice’s memory, lowered brain inflammation, and resulted in less accumulation of beta-amyloid, the harmful protein that characterizes Alzheimer’s disease.

2. Selank peptide

Research indicates that Selank, which is a synthetic nootropic peptide, can reduce anxiety, as well as improve learning, memory, and cognition, and reducing depression.

3. Delta Sleep Inducing peptide

Research suggests that Delta Sleep Inducing peptide can improve sleep quality by causing higher sleep efficiency and shorter sleep latency. Sleep is very important for cognitive functioning, which suggests that Delta Sleep Inducing peptide may be beneficial for this purpose, especially in people who have problems getting enough sleep.

person looking at papers
Image by Pexels on Pixabay: Are peptides good for memory?

4. Fish oils

Fish oil supplements are rich in omega-3 fatty acids docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Both of these fatty acids are essential for brain health. DHA accounts for around 90% of the omega-3 fat found in brain cells, and EPA has anti-inflammatory effects that may protect the brain against damage. Research suggests supplementing with these fatty acids can improve brain health.

5. Ginkgo biloba

Dietary supplementation with ginkgo biloba appears to increase blood flow to the brain and to have the effect of improving memory and focus.

6. Creatine peptide

Research has indicated that creatine supplementation can improve memory and cognitive function in vegetarians.

7. Bacopa monnieri

Research suggests that supplementation with bacopa monnieri, which is typically used in traditional medicine practices such as Ayurveda, has the potential to improve cognition, particularly speed of attention.

8. Resveratrol

Research indicates that resveratrol improves learning, memory, and mood function in rats. This appears to occur through modulation of hippocampus plasticity and suppression of chronic low-level inflammation. Further research suggests resveratrol can improve memory performance in humans.

Other ways to improve cognitive function

As well as taking supplements, there are several lifestyle changes you can make to improve your cognitive function. These changes include:

  • Eating a nutritious diet
  • Intermittent fasting
  • Regular aerobic exercise such as running, cycling, soccer
  • Yoga
  • Weight training
  • Meditation
  • Conversation with friends
  • Reducing alcohol consumption
  • Journaling
  • Reading
  • Getting into nature
  • Sudoku
  • Getting lots of good-quality sleep

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What Supplements Should I Avoid With Autoimmune Disease?

The human body requires a plethora of nutrients for all of its systems to function properly on a cellular level. Most of the vitamins and minerals we require can be found in food, and typically, the best way to ensure you’re getting enough is to eat a well-rounded diet full of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean protein sources.

The problem with eating healthily is that for many people, it’s just not feasible 100% of the time. Between busy lives and extensive options of delicious but not-so-great-for-you foods, it can be difficult to get all the nutrients you need through diet alone. This is why many people turn to supplements to help pick up the slack where their diet may be lacking.

While healthy people can benefit from most supplements if their body is low on certain things, those with chronic health issues such as autoimmune disease may not benefit from every supplement. In fact, some supplements can exacerbate certain conditions. If you have a chronic condition, you may be wondering, “What supplements should I avoid with autoimmune disease?” Read on to find out.

What is an autoimmune disease?

To understand what an autoimmune disease is, it’s important to understand how the immune system works. The immune system is the body’s first line of defense against pathogens and other foreign invaders that can cause illness. When a pathogen enters the body, immune cells spring into action in order to neutralize that threat.

A person with an autoimmune disease has a faulty immune system. Their immune response kicks into gear even when no threat is present and begins attacking the body’s own healthy cells, leading to cell damage. The cause of this reaction is unknown. Autoimmune diseases can affect any part of the body, and each type typically presents with its own symptoms and complications.

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Image by Markus Spiske on Unsplash: What supplements should I avoid with autoimmune disease?

What can make an autoimmune disease worse?

As mentioned above, the exact cause of autoimmune disease isn’t yet known. However, there are a few factors that can actually increase the risk of a person developing one, or make the symptoms worse for people who do already have a type of autoimmune disease. Some things that can increase the risk of developing autoimmune disease include:

  • Smoking
  • Being related to someone with an autoimmune disease
  • Having one autoimmune disease already
  • Obesity
  • Infections

According to research, one of the biggest factors that can affect the worsening of an autoimmune disease or a flare-up in symptoms is stress. Certain medications have also been shown to play a role in the exacerbation of symptoms.

Do vitamins make autoimmune disease worse?

Since the immune system is revved up and attacking the body’s own tissues in someone who has an autoimmune disease, it’s thought that anything that makes the immune response stronger could end up making the autoimmune disease itself worse. This includes certain vitamins.

According to a report in the Sun Sentinel, high doses of anything that will “rev up” the immune system (such as vitamin C, beta carotene, cat’s claw, or echinacea) may actually be more harmful than helpful for people with autoimmune disease. However, research into specific vitamins has harbored different results. For example, studies on the use of vitamin C as an addition to formal treatment for autoimmune disease has found that, although it shouldn’t be used on its own, it can actually help regulate the immune pathways within the body.

Herbal supplements, on the other hand, have been shown to be detrimental to people with certain autoimmune diseases. One older study published in 2004 looked at the use of echinacea and algae spirulina in people with autoimmune disease and found that the use of these supplements actually caused a flare-up in symptoms. Other studies have corroborated this evidence, such as one published in 2021 that looked at how herbal supplementation using spirulina, chlorella, echinacea, and alfalfa affected autoimmune skin diseases. The study also found flare-ups and an increased immune response after use of the supplements.

Despite these findings, the situation may not be so cut and dry. For example, one vitamin supplement could help someone with a specific type of autoimmune disease while making symptoms worse in another. That is why it’s also important to speak to your doctor prior to taking any new supplements. They will be able to tell you what would be best to take for your specific condition.

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Image by Michele Blackwell on Unsplash: Should I take vitamin D if I have autoimmune disease?

What supplements help autoimmune disease?

Research has been looking into certain vitamins and supplements that may be a welcome addition to a treatment plan for those with autoimmune disease, and has found that some vitamins could be helpful. One particular study examined the use of zinc and vitamin D in people with autoimmune disorders and found that these immune-regulating nutrients showed great promise in balancing immune function.

Other research has looked at supplements such as prebiotics and probiotics, fish oils, vitamin D, and curcumin as possible options when it comes to helping reduce disease flare-ups. The study found that each supplement could help in its own way when used to address a specific type of autoimmune disease. For example, prebiotics and probiotics may be helpful in treating inflammatory bowel disease; curcumin was also shown to be beneficial in people with ulcerative colitis, as well as rheumatoid arthritis.

These findings prove that, although supplements can help with autoimmune disease, the type of disease and supplement must be perfectly matched in order for the supplement to be a help rather than a hindrance. 

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5 Supplements To Boost Liver Health Over The Holiday Period

The holidays are a time for family, friends, and relaxation. They’re also a time for overindulgence in foods that aren’t all that great for you, as well as a little more alcohol than usual. Many people – even those who don’t tend to consume large amounts of alcohol during the year – end up drinking more during the holidays.

While alcohol can be safely consumed in moderation, larger amounts can hinder your liver’s ability to do its job. The liver itself is one of the most important organs in your body because it acts as a natural filter and helps to store and release energy from the food that you eat. It’s also the organ responsible for removing toxins and waste from the bloodstream. So, how can you have an indulgent holiday season without worrying about your liver health? Let’s talk about using supplements to boost liver health over the holiday period.

Why is liver health so important?

As mentioned above, the liver is one of the most important organs in the body. Everything that goes into your body is processed by the liver – that means food, beverages, the air that you breathe, and even topical creams or ointments that you put on your skin eventually make their way to your liver to be processed.

