Does HGH Help Your Immune System?

The past few years have brought the importance of the immune system front and center for many people. The onset of a global pandemic has made being healthy enough to fight off a viral infection even more vital. With rising cases and death tolls, there has been a lot of talk about which medications, supplements, or other factors could be used to improve the body’s ability to battle against infection.

One such supplement that has been explored for its effects on immunity is HGH, otherwise known as human growth hormone. But what is HGH, exactly? What can it do for the overall health of the body? And does HGH help your immune system?

What is HGH?

HGH, also known as somatotropin, is a type of peptide hormone that is naturally occurring in the body. It is secreted by the pituitary gland, a bean-shaped gland that sits at the base of the brain. The hormone itself consists of one chain of amino acids. The number of amino acids on the single chain is 191.

The production of the hormone is regulated by other hormones. One in particular, growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH), is mainly responsible for its production. GHRH is produced in the hypothalamus, which is another gland located in the brain. Other hormones involved in controlling HGH production include somatostatin and ghrelin.

HGH is produced on an hourly basis, so the body always has some level of HGH secretion happening. The highest levels can be seen following exercise, sleep, or trauma, and nighttime is when the hormone peaks at its highest level.

white blood cells
Image by FLY:D on Unsplash: Does HGH increase white blood cells?

What does HGH do in the body?

HGH is most commonly associated with growth during childhood, as well as the health of the metabolism. It helps bones and cartilage grow during the early years of a person’s life. The release of HGH activates certain proteins that are involved in cell signaling and drive bone-forming cells to replicate. This process of cell signaling also leads to an increase in cellular growth and gene replication.

HGH plays a role in the function of a person’s metabolism by upregulating the insulin-like growth factor 1 – a polypeptide hormone that is similar to insulin in structure. When that regulation occurs because of HGH, protein synthesis and amino acid uptake increase within the body. HGH can also reduce how much glucose is found in the muscles and tissues.

Recent research has also found that there is more to HGH than was once previously thought, and that it can actually play various roles, including helping to regulate the composition of the body and maintain healthy heart function.

What are the positive effects of HGH?

When looking at HGH from a supplemental standpoint, there are several positive effects it can have. Since HGH is highest in childhood and plays a role in growth and development, recent research has looked into whether or not the hormone can help with issues that may arise due to low levels of natural HGH, such as a decreased ability to exercise, muscle mass loss, and lower bone density. It was found that taking an oral supplement of HGH did help to restore higher levels in healthy adults.

People with certain health issues may also benefit from HGH because it causes levels to deplete or affects the body’s ability to hold onto muscle mass. Some conditions that could benefit include muscle loss caused by HIV/AIDS or short bowel syndrome. The most positive effects of HGH are associated with increasing a person’s endurance and exercise tolerability. Other claims have been made surrounding its use in anti-aging, but these have not been clinically proven as yet.

supplement pills
Image by Christina Victoria Craft on Unsplash: Do HGH supplements really work?

Is there a connection between HGH and the immune system?

HGH has been found to play a crucial role in the development of the immune system throughout childhood. Because of this, there have been many claims that it could also help immune function as an adult. There is some research to back up these claims, but a lot of it revolves around certain diseases that cause the immune system to become weak.

For example, one study looked at HGH as a way to control COVID-19. The researchers found that many patients who were more vulnerable to the worst effects of the viral infection were found to be deficient in HGH. While the study called for more research surrounding HGH and COVID-19, it is their thought that HGH could potentially be helpful in reducing the risk of severe disease in those who contract the infection due to a weakened immune system. 

A clinical trial conducted on HGH and immunity also found that there was a connection between the immune system and the growth hormone. Specifically, the connection was because of the effect HGH has on the thymus, an irregular-shaped gland that produces immune cells known as T-lymphocytes. The trial found that HGH could actually stimulate the production of more disease-fighting cells, essentially boosting the immune system by promoting growth of the thymus.

While more research is needed to shed light on HGH and what it can do for both the overall health of the body and the function of the immune system, recent studies have found that it plays a much larger role than simply helping people grow during childhood.

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What Does The CJC Peptide Do In The Body?

Peptides are similar to proteins, but smaller in size. They are short-chain amino acids that play vital roles in many different processes throughout the body. Peptides are naturally occurring, meaning they are biological molecules that the body produces to help things run smoothly. They target different systems and consist of 2–50 short-chain amino acids.

When it comes to certain health conditions, peptide therapy has been researched widely as an effective way to restore and regulate different functions. It can be used on its own or in conjunction with other types of therapies. CJC 1295 is a specific peptide designed to stimulate the secretion of human growth hormone.

