Having low energy levels or suffering from chronic fatigue can make even life’s basic tasks that much more difficult. In today’s fast-paced society, many people find it difficult to stick to a diet and exercise routine that provides them with the optimal amount of nutrients and movement to keep their energy levels where they need to be. Pair that with a lack of sleep due to demanding lifestyles at home and work, and energy levels become even more depleted.
But aside from the aforementioned diet, exercise, and sleep routines, there are a few more ways to boost energy levels. One such way is through an energy subscription box, like the one offered by Vital RX, which contains high-quality ingredients designed to give your body that extra boost it needs to keep up with all of life’s demands.
People can suffer from low energy for a plethora of reasons, and no two people are alike when it comes to why they’re suffering from chronic fatigue. Possible reasons you may be tired all the time include:
Carbohydrates generally give you energy to use throughout the day because the body breaks them down and turns them into sugar as an energy source. When you fill up too much on these foods, though, it can backfire. This is because carbs can lead to a spike in blood sugar levels, and when that happens, your body works in overdrive to produce more insulin to help rid the body of the excess sugar. Research has shown that limiting refined carbs has a direct connection to increased energy levels.
For those suffering from CFS, getting up to exercise could be a daunting task, but it could actually be the reason for your extra tiredness throughout the day. Exercising can help to reduce overall fatigue levels among both healthy people and those suffering from chronic or terminal illnesses.
Not getting enough sleep can cause tiredness, but high-quality sleep is more important than the number of hours you spend in bed. Research found that if you get seven hours of uninterrupted sleep per night, your body is able to go through the five stages of the sleep cycle, leading to less fatigue overall.
The body needs water to function, and if it is dehydrated, it’s likely that you’ll suffer from low energy levels. While you move throughout the day, you lose fluid that needs to be replenished to keep energy levels up.
Other chronic illnesses can also lead to fatigue and low energy levels, such as autoimmune disorders, viral infections, mental illness, and hormone imbalances.
There are ways to naturally boost energy levels if you feel as though chronic fatigue has taken a hold of your life. Although some may be harder to accomplish than others, when used in conjunction with diet, exercise, sleep, and supplementation, they can go a long way to restore how energized you are to take on your day.
Stress is a huge energy zapper, and it can lead to a host of other health problems that will deplete your energy even further. When the body is undergoing too much stress, it releases cortisol. The hormone is generally responsible for the regulation of the stress response, but in high levels, it can lead to chronic fatigue syndrome. CFS causes the body to become tired and weak; patients often experience sleep disturbances, which advances the condition even further.
Managing stress levels if a great way to avoid CFS and increase energy levels naturally. Other ways to help keep you energized include:
Following the above steps along with supplementation can increase energy levels and help rid the body of chronic fatigue.
There is no one supplement that reigns supreme when it comes to boosting energy levels, but there are a few that, when put together, can work wonders. For example, ashwagandha has shown to increase energy by offering further resilience to stress levels. In the case of mental fatigue, the herb rhodiola was found to have a positive effect when people were taking it regularly.
Other natural herbs and supplements that can be taken to help combat low energy levels include:
This coenzyme is found naturally in the body and is used by cells to create energy while protecting systems from oxidative stress. Without adequate levels of CoQ10, the body has a hard time producing energy to stay healthy, thus leading to extreme tiredness.
Many people, especially women, may suffer from low levels of iron. Iron assists in the way oxygen is transported throughout the body by creating hemoglobin. When levels are low, red blood cells have a harder time carrying oxygen, which leads to tiredness and chronic fatigue.
Beetroot powder contains nitrate, which assists in the production of oxide, increasing blood flow and thus giving your body a better chance at producing energy.
The above are just a few examples of supplements that can help battle chronic fatigue. Vital RX’s energy boost supplement box contains other vital nutrients that can play a pivotal role in combating chronic fatigue and overall tiredness. Let’s take a look at some of the box’s ingredients.
Lipotropic injections contain high levels of vitamins and nutrients that can help battle chronic fatigue. They often contain Vitamin B12, methionine, inositol, and choline. When taken regularly, this can help maintain energy levels.
NAD is crucial when it comes to regulating cell metabolism. Synapsin helps to maintain healthy levels of NAD in human cells, acting as a protector when it comes to neurological effects and chronic stress. Since chronic stress often leads to chronic fatigue, the addition of synapsin can help mitigate the body’s responses, leading to more energy overall.
DHEA is a hormone precursor in the human body and is a source of sex hormones. Studies have shown that when administered to patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, DHEA can reduce the symptoms significantly, restoring overall energy levels.
This active nonpeptide plays a crucial role in bone health, but can also help increase energy levels by improving sleep quality and cognitive function.
Featured image by Jordan Opel on Unsplash