Your liver also performs over 500 functions in the body that keep you healthy, such as regulating hormones, fighting off infections, clearing out toxins, and helping to clot blood. If the liver is not running the way it should, this filtration process (and every other job it has to do) becomes compromised, and this can lead to chronic disease, illness, and – in the worst-case scenario – death.

Image by Ruslan Bogdanov on Unsplash: What are the best liver support supplements in 2021?

How can I improve my liver health quickly?

While there is no quick fix for a malfunctioning liver, there are some things that you can do to help prevent further damage. For example, eating certain foods can promote better liver health, such as:

  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Grapefruit
  • Blueberries and cranberries
  • Grapes
  • Beetroot juice
  • Cruciferous vegetables
  • Nuts
  • Fatty fish

Boosting your intake of these foods right before the holidays may not give you a superhuman liver, but if you continue to consume them on a regular basis, they can promote good liver health so that if you do happen to overindulge, your liver will be able to handle it.

What can you take to strengthen your liver?

There are many supplements on the market geared towards liver health. While no two supplements are the same, there are a few common ingredients that are used because they have been proven to prevent damage or improve liver function over time.

Milk thistle

In herbal medicine, milk thistle is the most recommended supplement for people who suffer from liver complaints. The claim made by many is that it can help to reduce liver inflammation and restore overall function.

The ingredient in milk thistle that offers benefits to the liver is silymarin, a natural plant chemical compound. Research has shown that silymarin can lead to the regeneration of liver tissue, decrease inflammation, and act as a protector of liver cells because of its antioxidant properties. 

thistle plant
Image by Igor Tudoran on Unsplash: What is the best supplement to help the liver? Milk thistle is up there, because it has the most research behind it.

Licorice root

Licorice root is used for a variety of ailments, but when it comes to the liver, one of its active compounds (glycyrrhizic acid) is what makes it so viable as a liver health booster. Studies have shown that this compound can help to regenerate damaged liver cells as well as reduce liver inflammation.

One study done on rats looked at how licorice root affected alcohol-induced liver inflammation. The results showed that inflammation and fat accumulation in the liver of the rats was reversed after using licorice root extract.

Dandelion root

Dandelion root has also been used to treat ailments of the liver, though research surrounding its effects is minimal at best. It is thought that dandelion extract, in particular, can reduce stress on the liver and make its job of producing bile easier. Research has also found that it may be able to cure certain liver disorders, although more research is needed to validate these claims.


Zinc is an essential mineral that the body needs for a variety of different functions, and many supplements for liver health contain zinc. Studies have found that this element may be a key player in reducing or preventing oxidative stress on the liver that is generally caused by infection. However, there is little evidence to support that zinc can be used solely as a form of treatment for a liver disorder.

Artichoke leaf

Artichoke leaf is another active ingredient in many liver supplements. Claims state that the ingredient can help to reduce damage to liver cells by acting as an antioxidant. Although research is scarce, some studies have found that artichoke leaf has the ability to reduce certain markers connected to liver disease.

No two supplements are alike, and some are better than others when it comes to supporting liver health over the holidays. The best way to choose a supplement to support liver health is by reading the ingredients, speaking to your doctor, and being aware that although a supplement may help, it cannot cure or prevent liver damage on its own.

Featured image by Mariana Rascão on Unsplash

Why Lack Of Vitamin D In The Winter Poses A Serious Threat To Your Health

Between diets that lack the appropriate nutrients to the inability to store certain vitamins in the body, getting the recommended daily dose of all the essential nutrients one needs can be a difficult task. Some vitamins, such as vitamin D, are especially important for overall health. Since the vitamin’s primary source is sunshine, the winter months pose an increased risk of deficiency.  

Getting vitamin D the old-fashioned way is hindered for much of the winter season because there are less hours of sunlight, and less sunshine during cold and cloudy winter days. There’s also the common desire to avoid the cold by staying indoors much more than one might in the summer time. But how dangerous is a vitamin D deficiency, particularly in the colder months? Here’s why lack of vitamin D in the winter poses a serious threat to your health.

What is vitamin D and what does it do for the body?

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient. It is fat-soluble, which means it is synthesized within the body when the skin absorbs the sun’s rays, and then stored in fatty tissues. The nutrient is also absorbed into the body through food. Since it acts as both a vitamin and a steroid hormone, it is important for a variety of different processes throughout the body. One of the most important processes is calcium and phosphorous absorption, which helps with bone health. 

Vitamin D also plays a vital role in the function of the immune system, as it acts as both an immune system regulator and moderator. It is a nutrient that the immune system relies on to ensure that the response to pathogens is initiated properly to avoid infection and illness.

Other studies have found that vitamin D has exceptional disease-fighting abilities. It can help to decrease the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and multiple sclerosis, and can even prevent the development of the flu. The essential nutrient also plays a role in mood regulation and has been known to reduce symptoms of depression.

Vital RX - vitamin D
Image by Pexels on Pixabay: How to get vitamin D in winter? Get outside, even though it’s cold out.

What does it mean if you’re lacking vitamin D?

If you don’t get enough vitamin D in your system, your body becomes deficient and many of the processes that rely on the nutrient may begin to malfunction. There are many reasons that one may lack vitamin D. The amount needed will vary slightly from person to person, but there are daily recommended amounts based on age that most people should adhere to. For people aged nine and over, anywhere from 600 IU/day up to 4000 IU/day is recommended. The upper level intake is the highest amount of the vitamin that can be taken without adverse health effects.

Vitamin D deficiency can be caused by certain health conditions such as cystic fibrosis, Crohn’s disease, and celiac disease. These diseases can cause the intestines to have difficulties absorbing the nutrient if it is taken as a supplement. Weight loss surgeries, obesity, and kidney and liver diseases can also play a role in vitamin D deficiency. The body’s ability to make vitamin D also decreases with age, and those who are less mobile and thus spend less time outside all year round can also suffer from vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D deficiency symptoms

If vitamin D deficiency becomes severe it can cause rickets – a bone problem that affects mostly children and leads to bones that are easily bendable, breakable, and painful. Rickets can develop in adults, where it is referred to as osteomalacia. These conditions occur only in the most serious of vitamin D deficiency cases.

For those who are lacking in this essential nutrient but not yet suffering the most severe consequences, symptoms may appear to be mild in nature and include:

  • Chronic fatigue
  • Bone pain
  • Muscle weakness, cramps, or aches
  • Depression and other mood changes
  • Frequent infections
  • Back pain
  • Wounds that don’t heal properly or are slow to heal
  • Bone loss
  • Hair loss

About one billion people in the world are suspected to be deficient in vitamin D, and it is one of the most commonly found nutritional deficiencies worldwide.

How to get vitamin D in winter

Getting vitamin D in winter can be tricky. Since people spend less time outdoors, the chances of a deficiency in winter are greater, thus more vitamin D may need to be introduced through other means during those cold months. A great way to keep vitamin D levels up naturally in the winter is by getting outside as much as possible. Even if it’s cold out, if the sun is shining, your body can still absorb the rays and synthesize vitamin D.

Another great way to get more vitamin D in the winter months is through diet. The best food options to get as much vitamin D as possible include:

  • Pork
  • Mushrooms
  • Fatty fish such as mackerel, oysters, shrimp, and tuna
  • Cheese
  • Egg yolks
  • Vitamin D-enriched foods such as orange juice, cereal, soy milk, and yogurt
Vital RX - mushrooms
Image by Cocoparisienne on Pixabay: Mushrooms are an excellent dietary option to get more vitamin D in the winter.

You may also want to increase your intake along with your enriched diet with vitamin D supplementation. If you believe your vitamin D levels are severely low, getting a blood test with your primary care physician can let you know just how much you need to restore yourself to adequate levels. They may opt for a prescription supplement of vitamin D or recommend a good over-the-counter supplement.