What is CJC?

The peptide CJC 1295 is a synthetic analogue version of CJC. Naturally occurring CJC is in charge of the stimulation and released of human growth hormone from the pituitary gland. Because human growth hormone is used in a variety of different processes (from stimulating growth in children and adolescents to boosting protein production in adults), it is important that it is released when the body needs it.

If an adult doesn’t secrete enough human growth hormone, it can lead to an increased risk of obesity, heart disease, weak muscles and bones, and mental health issues. This is why levels of CJC need to be at their best to help eliminate or reduce the risk of developing serious health conditions.

Other symptoms and health conditions that could be caused by low levels of human growth hormone include:

  • Cognitive dysfunction, such as changes in memory and attention span
  • Depression, anxiety, and social isolation
  • Fatigue
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Neuromuscular dysfunction
  • Central adiposity
  • Decreased bone density
  • A decrease in the body’s sensitivity to insulin
  • Increased lipoprotein
  • A decrease in the body’s ability to thermoregulate 

This goes to show just how important it is for CJC levels to be regulated so they can do their job of encouraging production and secretion of human growth hormone.

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Image by Robert Collins on Unsplash: CJC is naturally occurring in the body and stimulates human growth hormone in both children and adults.

What does CJC 1295 do?

When the body doesn’t produce enough CJC on its own, people may need to supplement with CJC 1295. Since there are serious health repercussions at stake when the body is deficient in human growth hormone (the most serious being premature death), CJC 1295 aims to correct low levels through regular therapy.

Levels of human growth hormone naturally begin depleting within the body at age 30. This can contribute to changes in body composition over time, as well as altered stamina and endurance, lack of vigor, and heightened risk of certain terminal illnesses such as cancer. CJC 1295 can help alleviate some of these risks and restore balance in human growth hormone levels.

How long does CJC 1295 take to work?

CJC-1295 is taken via injection. It has been found to have immediate effects in the levels of both human growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor. A single injection was found to have been effective for at least six days, but could sometimes last up to 11. The half-life, meaning the time it takes for the injection to be reduced to half of its value, of CJC-1295 is six to eight days.

With regular use and proper dosing, it has been found that CJC-1295 can lead to optimal levels of human growth hormone and the insulin-like growth factor for up to 28 days.  

CJC 1295 benefits

Research has found CJC 1295 to be incredibly beneficial in a variety of ways. Due to its stimulation of human growth hormone and insulin-growth factor, it can help with a variety of different bodily functions.

The most notable benefits of CJC 1295 come from that stimulation, and can include:

  • An increase in muscle mass and bone density
  • Improved cognitive function that may have been affected by a deficiency in human growth hormone
  • An increased ability to repair and regenerate cells
  • An increased level of overall fat loss when combined with a healthy lifestyle

These benefits should be seen within the first month of therapy; however, more benefits can be attained through regular use of CJC 1295 peptide therapy. They include:

  • Healthier skin, hair, and nails
  • Better metabolic function
  • Increased libido
  • Mental focus
  • Joint health
  • Improved levels of wellness due to organ regrowth and repair

People may also see a reduced level of overall fat if used during a six-month period without any changes in diet and exercise, but adopting a healthier lifestyle during CJC peptide therapy will increase the efficacy of the peptide and thus increase overall results.

Vital RX - weight loss
Image by I yunmai on Unsplash: Taking CJC 1295 for six months has shown to lead to an overall reduction in fat on the body.

CJC 1295 side effects

Taking human growth hormone has been shown to have serious side effects in many people. That is why some have turned to CJC 1295, because it is far less risky for adverse effects. Although the peptide is generally tolerated well by most people, some may experience side effects while taking it. These side effects can include:

  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Drowsiness
  • Hives or other skin reactions brought on by an allergy response
  • Hyperactivity

CJC 1295 does not pose too much risk, and the side effects tend to be mild if they appear at all.

Do you need a prescription for CJC 1295?

Injectable medications are often not easy to acquire, and CJC 1295 is no exception. To obtain the peptide, a prescription will need to be filled out. The CJC 1295 peptide is included in Vital RX’s Immune Health Box because of its ability to aid in overall wellness.

To explore further, schedule a consultation with our doctor or speak to your family care physician if you feel that CJC 1295 could benefit you. The consultation is important because it allows the doctor to take into account your medical history and any medications or supplements you may already be taken that could interact with or contradict the effectiveness of CJC 1295.

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