Getting enough vitamin D in the winter may be difficult, but it’s not impossible. In the winter months, it is especially important to have enough of the nutrient because it can help ward off infection and chronic disease. As the winter season is typically flu and cold season, you’ll want to avoid getting sick as best you can with adequate levels of vitamin D.

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Why Soil Depletion Has Made Dietary Supplementation A Necessity

A nutritious diet is a key component in overall health. What you put into your body plays a vital role in how it functions. Everything from physical elements such as cardiovascular and respiratory health to how well you sleep and your psychological state can be greatly affected (both positively and negatively) through diet.

Many people fail to get enough of the essential vitamins and nutrients they need through diet alone for many reasons. Today’s fast-paced lifestyle can make it near impossible to avoid unhealthy eating habits. Furthermore, the cost of some healthier options versus their less nutritious counterparts can make eating well that much more difficult.

How food is produced can also affect nutrition values in even the healthiest of foods. The soil that food grows in is just one step of the entire production process, but it has made a huge difference in the nutritional value of food today because of soil depletion. So, what is soil depletion, exactly? And what does it have to do with supplements?

Here’s why soil depletion has made dietary supplementation a necessity.

What is soil depletion?

Soil depletion is the process of the soil losing its nutrient content. When foods such as vegetables are planted in the ground, they take from what’s around them to build up nutrients within themselves as they mature. The nutrients that are in soil make a huge difference in how much the specific vegetable gets throughout its growth process.

Soil gets its nutrients from many different sources including decomposed animals and animal waste, bacteria conversions, weathering of rocks, and the atmosphere. The main nutrients found in soil are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Magnesium, sulfur, and calcium can also be found in soil.

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Image by Eddie Kopp on Unsplash: Many studies have shown that soil depletion is a big problem when it comes to nutrient density of crops.

Why does soil become depleted of nutrients?

There are many reasons why soil gets depleted. When it comes to crops, this can happen because the plants need to take nutrients from the soil to grow and mature. It’s a natural process designed to encourage proper growth, but if those nutrients are not replaced back into the soil, that depletion continues, and the next crop grown in the same soil will suffer from a lack of proper nutrients.

Depletion of the soil can also occur because of soil erosion. This happens when the upper layer of soil is displaced. It is a natural process driven by the activity of erosive agents such as water, ice, snow, air, plants, animals, and humans.

Nutrient depletion in food

Research has shown that each generation of new crops grown in soil that was depleted from the last is less nutrient-dense. One specific study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that there were steady declines in nutritional values of vegetables grown in the same soil. The nutrients in question were protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B2, and vitamin C.

The study monitored crops from 1950 until 1999 to see just how steady of a decline it was, and the results suggested that the nutrient depletion was caused by a push for improving the size, growth rate, and pest resistance of the crops. There was no focus on the soil or the nutritional content of the crops. When this happens in wider agricultural practices, food becomes less healthy over time.

The aforementioned study isn’t the only one to find that there is a steady decline in the nutritional value of crops. Many others have found that to get the same amount of nutrients from the same vegetables as they would have in the past, one would have to eat a lot more. In fact, an article in Scientific American cited one study that found that the vitamin A content of one orange when your grandparents were young was equal to how much vitamin A can be found in eight oranges today.

Why do we need dietary supplements?

Although many doctors suggest that food should be the first choice for nutrients, when your diet isn’t giving you everything, you need to turn to other means. The only other surefire way to get all the essential vitamins, minerals, and trace elements one needs today is through supplementation.

Basically, eating eight oranges just to get a good amount of vitamin A is just not a feasible option for most people. And since oranges aren’t the only food suffering from a lack of nutrient density, it’s safe to assume that many servings of fruits and vegetables are not providing the nutrients they’re supposed to.

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Image by Christina Victoria Craft on Unsplash: Supplementation is key to getting all the nutrients a person needs on a daily basis.

This isn’t to suggest that you should not continue to eat healthily, because wholefoods are still full of nutrients. Rather, managing levels of your vitamins and minerals will be a great place to start when it comes to knowing what nutrients you’re just not getting enough of. Once you figure that out, you can start supplementation.

Gaining everything we need through diet as density of nutrients continues to decline will become an even bigger uphill battle if the soil depletion problem isn’t addressed properly. The good news is that many supplements, such as Vital RX’s, are created with high-quality ingredients designed to offer the best bioavailability and nutrients to give your body everything it needs.

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What’s The Story Behind Vitamin D And COVID-19?

The COVID-19 pandemic has been circulating the globe for over a year now. The death toll has reached over 2 million, and over 50 million have contracted the virus. With cases continuing to rise, the general public has been looking for ways to help prevent the spread and transmission of COVID.

A dangerous amount of false information has been circulating about the prevention of COVID-19 and the ways we can keep ourselves safe. Some outlandish claims that have been made with no basis in fact have included the use of colloidal silver, plant-based elixirs, and ultraviolet lamps. This misinformation has led to people believing that they could avoid getting the virus if they bought certain products.

One new health claim making the rounds is the connection between vitamin D and COVID-19. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin and steroid hormone that can be absorbed into the body through sunlight and some foods. It is needed for bone health, the metabolization of both phosphorous and calcium, and mood regulation. But can it help prevent COVID-19?

Is vitamin D important for the immune system?

There are many health benefits of vitamin D because it plays a role in so many different bodily processes. One such system that relies heavily on having enough vitamin D is the immune system. Research has shown that the nutrient is essential when it comes to fighting off infection and boosting the function of the immune system. This is because it can act as an immune system regulator and initiator.

Studies have also found a direct connection between Vitamin D and the function of immune cells. The findings state that since immune cells have an expressed vitamin D receptor, it is required for them to be able to signal properly. It also plays a vital role in the modulation of both the innate and acquired immune systems.

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Image by Ismael Paramo on Unsplash: Safety measures such as wearing a mask are important to prevent COVID-19, but vitamin D can help when it comes to the severity of the infection.

Does vitamin D protect against COVID-19?

Information regarding vitamin D and COVID-19 is promising, but there is no evidence or information demonstrating that the nutrient can protect against COVID-19. There is currently no cure for the virus and the immune system is the main defender when it comes to recovering from a COVID-19 infection. The only true way to protect oneself against contracting the virus is by following the appropriate safety measures.

These measures will be different depending on your local government and health official regulations, but the mainstays include wearing a mask in areas where you will be in close contact with people; social distancing by way of keeping at least six feet between yourself and another person; and avoiding contact with those who have an active case or symptoms of the infection. You should also be practicing good handwashing and sanitization techniques and avoiding touching your face.

What’s the connection between vitamin D and COVID-19?

Since the immune system relies heavily on vitamin D to ensure that it is functioning properly – and since it’s the only line of defense against the COVID-19 virus – it’s clear that there is a connection between Vitamin D and coronavirus. Without adequate levels of vitamin D, the immune system will not function at its best, and if it doesn’t work properly, the body may have a more difficult time fighting off the virus.

Research has found that having at least 30 ng/mL of vitamin D in the blood led to those hospitalized to have less adverse outcomes and a better fighting chance against the infection. The particular study looked at 235 patients with COVID-19 and found that patients over the age of 40 were more likely to experience milder symptoms if they had adequate levels of the nutrient compared to those who were low or deficient. With a lessened chance of hypoxia and death, vitamin D is looking promising as a way to keep the body healthy in the wake of COVID-19.

Does vitamin D deficiency increase the severity of COVID-19?

Being deficient in vitamin D can lead to several chronic health conditions including diabetes, glucose intolerance, and hypertension. A vitamin D deficiency has also been linked to the increased risk of developing certain viral diseases as well as the increased susceptibility of getting frequent infections.

Other possible health conditions that can arise due to a vitamin D deficiency include:

  • Depression
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Osteoporosis
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Development of some cancers including prostate, colon, and breast cancer
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Image by Michele Blackwell on Unsplash: Vitamin D deficiency is dangerous for your health, so if you can’t get enough through diet and sunshine alone, supplementation is necessary.

The connection between COVID and vitamin D deficiency has been clear in recent studies, which show that not having enough of the nutrient can lead to a heightened risk of developing a more severe case of the virus. One particular study looked at 216 patients with COVID-19 who were hospitalized because of the condition and found that out of the 216, over 80% were deficient in the sunshine vitamin.

In the people with lower levels of vitamin D, high inflammatory markers were also found, and longer hospital stays were also discovered to be a connection between low vitamin D levels and COVID-19 patients.

There is no cure for COVID-19. There are anti-viral medications that can control it, but for the most part when it comes to viruses, the immune system has to fight the battle on its own. Vitamin D is not a cure, nor is it a treatment option for those with severe cases of COVID-19; however, recent promising research shows it could be a helpful assistant in both recovery and in the outcome of the infection.

Featured image by Ainsley Myles on Unsplash

Which 7 Vitamins Are Most People Lacking?

For many Americans, getting the proper nutrition can be difficult. Between heavily processed diets and limited time due to demanding lifestyles, the ability to get everything your body needs on a daily basis can be an uphill battle. This is why people often suffer from nutrient deficiencies.

Nutrient deficiencies can lead to a variety of chronic health issues that could be addressed by simply upping the intake of vitamins and minerals that the body needs for its many processes. The good news is that it’s not hard to fix a nutritional deficiency as long as you know what signs to look out for. So which vitamins are most people lacking? Read on to find out.

How do I know which vitamins I’m lacking?

The body is a smart system. It works symbiotically, meaning that all its processes rely on each other to run smoothly. The digestive system, for example, needs to function optimally in order for the body to process nutrients appropriately. Without the digestive tract’s ability to absorb nutrients, the other systems within the body will not get the vitamins and minerals they need to do their jobs.

There are many signs your body might give you if you are lacking in nutrients. For example, brittle hair and nails could be a sign that the body is lacking biotin. Other hints that the body will give you when it’s starved for nutrients include:

  • Mouth ulcers or cracks in the corners of the mouth
  • Bleeding gums
  • White growths on eyes and difficulties seeing at night
  • Scaly patches of skin or dandruff
  • Hair loss
  • Red or white bumps on the skin
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Fatigue or low on energy
  • Frequent infections 

These are just some general signs; specific vitamin deficiencies will present with different symptoms.

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Image by Diana Polekhina on Unsplash: Vitamin C deficiency can lead to scurvy in serious cases, but prevention can be as easy as getting enough citrus fruits in the diet.

Vitamin deficiency diseases

A wide variety of diseases are linked to nutrient deficiency, most of which can be typically addressed with adequate intake. For example, anemia can occur in those who do not get enough vitamin B12; however, if adequate levels are restored, the disease itself will be treated effectively.

Some other common vitamin deficiency diseases and their causes include:

These are just a few of the health conditions that can arise from a lack of nutrients in the diet. However, they are also diseases that can be addressed by returning adequate levels of the vitamin itself into the body over long-term treatment.

What is the most common nutritional deficiency in the United States?

According to a report released by the CDC, there are quite a few nutritional deficiencies among the population of the United States. The most common was found to be vitamin B6. This water-soluble vitamin is also known as pyridoxine and plays a significant role in the metabolism of fat, carbohydrates, and protein. It also helps the body create red blood cells and neurotransmitters. Since the body doesn’t produce this vitamin on its own, it can be easy to become deficient if you are not getting enough from food or supplements.

The best way to get vitamin B6 from food is by eating foods that are rich in the nutrient. Some such foods include:

  • Pork
  • Poultry
  • Fish
  • Peanuts
  • Soya beans
  • Oats
  • Bananas

If diet is not enough, supplementation may be required to help keep levels of vitamin B6 where they need to be for overall health and wellness.

Most common nutrient deficiencies

Besides vitamin B6, there are six other common nutrient deficiencies that people suffer from. Each will come with its own set of symptoms to look out for so you can tell if you may need to get more in your diet.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A deficiency can lead to an impairment in the function of the immune system, rashes, and ocular effects. If you notice any changes in the way your eyes adjust to light or dark, it could be time to investigate a vitamin A deficiency.

Vitamin B12

Anemia tends to be the result of a vitamin B12 deficiency, which presents with symptoms such as chronic fatigue, weakness, pale skin, dizziness, and chest pain.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D, otherwise known as the sunshine vitamin, is important for a lot of reasons. It helps the body absorb other nutrients such as calcium and phosphorous which are vital to bone health. Symptoms of a deficiency can include fatigue, depression, and muscle aches and weakness.


If calcium deficiency lasts for a long period of time it can lead to health issues surrounding the teeth, bones, and even the brain. Symptoms of a calcium deficiency include tingling in the lips, tongue, fingers, and feet; muscle aches and spasms; seizures; and abnormal heart rhythms.


Iron is important for red blood cell health. There are two types of iron: heme, which is very well absorbed and found in meats, and non-heme, which is in both animal and plant foods but isn’t as bioavailable. Iron deficiency can also lead to anemia and symptoms include fatigue, weakness, decreased immune function, and lowered brain function.


Magnesium is important for many processes within the body and is an essential component to bone and teeth health. Some symptoms of a deficiency in this mineral are restless leg syndrome, fatigue, and migraines.

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Image by Jonathan Riley on Unsplash: Bananas and nuts are just two great sources of vitamin B6.

How to remedy nutrient deficiencies

The easiest way to address nutrient deficiencies is by adding foods to your diet that are rich in the particular vitamin you’re lacking, or by using supplementation. Supplementation may be necessary as a first course of treatment if the deficiency is particularly high. To ensure that your symptoms don’t stem from an underlying health condition, getting vitamin and nutrient levels checked is the first step on the road to fixing a vitamin deficiency.

The essential vitamins and minerals the body needs aren’t always easy to get through diet alone, but between changing your diet and increasing supplementation, you can address any nutrient deficiencies and get back to being healthy in no time.

Featured image by Adam Neiścioruk on Unsplash

Can Thymosin α-1 Treat Symptoms Of Chronic Fatigue?

Chronic fatigue syndrome is characterized as extreme tiredness or fatigue that doesn’t get better with rest. The syndrome is unlikely to be attributed to an underlying medical condition, so it can be hard to pinpoint where it’s coming from and how it started in the first place. It is sometimes referred to as myalgic encephalomyelitis or systemic exertion intolerance disease.

Since the cause of chronic fatigue syndrome isn’t easy to determine, treatment options can also be difficult to attain. Some research suggests that the condition can be caused by various ailments, including viral infection or chronic stress. The only way to diagnose chronic fatigue syndrome is by ruling out other conditions, making the illness rather difficult to diagnose and treat.

Does chronic fatigue syndrome affect the immune system?

In people with chronic fatigue syndrome, the immune system can become compromised. This is because when chronic fatigue takes a hold of the body, it can lead to a prolonged immune response where none is needed. This results in the immune system attacking the body’s own healthy tissues.

Chronic fatigue syndrome is not an autoimmune disease per se, but it does share a significant amount of features with such conditions. Researchers believe that is affects the immune system in several ways, including the overproduction of cytokines; lowered ability of natural killer cells to defend against pathogens; and changes in T-cell activation.

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Image by Who Is Margot on Pixabay: Chronic fatigue is hard to diagnose, but people who suffer from the condition could benefit from thymosin alpha-1 treatment.

What is thymosin alpha-1?

Thymosin alpha-1 is a naturally occurring fragmented peptide. This means that is a smaller version of a protein molecule. It is made up of a 28-amino acid chain that is derived from a larger protein known as prothymosin α. It is created in tissues throughout the body, the most notable being the thymus gland.

Peptides such as thymosin alpha-1 are microscopic, but play vital roles in how well the body functions. They are the regulators of a myriad of specific bodily functions. The regulation of T-cells and immune response is thymosin alpha-1’s specific function. The thymus gland plays a big role in T-cell health as they grow; when they reach maturity, thymosin alpha-1 acts a cell signaler for the T-cells so that they know when to fight off pathogens.

What does thymosin do in the body?

Researchers have found many important processes can be affected by thymosin alpha-1. As mentioned above, one of the peptide’s biggest roles is to regulate and cell-signal for proper functioning of the immune system. It does this by directly affecting the action of the innate immune system in response to pathogens. It also regulates both the adaptive immune responses and the inflammatory response. The release of thymosin alpha-1 has been shown to increase lymphocytes to help the body ward off illness.

Thymosin alpha-1 also has the ability to heighten the body’s chances at fighting off infection. In one particular study on the effects of the peptide against COVID-19, researchers found that it could significantly reduce the risk of mortality of the viral infection by restoring T-cell numbers and reversing T-cell exhaustion.

Other conditions that have seen benefit from the use of thymosin alpha include:

  • Hepatitis B and C
  • Some forms of cancer
  • Autoimmunity
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Lyme disease
  • DiGeorge’s syndrome

For many conditions that require a boost in the immune function, thymosin alpha-1 has been an effective supplemental treatment.

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Image by Swift Science Writing on Pixabay: Immune cells are designed to fight off infection, but sometimes they need a little boost to do their job properly.

What are the benefits of taking a thymosin alpha-1 supplement? 

Because thymosin alpha-1 can help regulate and boost both immune and inflammatory processes, the benefits of supplementation can lead to a higher ability to fight off infection and avoid further illness.

When the peptide stimulates T-cells, it leads to an overall better response against viruses, bacteria, and tumor cells. It gives the immune response the boost it needs to become stronger against pathogens, which leads to a better immune function overall. It has also been shown to regulate inflammation caused by diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, systemic lupus, and erythematosus. Other studies have shown that the peptide has the ability to increase the efficacy of vaccinations by supporting its ability to keep infection at bay.

Overall, the benefits that can be achieved by taking thymosin alpha-1 include:

  • Strengthened immune system
  • Lowering of widespread inflammation
  • Increase in the number and efficacy of T-cells
  • Eradication of damaged and unhealthy cells to hinder multiplication
  • Prevention of the spreading of disease throughout the body
  • Aid in recovery from chronic fatigue
  • Protection against oxidative stress

Other promising research has shown thymosin alpha-1 to be effective in treating a wide variety of cancers, although more study into the area will need to be conducted in terms of what it lacks when it comes to tumor targeting.  

Is thymosin alpha-1 safe?

Thymosin has been used in the treatment of viral infections and immune disorders for over four decades, and it is generally considered to be a safe and effective supplement for boosting immune function, warding off illnesses, and improving the symptoms of other chronic conditions.

Vital RX’s Immune Health Subscription Box includes thymosin alpha-1 to help boost immune function. Without a properly functioning immune system, the body is susceptible to chronic disease, illness, and infection, so if your system needs a boost, supplementation might be the answer.

Featured image by Dimitrisvetsikas1969 on Pixabay

What Is DHEA Used For?

The human body is a well-oiled machine. All systems run symbiotically to help maintain optimal levels of health throughout a person’s life. There are certain things the body needs to be given to help keep those processes running up to par, such as vitamins and minerals, while other substances are produced naturally. One such hormone that the body creates all on its own is dehydroepiandrosterone, or DHEA.

This hormone is produced in the adrenal glands and lends a hand in the production of other hormones such as testosterone and estrogen. Natural levels of DHEA tend to decrease as the body ages – a factor that is thought to play a role in the development of certain chronic age-related ailments such as heart disease and depression. The depletion of naturally occurring DHEA starts around age 30 and continues throughout the rest of adulthood. 

Is DHEA a steroid?

DHEA is a steroid that acts as a precursor for hormone production. It is mostly produced by cholesterol, but can be created by the ovaries and testes in small amounts. Since it is the highest circulating steroid within the human body, it holds power over the production of various other important hormones.

What does DHEA do in the body?

As mentioned above, DHEA is responsible for helping the body to create different hormones. The brain is in control of the production of DHEA. A negative feedback message is sent to the brain when levels of DHEA begin to drop. When this occurs, the brain can essentially flip the switch back on so that DHEA can be produced in larger amounts when needed. When the levels return to where they need to be, that negative feedback message is turned off.

The levels of DHEA within the body control the levels of hormones; thus, it is used to help avoid hormonal imbalances that could lead to a variety of health problems. Many conditions can lead to disrupted hormone levels, and DHEA is the precursor designed to remedy that.

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Image by Bennett Tobias on Unsplash: Low levels of DHEA have been associated with the onset of osteoporosis.

What are the symptoms of low DHEA?

Since DHEA is an important part of hormone regulation and production, an imbalance can lead to various health conditions and issues. DHEA levels have the potential to be both too high and too low.

When DHEA levels are too high, symptoms can vary, and are generally worse in women. These symptoms include:

  • Lack of menstruation
  • Overgrowth of body and facial hair
  • Acne
  • Hair loss
  • Trouble conceiving
  • Deepening of the voice
  • Male pattern baldness
  • Adam’s apple

High levels of DHEA can also affect children, and may lead to the early development of pubic and underarm hair.

When DHEA levels are low, the resulting conditions and symptoms are considered more serious. Since DHEA levels decrease with age, several of the conditions associated with low DHEA levels can be seen as age-related. Illnesses that can develop due to low DHEA levels include:

If levels of DHEA are decreasing irregularly, it could mean that the body is experiencing other ailments, such as:

  • Damage to the adrenal glands and their function
  • Addison’s disease
  • Hypopituitarism

DHEA is a vital component when it comes to hormone health, and unbalanced levels can lead to serious health conditions if not addressed promptly.

What are the benefits of taking DHEA?

There is a lot of research surrounding DHEA and how increasing levels can attribute to overall health. Although DHEA is a naturally occurring hormone precursor, it can also be taken as a form of supplementation when levels begin to go down.

Some research has found that since lowered bone density is associated with low levels of DHEA, supplementation can lead to an improvement in bone density, especially as people age. It has been found to have a more effective result on women than it does on men, however.

Research has also shown that taking DHEA as a supplement can help increase strength and improve physical performance for older adults who may suffer from adrenal gland dysfunction. Studies have been contradictory when it comes to improving muscle mass or performance of people at any age, and most of the research has focused on older adults.

Another condition that DHEA may show promise in treating is depression. Studies have found that those suffering from mental illness without responding to other forms of treatment may find relief from symptoms by supplementing with DHEA. There is other evidence to suggest that too-high levels of DHEA can exacerbate symptoms of depression in middle-aged women, though more research is needed to come to a distinct conclusion.   

Since DHEA plays a role in the creation of the male and female sex hormones, it has also been shown to help improve sexual function, libido, and fertility.

Adrenal fatigue or other issues with the proper functioning of the adrenal glands could also benefit from the use of a DHEA supplement. When the adrenal glands are not functioning as they should, people can experience chronic fatigue, weakness, and blood pressure changes. Research has found that taking DHEA as a supplement in those with adrenal insufficiency can lead to an overall improved quality of life for those who suffer from the condition.

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Image by Sydney Sims on Unsplash: One of the benefits of DHEA could be the ability to help curb depression symptoms.

How long does DHEA take to work?

Taking DHEA supplements can help improve adrenal insufficiency and lead to a better quality of life. Dosing tends to be around 25–50 mg a day and it has been found to be safe and effective for a period of up to two years. Changes in symptoms are generally experienced within four months of the first dose, but changes can occur in a shorter or longer timeframe, as people response differently to supplementation.

Depending on your current state of health, DHEA may be the right supplement for you. It is always best to speak to your doctor about new supplementation prior to beginning a regimen. Vital RX’s Fitness and Energy Subscription boxes both contain DHEA to help aid in adrenal health and the regulation of hormones for overall wellness.

Featured image by Paweł Czerwiński on Unsplash

10 Supplements That Will Improve Your Fitness Levels

Often when people think of fitness, they think of exercise. Many people don’t realize how much nutrition has to do with how well the body can handle physical activity and how stamina levels are affected by what someone eats or doesn’t eat.

The modern diet is often lacking in the proper amounts of essential vitamins and minerals the body needs to participate in and maintain optimal fitness levels. That is why many people turn to dietary supplements for exercise and athletic performance. Taking supplements to help boost your fitness levels can be a helping hand on the road to a better level of athleticism, but it’s important to know which supplements are best for you. Below we’ll take a look at 10 particular supplements that will improve your fitness levels.

Should you take workout supplements?

As previously mentioned, supplementation is designed to do just that: supplement. It is not a replacement for healthy eating, nor should it be treated as such. However, as people age and the body begins to slow production of certain nutrients or lose the ability to process and store others, supplementing certain vitamins and minerals is entirely necessary, regardless of diet.

The same can be said for those wanting to up their fitness performance. It is also worth noting that you will not reach optimal levels of muscle gain if your diet is not where it should be, so supplementation should follow diet if you want to live up to your full fitness potential. For example, if you’re working out to gain muscle but your body is breaking down more protein than you consume, you aren’t likely to see much difference.

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Image by Sabine Mondestin on Pixabay: Building muscle requires enough protein, or else workout efforts could be fruitless.

What supplements should I take if I just started working out?

Starting a new workout routine can be difficult, even if diet is up to par. The body has to get used to moving more than it used to and it can be tough to get into a good physical routine that is both challenging and feasible in terms of your current state of health.

Two of the most commonly used supplements by fitness enthusiasts are branched chain amino acids and protein. As mentioned, taking protein is a great start because your body needs it to build muscle, and studies have shown it to be effective in long-term muscle building.

You’ll also want to invest in some branched chain amino acids, as muscle also needs a good level of BCAAs to induce protein synthesis. In the event that you have a hard time getting going, you can also take something for a pre-workout jolt, such as caffeine or a pre-workout blend that contains both caffeine and carbohydrates.

Dietary supplements for exercise and athletic performance

There is a myriad of different health supplements that can help encourage overall fitness levels aside by encouraging the growth of lean muscle mass.

1. Vitamin D3

Some research has found that being deficient in vitamin D can hinder athletic performance greatly, and that those with adequate levels were able to improve performance during fitness testing in comparison to those without adequate levels.

2. Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is needed in the creation of red blood cells, which help to transport oxygen where it needs to go. Without adequate levels of oxygen in the body, physical fitness will suffer greatly. 


Bone health is important when it comes to fitness, because healthier bones lead to increased ability to participate in different workout routines. DHEA was found to boost bone health, making it easier to work out effectively.

4. Synapsin

Research has found that regular exercise can increase synapsin levels within the body, thus leading to elevated levels of protein.

5. G.A.C.

Otherwise known as glutamine, arginine, and carnitine, this group of amino acids gives the body energy by converting glycogen. This can aid fitness levels due to helping the body return to a healthy body weight, increasing stamina, and improving circulation. It has also been shown to prevent muscle loss.

6. MK-677

This active nonpeptide has been shown to encourage fat-free mass in weight loss efforts, thus leading to greater physical fitness overall.

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Image by Monicore on Pixabay: Fish oil is good for the brain, but did you know it can also improve fitness levels?

Best supplements for endurance athletes

To take endurance and stamina up a level, some supplements stand out more than others. The following are thought to improve athletic performance when taken regularly.

7. Fish oil

Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to help increase overall endurance levels by improving neuromotor functions. The ingredient that is thought to be the biggest driver is docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). One study on female soccer players found that it could have a positive impact on reaction time as well as precision and efficiency.

8. Creatine

Creatine is one of the most popular supplements for physical fitness because of the effects it has on building muscle and overall levels of strength. It is naturally occurring in the body and gives cells energy to keep moving.

Many studies have found that the use of creatine supplements during an exercise regimen can significantly increase the body’s ability to gain muscle, increase levels of strength and fat-free mass, and improve physical performance.

9. Beta alanine

Typically used during high-intensity workouts, this particular supplement has been shown to delay muscle fatigue and improve stamina. When it comes to endurance exercises, beta-alanine can help you go the extra mile.

10. Sodium phosphate

Sodium phosphate is more commonly used a food preservative; however, studies have shown that the supplement can lead to an increase in red blood cells’ ability to transfer oxygen throughout the body, thus reducing tiredness levels and increasing stamina.

Taking supplements that will improve your fitness levels could be the boost you need to stay on track with your physical goals. Vital RX’s Fitness Subscription Box contains many of the aforementioned ingredients to help you boost your overall levels of physical fitness and get on the road to a healthier you.

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What’s Included In Our Fitness Subscription Box (And Why)

Being physically unfit can lead to a myriad of different health problems. Cardiovascular and respiratory health is highly dependent on physical fitness to be at its best. The strength and amount of muscle you have on your body will also determine how well you’re able to move, and function.

When fitness isn’t up to par, all of your systems can suffer – and when that happens, the body gets sick. It’s inevitable, because each system relies heavily on the other and they all require movement to function properly.

As many as 80% of Americans are lacking when it comes to getting adequate exercise. Due to modern-day sedentary lifestyles, moving enough can be a real challenge for most people, whether due to time constraints or physical inability due to chronic disease. For those who want to step up their fitness game, supplementation may be required to help get moving and back to optimal health.

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Image by Derick McKinney on Unsplash: Many people opt for protein shakes because of their proven ability to help build muscle following intense workouts.

What supplements should I take for fitness?

Whether you are the type who enjoys minimal physical activity or someone who works out an hour a day, supplementation can be a great help on the road to true physical fitness. Not all supplements are created equal, though, and some can be of much greater benefit for those who want to move more in their daily lives.

For building muscle, many people opt for protein supplements because protein has been shown to help increase muscle mass. Other supplements people choose to take while taking on a fitness routine include:


Popular among athletes and sports scientists, creatine is used as a pre-workout supplement to help increase performance, muscle mass, and overall strength.


Beta-alanine is an amino acid taken by people who work out regularly to help fight off dreaded muscle tiredness, although its efficacy in improving exercise ability over long periods of time may be lesser than the typical boost it gives during short bursts of exercise.


Another amino acid that’s popular among fitness enthusiasts is citrulline. It’s naturally produced in the body but is taken as a supplement to increase levels for better exercise performance due to increased oxygen flow.

Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs)

BCAAs include three very important molecules that help in overall exercise performance by reducing mental fatigue and speeding up recovery time.  


Nitrate is generally found in vegetables, but it is also produced naturally in the body in small amounts. Some research has suggests that it can help with fitness due to its ability to increase blood flow.


This essential nutrient can help with blood pressure, recovery, and muscle soreness.

How do peptides help muscle growth?

Research on the use of peptides in older adults, specifically collagen peptides, has shown that they can have a direct effect on how much muscle mass a person has overall, as well as their level of strength. The aforementioned creatine is another peptide that can help boost muscle growth in those with regular fitness routines. Since peptides are a sort of mini-protein, they can have positive effects on muscle-building while also being easier for the body to absorb.

Other health benefits of peptides

Peptides aren’t just good for fitness. Research has shown that they hold a plethora of health benefits when taken properly and for the right reasons. Health conditions that can benefit from the use of peptide supplementation include:

Although this list is not exhaustive, it does highlight the many different uses for peptides. New research is ongoing in the realm of peptides for different health conditions, and it’s likely that will continue as they increase in popularity among health aficionados.

Vital RX - exercise
Image by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash: Peptides can help build muscle and improve stamina.

What is the best fitness box subscription?

There are many new subscription boxes to choose from if you’re looking to supplement your fitness routine. The Vital RX Fitness Subscription Box manages to stand out from the crowd with its carefully curated selection of essential vitamins, nutrients, and peptides that aim to improve fitness levels.

So, what are the key ingredients in the Vital RX Fitness Subscription Box? All of them have proven abilities to aid in the increase of overall fitness levels. Let’s take a closer look.


MK-677 is an active nonpeptide that can increase the body’s secretion of the human growth hormone (HGH). When this happens, it can help to increase fat-free mass, which will then lead to a better ability to participate in fitness-related activities.


Otherwise known as G.A.C, glutamine, arginine, and carnitine are amino acids that work together as a group to help convert glycogen into energy. This helps to decrease fat stores within the body and burn more calories during a workout. It can aid in weight loss, but has also been shown to increase stamina, improve circulation, and prevent muscle loss.


Synapsins are proteins that belong to the same family and are involved in neurotransmitter release. They assist in maintaining levels of NAD within the body so that the regulation of cell metabolism is balanced. Research has found that synapsin levels can increase with regular exercise, and having elevated levels of the proteins from more exercise can help boost brain function.

Vitamin B12

This essential vitamin is needed for a plethora of different functions, including red blood cell formation and cell metabolism as well as DNA production and nerve function. Vitamin B12 also plays a vital role in energy levels.


DHEA is considered the source of sex hormones and has been referred to as the “youth hormone”. Research has shown that it can help boost bone health, leading to lessened risk for osteoarthritis, as well as enhancing memory.

Featured image by Luis Quintero on Unsplash

11 Supplements That Are Great For Detoxing

The human body is a marvel of chemical processes. Every organ has a specific job, and when they’re all functioning optimally, overall health is at its best. The liver, specifically, is used to help rid the body of toxins that can accumulate over time. If the build-up is too much, it can lead to chronic illness and other health complications.

Proper functioning of the liver is vital to the natural detoxification process, but sometimes, it can’t manage against the overabundance of heavy metals and bio-accumulated pollutants. This is where detox support supplements can come in to play to help restore the liver to its full capacity. Below we’ll take a look at some supplements that are great for detoxing.

What is detoxing?

The increased numbers of bio-pollutants and the use of heavy metals in everyday life have led to an increased risk of toxicity within the body. Detoxing is the process by which those harmful substances are neutralized and eliminated. Generally speaking, detoxification is a natural process that manages itself, but when the liver isn’t functioning at its best, it could use a little help.

This is where other forms of encouraged detoxification come from. From changing a diet to help reduce the amount of toxins being ingested, to participating in detoxification methods such as chelation therapy and sauna therapy, there are many ways one can encourage their body to reach optimal health through detoxification.

What is heavy metal poisoning?

Heavy metals are naturally occurring elements that the body can use in trace amounts for a variety of functions. These heavy metals, such as zinc, iron, and copper, need to be present for bodily functions to perform as they should. But when the soft tissues in the body accumulate too much of these heavy metals – or others that the body does not need, including mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic – it can cause a wide variety of health repercussions.

Symptoms will vary depending on the level of toxicity as well as the type of metal ingested, but often include:

  • Gastrointestinal distress such as nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chills
  • Weakness and fatigue
  • Tingling in the hands and feet

Although this is not an exhaustive list, these are the general symptoms that accompany many types of heavy metal poisoning.

What are bio-accumulated pollutants?

Pollutants can be found everywhere: in the air, in the food you eat, and in water sources. Examples of harmful pollutants that can build up within the body and cause chronic health issues include:

  • Nitrate
  • Fluoride
  • Organic chemicals such as pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and solvents
  • Radionuclides such as uranium
  • Asbestos
  • Second-hand smoke
  • Aerosols
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Carbon monoxide
  • Fossil fuels
  • Fertilizers

Different bio-accumulated pollutants will have varied effects on health. For example, when too much fluoride is ingested, it can lead to neurotoxicity.

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Image by Tim Bogdanov on Unsplash: Having a healthy liver can make all the difference to your overall levels of wellness.

Supplements that are great for detoxing

Milk thistle

Milk thistle is used as a detox supplement because of its positive effect on liver function. It’s a common component in the treatment of liver disease damage because it can help to restore the natural detoxification effects of the organ.


One study found that spirulina has protective benefits for those who suffer from chronic liver disease. It was found that spirulina acted as an antioxidant, helped rid the body of free radicals, encouraged the chelation process, and prevented further damage to the liver.


Chlorella can be found in detox supplements for extra support of liver function because of its ability to bind to heavy metals within the body.

Barley grass

To help improve liver function, barley grass reduces inflammation that can often be induced by alcohol consumption.


Gut bacteria have an effect on all bodily processes, including liver function. Having optimal microbiota health can improve harmful interactions in people with hepatic disease.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is widely known as an immune-boosting supplement, but it earns its spot on the list of best supplements for a detox diet because of its ability to protect the liver against hepatoxic substances.

Activated charcoal

Most notably used in to help treat poisoning and overdoses, activated charcoal gets its liver-boosting properties from its ability to bind to drugs and toxins in the body and eliminate them.


Zeolite has been used in a variety of ways, including medicine, cosmetics, manufacturing, and ecology. It aids in the detoxification process by binding to harmful substances in the gastrointestinal tract and removing them from the system.


Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that occurs naturally within the body. It aids in the prevention of oxidative stress by promoting balance between free radicals and antioxidants. It has also been shown to help improve cell function in those who have fatty liver disease.

Calcium-D glucarate

The binding of calcium and d-glucaric acid give this particular supplement its liver-protecting benefits. Research has shown that it does this by encouraging the liver’s natural processes, as well as protecting against toxin build-up and excess levels of steroidal hormones.

Licorice root

Studies suggest that licorice root can support detoxification at the same time as limiting early liver cell death.

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Image by Freestocks on Unsplash: Looking for a supplement for detox support? Vitamin C is a great assistant when it comes to restoring healthy liver function.

If the liver is functioning as it should, the use of supplements for detox isn’t generally necessary. Also, certain supplements may work better or worse depending on the level of health of the liver overall. But in those with liver disease, supplements to help improve symptoms and decrease the progression of the illness are best, whereas in those with a one-off build-up of toxins can benefit from supplements that bind to heavy metals and pollutants. This way, the liver will be able to flush out toxins on its own and return you to optimal health.

Featured image by Foodism 360 on Unsplash

11 Supplements That Can Boost Your Energy Levels This Winter

With winter on the way, energy levels are bound to decrease. Less time outside in the sunshine and warm weather can make even the healthiest person feel as though they need an afternoon nap. But even if your energy levels take a hit because of seasonal changes, there are ways to improve them.

The body relies heavily on different processes to stay balanced. Everything from the immune system to organ function can have detrimental effects on energy levels. The energy metabolism is one of those systems that needs a constant flow of the right things to operate at its best. Getting the proper amount of restful sleep, exercise, hydration, vitamins and nutrients can all make a huge difference when battling dips in energy this winter – and so can supplements that boost energy levels.

What is the energy metabolism?

When the food you consume is digested, the body breaks it down to single out certain nutrients. It sends these where they need to go and converts them into energy. The chemical reactions that are undergone to transform food to energy exist in a cycle, which needs to be steady to be ideal.

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Image by Brooke Lark on Unsplash: How can I boost my energy level in the winter? As well as eating a nutritious, balanced diet, you can add some supplements to your routine.

What is the best vitamin to take in winter?

The body goes through many changes with the seasons. For example, for people in areas where the weather grows cold, their brain signals their body to begin storing more fat for the winter as an evolutionary response to having less food. This circannual rhythm can lead to increased levels of metabolic syndrome, leaving people with lower levels of energy and feelings of chronic fatigue. 

To battle the effects of seasonal changes, supplements can help. The best vitamins to take in the winter to help keep energy levels up include:

Vitamin D

Since there is less sun and it can be harder to spend time outdoors, many people suffer from lowered levels of vitamin D during the winter months. This seemingly unavoidable deficiency can be managed with a higher intake of the vitamin.

Vitamin C

Flu season often begins in the fall and goes well into winter. When the risk of coming down with the illness increases, energy levels could be compromised when the immune system is working harder to keep you healthy. Vitamin C can assist immunity, thus helping to keep energy levels where they should be.


Both iron and energy metabolism are directly related to respiratory health. Iron is needed to help transport oxygen throughout the body. If oxygen levels are depleted because of low levels of iron, fatigue will take over.

Supplements that boost energy levels

Battling chronic fatigue can be difficult, especially in the winter months. But there are quite a few supplements that can be taken regularly to help keep up energy levels when they feel depleted. These include:


Considered a medicinal herb in Ayurveda medicine, ashwagandha has been shown to solidify resilience throughout the body when under bouts of great mental or physical stress. The stress caused by seasonal changes can be curbed with the use of this supplement, thus increasing energy levels.

Coenzyme Q10

The body uses CoQ10 to protect against oxidative damage. If there isn’t enough of this nutrient available, energy levels will suffer due to lessened availability of much-needed oxygen.

Vitamin B12

Although seasonal changes may not contribute to lower levels of B12, not having enough can often lead to worsened symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD can lead to fatigue, so supplementation with B12 could combat this.


Creatine has a direct effect on the body’s energy levels because it gives phosphate to the adenosine triphosphate molecule. The ADP provides energy to cells, so if it is without the necessary phosphate, energy levels can suffer.

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Image by Ben White on Unsplash: What vitamins can I take to increase my energy levels in the winter?

Vital RX Energy Box

Vital RX has created a number of different subscription boxes with supplements designed to keep you healthy all year round. The Immune Subscription Box is full of immune-boosting ingredients to help battle seasonal flu and cold, while the Energy Box can help keep your stamina up even on the coldest, darkest days. Here are some of the supplements contained in these boxes:

MIC Combo Blend

Generally used in fat loss, lipotropic injections can help promote overall fat loss in the body when used in conjunction with diet and exercise. The use of this supplement in the Energy Box is to help people get to a healthy weight, which improves energy levels.


Synapsin are proteins. They are in their highest amounts within the nervous system and have a direct effect on cell metabolism regulation. Synapsin work with the ATP to help keep energy levels where they’re supposed to be.


The sex hormone DHEA is commonly known as the “youth hormone”. It boosts bone strength and can help increase memory function and bone health.


To help support bone density, lean body mass, and increased muscle mass, the peptide MK677 is included in the Energy Box. It has shown to be effective in reducing overall body weight, which can lead to better energy expenditure.

The aforementioned supplements can assist in keeping everything running as it should so that you can stay energized through the winter months. Vitamins for fatigue tend to contribute to a variety of other processes within the body, so it’s often a win-win to add these into your routine.

Featured image by Freestocks on Unsplash

Health Supplement Subscription Boxes: The New Normal In Health Care

With the soaring costs of health care and the current pandemic crisis, many Americans are looking at new ways to approach health. Spending thousands on insurance (or not being able to afford insurance in the first place) has put a strain on many people, and that extra stress does more harm than good when it comes to operating at optimal health on a day-to-day basis.

The rise of more specific forms of testing to more accurately pinpoint ailments that could likely pop up in the future has led to an increased demand for health supplement subscription boxes. When people are aware of their genetic predisposition, what vitamins and nutrients they’re lacking, and what they can do to boost their health, they are empowered with more health care options than ever.

Do health supplements actually work?

The body needs certain vitamins and nutrients to thrive. Since it is symbiotic in nature, every system needs to be in proper functioning order for the others to do their respective jobs. If one part of the body begins to suffer and break down, others are sure to follow shortly after. Nowadays, though, things like poor diet, high levels of pollutants in the air, and unhealthy lifestyles contribute to the worsening of the health of Americans as a whole.

Health supplementation is a way to help avoid the breakdown of bodily processes before they happen. Taking a daily vitamin has been a popular way to get all the nutrients needed to sustain healthy living. Taking the proper supplements not only works, but can be a driver in overall health if done so methodically. This means knowing when to take supplements, how much, and for how long.

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Image by Lion Five on Pixabay: DNA markers are now being widely used to help determine chronic illness risk factors more specifically.

Genetic and environmental factors

In the past, it was difficult to predict certain diseases if you weren’t already participating in risk factor behavior. Smokers, for example, knew they were more susceptible to heart disease and lung cancer – but that doesn’t account for the genetic aspect of disease development. Today, there are many test from infancy through to adulthood that can determine whether a person is more likely to develop a disease later on in life.

Another factor that hasn’t been utilized in the past prevention of disease is nutrient density. Holistic medicine focuses largely on nutrition and natural treatments for disease. Understanding that the food you consume is a big contributor to how your body functions is not a new idea, but it has been garnering more attention due to the rise in the healthy lifestyle movement. 

How do health supplement subscription boxes work?

Subscription boxes of all kinds are unique, often personalized shopping experiences. They tend to come with at least one questionnaire regarding personal selection and taste so that the products a customers receives are tailored to them. The same model has been used for health supplement subscription boxes.

During the initial sign-up, you will likely be asked to provide details into your health and medical history so that the company can have a better idea of what will help your ailments. Some companies have even gone the extra mile to provide consumers with the opportunity to personalize using DNA and blood type for a more effective health box.

How to use supplement subscription boxes

Some studies have found that the use of multivitamins isn’t helpful in the long run, but many health care professionals see the positive effects of specific dietary supplements in patients who suffer from chronic disease. For example, a person suffering from Lyme disease may be low in many vitamins and minerals, including vitamin D and magnesium. Therefore, supplementation of these necessary nutrients is vital in recovery.

In the case of those who do not have a chronic disease, vitamin deficiencies are still possible and even common. This is where the best supplement subscription boxes for health come into play. They are strategically designed to address specific health ailments and deficiencies so that people can regain control of their health. 

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Image by Silviarita on Pixabay: Vitamin D, otherwise known as the sunshine vitamin, is a common deficiency that can lead to chronic health issues if not addressed.

How much do supplement subscription boxes cost?

The cost for a supplement subscription box will likely range widely across different brands, types, quality of ingredients used, and length and frequency of the subscription. Vital RX uses high-quality ingredients curated by a team of health care professionals to deliver the products and nutritional supplements most likely to make a change towards optimal health.

Vital RX’s available boxes vary depending on need. The immune health box has been popular because of the approaching winter months, as well as the need for stronger immune systems to battle a potential COVID-19 infection, whereas the detox box helps the body in its natural detoxification process so that if pollutants do happen to build up, they can be eliminated with ease. Each Vital RX box comes with a price tag of $595.00.

The trend is likely here to stay

Preventive medicine is making its way into traditional health care, and with it comes more demand for ways to prevent disease and chronic illness as opposed to solely seeking cures. When it comes to preventive medicine, health supplement subscription boxes could be a helpful tool to keep up with one’s health and prevent deficiency, disease, or a drop in quality of physical or mental health.

With the rise in popularity of all types of subscription boxes, it’s likely that those dedicated directly to health will continue gaining steam in the coming years. After all, it’s better to avoid getting sick than it is to be nursed back to health.

Featured image by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash