6 Natural Foods That Promote Fat Loss

Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is essential for various reasons. When someone is at a higher weight than they are comfortable with, it can drastically affect their mental wellness and overall self-esteem. Aside from improved mental health, losing fat is also a great way to ward off preventable chronic diseases brought on by obesity. Such conditions include cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and fatty liver disease.

The health risks alone are enough to encourage a change to eating habits. But where to start? Many suggest going on crash diets or working out incessantly, but those tactics don’t really work for sustainable fat loss. If you want to lose fat and keep it off, you’ll have to put most of your focus into food. So can the food you eat help you lose weight? And if so, what are some natural foods that promote fat loss? Let’s investigate. 

Food to promote weight loss 

Food and fat loss may not seem to go hand in hand, but no matter what you weigh, you still have to eat to fuel your body. That is why avoiding overeating isn’t the only factor, but also focusing heavily on what you do eat. All foods give you energy, even “junk food.” That said, the right foods will offer your body the nutrients and other substances it needs to burn fat on a cellular level. When losing fat, food can be your best friend. 

Image by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash: What foods help burn belly fat? 

What are the best fat loss foods? 

Choosing the right foods for fat loss doesn’t have to be an arduous guessing game. A few will help your body do what it needs to do to get rid of excess fat while you limit weight-gain foods and move your body more.

1. Fatty fish 

Fatty fish such as salmon, herring, sardines, and mackerel are all great options if your goal is to lose fat. The primary nutrient in these types of fish is omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids can contribute to a reduction in inflammation as well as a reduced risk of heart disease.

When it comes to losing fat, studies have found that eating fatty fish helps fat loss because of its effect on cortisol. Cortisol is one of the body’s stress hormones. When you have high levels of cortisol, the body holds on to fat. However, eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids has been shown to lower cortisol levels, making it easier to lose fat.

These types of fish are also high in protein, a nutrient that increases metabolism and makes you feel fuller for longer. 

2. Coffee

Coffee is a day starter for many people because of its caffeine content – caffeine can help people become more alert in the morning. The substance can also improve mood and increase mental and physical performance.  

Studies find that when people consume caffeine before working out, they burn almost twice as much fat as those who do not. Because of this increase in physical stamina, fat loss during exercise is much easier. Caffeine also boosts the metabolism by as much as 13%, which gives the body more fat-burning power even at rest. 

3. Eggs

Eggs are often overlooked as a healthy food because they are high in cholesterol. However, they are actually nutritional powerhouses because of all the essential vitamins they contain. 

Research finds that people who eat eggs for breakfast are less hungry throughout the day and eat less. Because of this, it is easier to lose fat.

Eggs also contain high amounts of protein, which, as mentioned above, helps increase your metabolic rate and encourage fat burn during downtime. 

4. Green tea

Green tea is hailed as a health food because it has many benefits. Aside from the more commonly known effects, such as reducing the risk of heart disease and protecting against cancer, green tea also provides caffeine and an antioxidant known as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). 

EGCG is crucial for fat loss because of the way it promotes fat burning, especially in the belly area.  

red chili peppers
Image by Ryan Quintal on Unsplash: Are there any healthy snacks for weight loss? Yes!

5. Chili peppers 

Chili peppers add spice to foods. Consuming chili peppers can be great for your health, too. Antioxidants in chili peppers have been shown to reduce inflammation while protecting your cells from damage that could lead to chronic disease because of the ingredient capsaicin.  

Capsaicin can also help promote fat loss for several reasons. The substance reduces overeating because of its ability to make you feel fuller for extended periods. People limiting their calorie intake to lose weight may slow their metabolism. However, adding chili peppers with capsaicin counteracts that slowing of metabolism, which can encourage more fat burn throughout the day. 

6. Olive oil 

Olive oil is a healthy fat, and while eating fat may seem counterintuitive to losing fat, it’s actually a vital piece of the fat loss puzzle. Olive oil can reduce triglyceride levels, raise good cholesterol levels, and encourage the body to produce more of a hormone that helps you feel fuller longer. 

Studies also found that people who consume extra virgin olive oil with their meals burn more fat for a few hours following the meal. That means that olive oil helps you eat fewer calories and encourages your body to burn more when you’re at rest. 

Eating to lose fat is an integral part of the weight loss puzzle. You just have to know what foods to eat to ensure that your body continuously burns more fat. 

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How Body Fat Percentage Can Influence Energy Levels

Calories are units of energy that the body uses as fuel. Food and beverages (apart from water, black coffee and tea, and diet drinks) contain calories. The human body burns a certain amount of calories through physical activity and also simply by being alive – the beating of the heart, activity of the brain and nervous system, and general body processes all require energy.

When we take in more calories than we burn, our body stores the excess calories in fat cells. Essentially, body fat is stored energy. But how exactly do body fat and energy levels relate to one another? Does having more body fat mean more energy? Read on to learn more about how body fat percentage can influence energy levels.

What Is Body Fat Percentage?

Body fat percentage is the percentage of a person’s body mass that is composed of fat. There are six types of body fat:

  1. Essential fat is, as the name suggests, essential for life. It plays a crucial role in regulating body temperature, hormone levels, vitamin absorption, and cell structure.
  2. White fat cells are the main type of fat cell in the body. White fat is the body’s largest energy reserve. People who are overweight have an overabundance of white fat.
  3. Brown fat cells are packed with mitochondria, which burn fatty acids to generate heat and keep the body warm.
  4. Beige fat cells function somewhere between white and brown fat cells.
  5. Subcutaneous fat is the layer of fat located underneath our skin. It’s made up of white, brown, and beige fat cells.
  6. Visceral fat is white fat that is stored around our internal organs.
person with low body fat
Image by Pexels on Pixabay: Does low body fat affect energy?

What Is A Healthy Body Fat Percentage?

A healthy body fat percentage for females younger than 50 is between 14% and 20%. For females over aged 50, a healthy body fat percentage is between 8% and 27%.

A healthy body fat percentage for males younger than 50 is between 8% and 18%. For males aged over 50, a healthy body fat percentage is between 8% and 22%.

Why Is It Important To Have A Healthy Body Fat Percentage?

Having a healthy body fat percentage means you have a better chance of being in good physical and psychological health.

If your body fat percentage is too high, you will have an increased risk of:

  • Clinical obesity
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

If your body fat percentage is too low, you will have an increased risk of:

  • Dangerously low heart rate
  • Decreased thyroid hormone production
  • Loss of reproductive function
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Dehydration
  • Loss of muscle tissue
  • Fragile bones

What Factors Affect Energy Levels?

There are myriad different factors that affect energy levels. Some of the main ones include:

  • Body fat percentage
  • Your level of aerobic fitness
  • The amount of muscle mass on your body
  • Whether you have gotten enough good-quality sleep
  • How hydrated you are
  • Time of day (some people are more energetic in the morning; others are more energetic later in the day)
  • Whether you are in a fasted or fed state
  • The quality of your diet
  • Hormone levels
  • Whether your body has all of the vitamins and nutrients it requires

How Body Fat Percentage Can Influence Energy Levels

Research suggests that energy expenditure is higher in people with a higher body fat percentage. This is because individuals with a high body fat percentage tend to spend more energy performing activities as a consequence of higher weight burden. Further research suggests that people with a high body fat percentage “experience fatigue and decreased physical endurance that indicates diminished energy supply in the body”.

This shows that people with a higher body fat percentage require more energy to power their bodies, while at the same time also having a diminished energy supply. In turn, this indicates that people with a higher body fat percentage may feel less energetic than people with a lower body fat percentage.

Why Does Body Fat Percentage Influence Energy Levels?

Research suggests that people can have a high body fat percentage for various reasons, including metabolic events that disturb energy metabolism. These metabolic events cause diminished energy supply and result in people having lower energy levels as the body attempts to save energy to sustain metabolic functioning.

How Does Body Weight Affect Energy Requirements?

A person with a higher body weight will have higher energy requirements because more energy is required to perform activities as a consequence of the higher weight burden.

Does More Body Fat Mean More Energy?

More body fat means that a person is literally carrying around a source of energy in the form of body fat. However, carrying this extra weight will tend to make a person tired because they must expend more energy to move their body, and because their excess body fat is caused, in part, by metabolic events that cause the body to overeat and to have a diminished energy supply.

woman exercising
Image by StockSnap on Pixabay: How does body weight affect energy requirements?

Does Low Body Fat Affect Energy?

Having an unhealthily low amount of body fat can adversely affect energy levels. Research on bodybuilders who were in contest preparation and whose body fat percentage had dipped below 5% showed that they experienced a decrease in strength and decreased testosterone levels while at these low body fat percentages. Both decreased strength and decreased testosterone levels can have a negative effect on energy levels.

Healthy Body Fat Percentage = Optimal Energy Levels

As we’ve seen, people with an unhealthily high or an unhealthily low level of body fat are likely to experience reduced levels of energy. We can conclude that to give yourself the best chance of having high energy levels, you should strive to maintain a healthy body fat percentage.

How To Optimize Body Fat Percentage

You can optimize body fat percentage through the following methods:

  • Caloric restriction
  • Intermittent fasting
  • Eating a healthy, balanced diet
  • Exercise
  • Weight training
  • Getting enough good-quality sleep

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How Body Fat Percentage Can Influence Liver Function

The liver is a vital organ. As well as being the largest solid organ found within the body, it performs a lot of crucial tasks. It removes any toxins that happen to get into the blood, helps to regulate and maintain proper sugar levels, and ensures that the blood clots as it should. While these are among the most important functions of the liver, it also plays a role in hundreds of other functions that the body needs to perform to stay alive, such as producing bile.

When the liver isn’t working as it should, every other system can be compromised. Toxins can build up, causing illness; inadequate bile production can lead to digestive issues; and a lack of sugar regulation can cause lowered energy levels. To say the liver is important would be a vast understatement!

There are several things that can compromise liver health. One example is a high body fat percentage. But what does body fat percentage mean, and how does fat affect the liver? Read on to learn all you need to know about how body fat percentage can influence liver function.

What is body fat percentage?

Every person has to have some level of body fat to survive. Typically, men need less than women, but both require it because fat on the body is used for a variety of functions.

Body fat percentage is essentially the way levels of fat on the body are measured against everything else such as lean tissue, muscle mass, organs, and body water. Many people use body fat percentage as a way to gauge their overall health, and the measurement is often used to determine a person’s fitness level.

person measuring body fat
Image by PublicDomainPictures on Pixabay: Does fat help the liver? 

Body fat percentage is also more important than total weight. For example, if a person is overweight according to the Body Mass Index (BMI) but has a healthy body fat percentage, their overall level of health is better than someone who falls into the category of healthy on the BMI scale but has a significant amount of body fat.

As a general rule, calculating body fat percentage is a better indicator of overall health because it shows a better picture of fatty tissue. People with higher levels of fatty tissue are often at risk of having obesity-related disease, so even if a person fits into the normal weight category, they could be in trouble if they have a lot of body fat and little lean muscle mass.

How does fat affect liver function?

The liver is supposed to have a small amount of fat in it. However, when those levels increase because a person eats more sugar or fat than their body can process, it can lead to a buildup of fat within the organ. In turn, this can lead to various health issues – most notably, fatty liver.

Fatty liver is a broad term used to describe too much fat in the liver. There are various types of the condition, all of which can lead to the organ becoming damaged or scarred. Scarring, in more severe cases, can lead to liver failure, which is when the liver cannot perform its functions.

There are two types of common fatty liver disease: non-alcoholic and alcoholic fatty liver disease. The former is caused when fat builds up within the liver without the presence of excess alcohol use, while the latter is closely associated with excessive consumption of alcohol. The cause of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease isn’t as clear as its alcoholic counterpart; however, some factors that can play a role in its development can include other health conditions such as obesity, diabetes, insulin resistance, and metabolic syndrome.

liver health
Image by mohamed_hassan on Pixabay: Does fat stress the liver?

Body fat and liver function

There is a clear connection between body fat percentage and liver function because of how fat can affect the way the liver works. However, it’s worth mentioning here that not all types of body fat are the same.

The human body can hold two types of fat. The first is subcutaneous fat, which is stored in the layer located right beneath the skin. Typically, people hold most of their fat in that layer, and roughly 90% of body fat is thought to be subcutaneous. While subcutaneous fat is associated with a higher degree of fat in the liver and has been shown to contribute to fatty liver disease, it’s actually the second type of fat that people need to pay more attention to when thinking about liver health.

Visceral fat is often referred to as “hidden fat” because of the way it sits on, or in, the body. Unlike subcutaneous fat that sits on the outside of the body, visceral fat is stored inside the belly and ends up wrapping itself around vital organs, including the liver. Research shows that visceral fat is strongly associated with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and that those who have more visceral fat on their bodies are at a higher risk of experiencing liver dysfunction.

The association between fat and liver health is strong, and it’s thought that body fat percentage can be a good measurement to use when determining a person’s overall risk of developing fatty liver disease. Basically, the more fat a person has on their body, the more likely they are to have a buildup of fatty tissue within the liver, and to suffer the subsequent health problems.

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What Does “Fat Release” Mean?

There is an entire facet of the health industry focused on fat loss. There are many reasons why people would want to shed fat, from overall health to cosmetic reasons and even to improve mental health.

While many people understand the ins and outs of weight loss when it comes to burning more calories and eating less food, there is less understanding about where exactly fat goes when we lose weight, and how the body gets rid of it. The term “fat release” is sometimes used to define the body’s way of releasing fat – but what does “fat release” mean, exactly, and what bodily processes are involved in losing weight?

What is fat?

Body fat is made up of a grouping of cells known as adipocytes. These create connective tissue that is an important part of the endocrine system. In fact, adipose tissue is now hailed an organ of its own. Fat is stored in adipocytes and can be used to supply energy to the body if needed.

Fat, while often characterized as “bad,” actually has several valuable purposes when it comes to human health. For example, it helps to cushion the body as well as insulate it. There are two main types of body fat, otherwise known as adipose tissue: white and brown. Both types help to create certain hormones and encourage immune system response by helping in the production of cytokines – immune cells that aid in the growth and function of other types of immune cells within the body.

An adequate amount of fat on the body can be helpful. Too much, however, can negatively affect other organs and lead to chronic disease.

doctor helping patient with fat loss
Image by mohamed_hassan on Pixabay: Fat cells cannot actually be eliminated from the body.

The physiology behind fat loss

When fat becomes deposited in the body, it is referred to as lipogenesis. This process occurs when there is more fat than needed for energy, leading to the fat being stored within the adipocytes and accumulating in excess.

When a person decides to lose weight, they change their lifestyle habits, usually to decrease an excess of foods that may be transformed into unused fats within the body. During this time, the body begins to use its fat stores instead of other energy sources, with the fat in the adipocytes being expelled into the bloodstream.

This fat-burning process is actually quite complicated. Fat that is stored in the cell cannot be burned from within the cell. It first has to be expelled as an energy source, as mentioned above.

Where do fat cells go when losing weight?

Fat cells hold excess fat, but when that fat exits the cell, it is transformed into a free fatty acid within the bloodstream and sent to the body’s tissues. This fat can then be used as an energy source for muscles and tissues. The cell that contained the fat, however, doesn’t move from its original spot – it remains exactly where it is.

Instead of the cell itself being removed from the body entirely, it shrinks. So essentially, when losing fat, you aren’t getting rid of fat cells, but rather the buildup of fat within the cells. As they’re emptied of fat, they become smaller, and thus less fat appears on the body externally.

Each fat cell can continuously grow or shrink. It’s all a matter of how much fat is either deposited into or expelled from the cell.

anatomical model of lungs
Image by Robina Weermeijer on Unsplash: How does fat leave the body? Surprisingly, mostly through the lungs.

How does fat release from your body?

The process in which fat is expelled from fat cells involves several different reactions. As mentioned above, these reactions cause the fat to be removed from the cell and sent out into the bloodstream to reach muscles or other tissues that need to use it for energy so they can perform their basic functions.

That energy, however, it still within the body until it can be released. When used, it gets broken down into water and carbon dioxide, which in turn become waste products that need to be excreted from the body. Carbon dioxide is expelled through the respiratory system, meaning that it is eventually breathed out of the body. Water can be expelled through urine, sweat, and exhaling breath. Because of this process, the respiratory system is widely considered an integral part of fat metabolism. In fact, research has found that the majority (84%) of fat release from the body occurs through exhaling carbon dioxide, and only 16% is expelled from the body as water.

This might be hard to wrap your mind around – fat doesn’t seem to have much to do with water or breath! But the above chemical processes are how fat loss occurs. Losing weight can be a challenging process for many people, but when you do go about getting rid of excess pounds, it can be helpful to appreciate exactly what your body is doing to help you achieve this. 

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4 Peptides That Aid Fat Loss

Obesity has been linked to the onset of (and higher risk of developing) many different chronic illnesses and diseases. Many people talk about weight loss as if it is an easy process – but that is not always the case. There are so many factors that go into losing weight, and all of them need to be taken into consideration – age, activity level, diet and exercise, health status, genetics; the list goes on.

While there is no cure-all miracle pill for losing weight, there are things people can do if they are struggling to shed unwanted pounds. Aside from the obvious “eat less, move more” mentality, taking certain types of supplements that give the body a little push can be highly beneficial for those who have a difficult time losing weight.

One group of specific supplements that has shown promise in the area of weight management is peptides. But what are peptides, exactly? And how do they work for weight loss? Read on for all you need to know, including a list of specific peptides that aid fat loss.

What are peptides?

Peptides are naturally occurring substances made up of amino acids, which are considered to be the building blocks of protein. Within the body, peptides are similar to protein in the sense that they are made up of amino acids, though they have fewer than protein does.

Synthetic peptides (those made in a lab and used in supplements) are designed to mimic the peptides found in the body to help with certain processes and reactions. They have been used in many ways, such as to help with certain health conditions and aid in the overall health of skin and muscles. Peptides that help with skin health can act as collagen in the body, whereas creatine peptides can help with muscle growth.

weight loss
Image by Fuu J on Unsplash: Can peptides help you lose weight?

Do peptides really work for weight loss?

As mentioned above, peptides are used to help mimic certain actions within the body that should already be taking place, but aren’t. These actions can include cell signaling, neurotransmission, and hormone production and release.

Research has been addressing the use of peptides for weight loss for decades now, and many studies have found that they can be helpful in losing weight or maintaining a healthy weight. However, no two peptides are alike, and people may respond differently to each type.

Peptides for fat loss and muscle gain

While not all peptides are designed to help manage weight, there are some that have been shown to be helpful when combined with a healthy lifestyle. They include:

1. AOD9604

AOD9604 is a type of peptide fragment that comes from the C-terminus of HGH (the human growth hormone). It is designed to have the same fat-burning action that HGH has, without any side effects.

Studies have examined the use of AOD9604 in people with obesity over the course of a 12-week study. During that time, the individuals aiming to lose weight were highly successful when using the AOD9604 peptide. The participants were put into groups and the group that lost the most weight did so while using a 1mg dose of AOD9604 over the course of the 12 weeks. 

2. 5-Amino-1MQ

The 5-Amino-1MQ peptide is relatively newer on the scene, but research surrounding its use for weight loss has shown it to be a viable contender. The way this peptide works addresses obesity on a cellular level by operating on mitochondria. When someone uses this peptide, they will experience an increase in energy.

Studies have shown that 5-Amino-1MQ not only works for weight loss, but also helps decrease other unhealthy consequences of obesity such as high cholesterol levels, slowed metabolism, increase in fat cell formation, and diet-induced obesity. This peptide works best when it is used alongside NAD+.

3. CJC-1295

This peptide is a type of growth hormone-releasing hormone analog that is designed to encourage the increased production of HGH and IGF-1. When these are increased, fat reduction, muscle growth, and better sleep can be more easily attainable.

fork and measuring tape
Image by Diana Polekhina on Unsplash: What peptide is best for fat loss?

4. Semaglutide

Semaglutide is used for obesity, but it has also been effective at helping people with illnesses that are often associated with obesity such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.

Semaglutide is a type of hormone that is tasked with insulin production and restriction of glucagon release. This results in an overall decrease of blood sugar levels. It is also one of the only FDA-approved drugs available when it comes to peptides for weight loss, and research has shown that it may be one of the most effective weight loss drugs available on the market.

One particular study looked at a group of people who wanted to lose weight and found that over the course of the 68-week study, over 50% of participants lost more than 15% of their overall body weight by simply using semaglutide.

While the above peptides have been shown to aid in weight loss, they should never be used in place of a healthy diet and exercise. Losing weight is a multi-faceted process that requires dedication and commitment to making healthier choices. Using products such as peptides for weight loss can help in your journey, but you should also consult a doctor prior to trying any new weight loss plan.

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5 Delicious Winter Foods That Aid Fat Loss

For many people, the chill in the air that hits right before wintertime is a signal to go into a form of personal hibernation. This means less time outdoors, more time spend doing sedentary activities, and possible weight gain. That being said, there is no obligation to pack on the pounds during the winter months – remember, you aren’t actually hibernating!

The arrival of winter doesn’t mean you have to give up fresh fruit and vegetables in exchange for foods that are not going to be kind to your waistline. In fact, there are plenty of in-season winter foods that are great for losing weight or keeping your weight maintained, even during the cold and dark days of the season. Read on to learn more about some delicious winter foods that aid fat loss.

How can I lose fat in winter?

The key to losing fat in the winter is to eat healthily and exercise. While it may seem harder to eat healthily because the freshest produce isn’t available to everyone (especially those in colder climates), it can still be done.

The most important step to losing fat in the winter is maintaining your exercise program. If you usually exercise outside and can’t during the winter months, consider joining a gym or getting a piece of cardio equipment for your home. That way, any type of exercise you would have done in the great outdoors can still be done from the comfort of your own living room.

Once you have managed to keep your exercise routine in check, you can figure out what types of foods you should be incorporating into your diet so that not only is the produce fresh, it is also good for your waistline.

What should I eat to lose weight in winter?

Eating a diet rich in whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes is the best way to make sure that your weight loss journey stays on track throughout winter. Eating local and in-season is always better, because the further away from harvest a food is, the less nutrient-dense it becomes.

butternut squash
Image by Viviana Rishe on Unsplash: What foods help burn fat faster? 

So, what winter foods should you be adding to your diet for an extra weight loss boost over the winter season?

1. Butternut squash

Butternut squash isn’t only low in calories – it’s also high in filling fiber that will help keep your appetite regulated so you’re not tempted to overeat. A cup of butternut squash will cost you just 87 calories in exchange for 7 grams of fiber.

The type of fiber in butternut squash is important, too. The vegetable contains both insoluble and soluble fiber; soluble fiber keeps you fuller and reduces your appetite. Research has shown that diets higher in dietary fiber could help to reduce overall levels of body fat and promote weight loss.

2. Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes are nutrient powerhouses and contain complex carbohydrates. This means the carb is linked with three or more different sugars, including fiber. While you won’t be able to scarf down sweet potato fries and still see fat loss, eating sweet potatoes the right way can help to promote fullness and reduce cravings, which aids in the reduction of calorie intake overall throughout the day.

3. Carrots

Carrots are a great in-season option, and not just because they’re versatile and delicious. Carrots contain high levels of nutrients and are low in calories, so they are able to help decrease cravings and encourage feelings of fullness. As is the case with butternut squash, it’s the fiber content of carrots that really helps aid in a reduced appetite.

4. Kale

Kale is one of the best foods you can eat when you’re trying to lose fat. The low-calorie vegetable has a high water content, and because of this combination, it has a low energy density. This means that you can eat a ton of kale and the calories won’t add up in the same way as other foods. Low energy density foods have been shown to significantly help with weight loss.

bunch of kale
Image by Adolfo Félix on Unsplash: How can I reduce my belly fat in the winter? Snack on some kale!

5. Beets

Beets are another in-season vegetable with a low energy density that can aid in weight loss. They also contain high amounts of vitamins and minerals that the body needs to function at its best. Because of their high nutrient content, beets can help you keep off the fat; for example, the fiber they contain has been shown to aid in weight loss.

Beets may also help to improve athletic performance because of the nitrates they contain. Nitrates have been shown to improve the efficiency of certain parts of cells known as the mitochondria, in turn helping to fuel every cell in your body with the energy it needs to push you through a tough workout.

When the seasons change, it can be difficult to keep up with a routine. This is especially true when the days grow shorter and the nights longer, and the air gets a little too chilly to enjoy. While the winter does come with its downsides, the plus side is that you don’t have to give up on your weight loss journey just because the season has changed. Add the aforementioned foods to your diet this winter and you can reap nutritional benefits that will aid in fat loss all season long.

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5 Vitamins And Nutrients That Build Muscle & Burn Fat

Often, when people want to lose fat, they also want to build muscle to have a leaner and more defined appearance. This combined approach to fitness can be difficult, because it’s not always easy to burn fat and build muscle at the same time. In fact, when losing weight, muscle is often lost along with fat. This is called weight-loss-induced muscle loss, and it can increase the risk of developing a too-low muscle mass condition known as sarcopenia.

If you’re wondering which supplement is best for fat loss and muscle gain, unfortunately it can be hard to find one that works for both. That’s because many people typically suggest that you cannot lose fat while building muscle. But while that can be true in some instances, it’s not always the case. Losing fat while building muscle is entirely possible if you perform the right exercises, stick to your workout plan, and get enough of the right vitamins and nutrients in your diet.

What vitamins are best for muscle growth?

There are many supplements marketed towards gaining muscle or losing fat, but rarely are they targeted towards both. When it comes to tackling both these areas at the same time, the following five supplements can help to get you to the physique you’re working towards.

1. Creatine

The molecule creatine is naturally occurring in the body. This means it is created and used by the body to help provide energy to muscle and other tissues. People often take it as a dietary supplement because of these effects. As a supplement, it has been shown to help increase creatine content in the muscles by up to 40%. This increase can help to improve exercise performance and affect muscle cells in a way that promotes the gaining of muscle.

Research has also known that creatine can help to improve muscle strength. Having stronger muscles will increase exercise endurance, which in turn leads to even more muscle mass in the long term. Research has also found that creatine can also increase hormones that are tasked with helping to grow muscle, and decrease protein breakdown within the muscles.

woman lifting weights to build muscle
Image by Sergio Pedemonte on Unsplash: A question we get asked a lot is: “How do I build muscle and lose fat?”

2. Protein

Another nutrient that is vital to gaining muscle is protein. This is because muscles are largely made of proteins. They are also dynamic in the sense that they are constantly broken down and built back up again. If the body doesn’t get enough protein, when the muscles break down, they won’t have the nutrients they need to rebuild, leading to loss of muscle mass. To help gain muscle, you’ll need to be able to consume more protein than is broken down. There is a myriad of different supplementation to try in this area, all of which come with their own type of protein (whey, casein, soy) and other ingredients that can help give them flavor or a particular consistency.

Protein has also been shown to help people lose fat. This is because it can help regulate hormones that help lead to fat loss, boost the metabolism, and reduce appetite to help you eat less calories throughout the day.

3. Beta-alanine

Beta-alanine is an amino acid the body uses to help increase stamina when it comes to exercise.Research has shown that by taking beta-alanine while on an exercise regimen, you can increase your lean muscle mass by about one pound over the course of a six-week period.

Although there is nothing in beta-alanine that will specifically target fat loss and muscle building, the way it affects a person’s ability to train and perform during exercise can ultimately lead to both fat loss and muscle gain.

4. Branched-chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)

BCAAs are a group of three different amino acids: leucine, isoleucine, and valine. They are typically found in protein-rich foods such as meat, poultry, and eggs and are vital when it comes to building muscle.Studies have shown that taking BCAAs as a daily supplement can help to both improve muscle gain and reduce the amount of muscle lost during weight loss.

BCAAs may also help to burn fat while keeping muscle mass in check. Research has shown that when people take BCAAs, they are shown to lose more weight than those who are taking protein supplements.

BCAAs can also help with muscle soreness.  

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Image by Shayda Torabi on Unsplash: Should I build muscle or lose fat first? Truth is, you can do both at the same time with the right diet and nutrients.

5. Vitamin D

Many people might not consider vitamin D to be an integral part of a fat loss/muscle building plan. However, research has shown that the nutrient plays a vital role in protecting muscle mass while eating in a calorie deficit. This is especially true when it is combined with protein and leucine.

Having adequate levels of vitamin D in the body has also been correlated with a deduction of body fat. On particular study tested out this theory on two groups of women. By the end of the study, the women who were in the vitamin D group had lost an average of seven pounds more than those who did not take vitamin D during the course of their weight loss regimen.

Losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time may seem like a difficult task, but that’s only if you don’t know how to approach it. Some people like to cut and then bulk, whereas others want to do everything at the same time. The good news is that both options are fine! However, if you fall into the latter category, getting enough of one of the above nutrients or vitamins in your diet will surely help you reach your fitness goals. 

Featured image by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash

Nature’s Scrubbing Brush: Why Dietary Fiber Is Essential To Fat Loss & Overall Health

Dietary fiber is an important part of overall health. It refers to the parts of plant foods that the body isn’t able to digest or absorb, which are passed through the body relatively intact. Fiber goes through the stomach, the small intestine, and the colon before it is passed out of the body, and on its journey, it doesn’t break down the same way that other nutrients like fats, proteins, and carbohydrates do.

There are two types of dietary fiber: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber dissolves in water and turns into a gel-like substance. It is typically found in foods such as oats, peas, apples, citrus fruits, carrots, barley, and psyllium. Insoluble fiber doesn’t dissolve in water and is designed to help other material move through the digestive tract. It is found in foods like whole-wheat flour, nuts, cauliflower, green beans, and potatoes. But why is dietary fiber so important, exactly? Read on to find out why dietary fiber is essential to fat loss and overall health.

Why is dietary fiber important for the body?

There are many health benefits of getting enough fiber in your diet. Fiber can act as “nature’s scrubbing brush” in the sense that it helps the body to clean out any waste that may be stuck within the digestive tract, smoothing everything along.

loaf of whole wheat bread
Image by Sergio Arze on Unsplash: A high-fiber diet for weight loss should consist of whole-wheat bread.

Some specific health benefits of having dietary fiber in the body include:

Maintaining bowel health

By increasing the amount of fiber in the diet, you can effectively help to lower the risk of developing certain health conditions such as hemorrhoids and diverticular disease. Fiber may also lower the risk of developing colorectal cancer. Since it acts as a bulking agent, it can help to increase the size and weight of the stool so that it passes more easily through your body.

Can help to lower cholesterol

Soluble fiber is a particularly helpful aid when it comes to your cholesterol. The type that is found in beans and oat bran can help to lower levels of lipoprotein – a type of bad cholesterol. As well as lowering cholesterol levels, fiber can also help with heart health, and studies have also shown that it can help reduce blood pressure and inflammation.

Can help to control blood sugar

Eating enough dietary fiber has been shown to help the body digest other foods more slowly, which can decrease the absorption rate of sugar. In people with diabetes, this is especially important because it can help maintain proper blood sugar levels. Studies have also shown that it may reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

What happens if you don’t eat enough dietary fiber?

The health benefits of dietary fiber are clear, but not getting enough fiber can also be detrimental to overall health. Certain health repercussions can happen if your diet is lacking in fiber. They include:

Constant bloating

Since fiber is great for digestion and helps move things along, without enough of it in the system, the digestive tract will suffer. Certain foods that cause bloating and gas can include alcohol and processed foods. If you eat too much of these and don’t get enough fiber, you may deal with a constant bloated feeling.

Irregular bowel movements

Having a healthy bowel routine is important, and not getting enough fiber will significantly decrease the chances of this. If your system lacks fiber, your body will be unable to eliminate stools in the way that it should.

Blood sugar spikes or drops

Since fiber helps to regulate blood sugar, a lack of it can lead to unhealthy spikes or drops.

Low energy and foggy brain

Having too little fiber in the diet can lead to fatigue, because the balancing act that fiber contributes to becomes out of whack with other nutrients you’re consuming. Fiber also helps the body feel full, and if there isn’t enough of it, you may start to crave sweet foods to help you feel more full after eating. This high intake of sweets affects blood sugar, which in turn leads to a lowered ability to concentrate and think clearly.

cauliflower as a source of dietary fiber
Image by Jennifer Schmidt on Unsplash: Cauliflower is a great source of insoluble fiber.

Does fiber help with fat loss?

Fiber has been shown to help aid in fat loss; however, soluble fiber is the one you’ll want to get more of if you’re looking to shed a few pounds. It helps with this in a few ways. The first is by aiding your gut bacteria. Fiber helps to feed the trillions of bacteria within your gut that are designed to keep your digestion on track. Certain species of these bacteria help to play roles in weight management. When they are fed properly with soluble fiber, they can contribute to a healthy weight.

Fiber can also act as an appetite regulator, meaning that it can help to decrease cravings or overeating by helping the body feel satiated for longer. Studies have shown that viscous fiber specifically is good for helping to reduce cravings and increase feelings of fullness, which will lead to weight loss over time. Pectins, psyllium, guar gum, and glucomannan all contain viscous fiber.

Studies have also suggested that the fat loss that is most common in those who increase their fiber intake is belly fat. This type of fat is often the most dangerous kind, as it can lead to the onset of disease and a heightened risk for developing chronic illness.

Eating more high-fiber foods can help to reduce overall weight. However, there are so many more health benefits than just fat loss. Upping your fiber intake will help to keep your digestive tract running smoothly and lead to an overall healthier you.

Featured image by Melissa Di Rocco on Unsplash

What Is Metabolic Rate & What Is Its Role In Fat Loss/Retention?

The human body requires a specific amount of energy to get through each day. This energy comes from food in the form of calories. Even if you were to lie in bed all day doing nothing, your body would still need a set amount of calories to perform basic vital functions such as breathing and blood circulation. This set number of calories is what is referred to as metabolic rate.

There are two different types of metabolic rate: the basal metabolic rate (BMR) and the resting metabolic rate (RMR). Although these two terms are often used interchangeably, they are slightly different. The BMR is used to measure how many calories a person needs to perform the most basic of tasks. The RMR is used to measure how many calories the body burns while it is at rest.

To calculate a truly accurate BMR, a person must be in a lab setting and under very restrictive conditions whereas they can be measured in the morning before eating or exercising. There are, however, calculators you can use to measure your BMR if you plan to use it to help you reach your weight loss goals.

Why is metabolic rate important?

Knowing your BMR can be a great tool on the road to healthy weight management. This is because it allows you to see just how many calories your body is burning while at rest and how much energy your body needs daily to function. The BMR will be different for anyone, so sometimes, counting calories based on an average isn’t always enough to determine if you’re getting the right amount of energy per day.

For example, if your BMR is 1600 calories per day, that means that you will need to consume 1600 calories just to sustain yourself. This doesn’t account for activity levels. If you are more active, you will need to consume more to help balance the energy in versus energy out levels.

woman after fat loss
Image by Mojzagrebinfo on Pixabay: What is meant by your metabolic rate and why is it important for fat loss? 

A popular equation used to calculate BMR is the Harris-Benedict BMR. It calculates for men and women separately. The equations are:

  • BMR for men: 88.362 + (13.397 x your weight in kg) + (4.799 x your height in cm) – (5.677 x your age in years)
  • BMR for women: 447.593 + (9.247 x your weight in kg) + (3.098 x your height in cm) – (4.330 x your age in years)

These equations are able to tell you exactly what your BMR is, which will give you the information you need to determine how many calories you need to consume or burn for weight loss or gain. Be aware that this equation does not take into account your activity level; however, there are Harris-Benedict BMR calculators online that can incorporate that factor for a more accurate measurement.

Does resting metabolic rate decrease with weight loss?

When someone loses weight, they may require less energy to get them through the day. This is because with less body weight, the body doesn’t have to work as hard to perform basic functions and thus less energy is expended throughout the day.

On the opposite side of things, when a person gains weight, their RMR is likely to increase. It also depends on the kind of weight a person gains. For example, muscle gain is more likely to increase RMR to a greater extent than fat gain would. This is because the energy used by fat is lower than the energy used by muscle.

Factors that can affect the RMR include:

  • Age. As a person ages, they RMR decreases. This is because of typical age-related changes in weight and body composition caused by hormone changes, the body’s decreased ability to synthesize protein, and cell death.
  • Eating less. When a person partakes in caloric restriction, their body lowers the RMR in an effort to conserve the energy it has reserved.
  • Medications. Both antidepressants and stimulants can have an effect on RMR. Antidepressants tend to increase it because they are typically associated with weight gain, and stimulants tend to lower it because they are associated with weight loss.

Other than those factors, a person’s RMR is typically unchangeable because it is determined largely by their unique way of expending energy for basic life-sustaining functions. 

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Image by Tamanna Rumee on Unsplash: Spicy food can help to speed up metabolism.

How do I speed up my metabolism for fat loss?

Although it can be difficult to manipulate your resting metabolic rate, there are things you can do to slightly speed up your metabolism and increase fat loss after you’ve calculated just how many calories your body needs.

One such thing is utilizing the thermic effect of food. Research has shown that the thermic effect helps to increase metabolism for a few hours after eating. The nutrient that offers the highest thermic effect is protein. By eating more protein, you can help to rev up your calorie burning after every meal.

You can also incorporate more exercise, since exercise is proven to help boost the calorie-burning powers of the metabolism. High-intensity workouts, specifically, are great for helping to boost the metabolism. Other ways you can help speed up your metabolism and thus speed up weight loss include drinking more cold water, drinking green or oolong tea, and eating spicy foods.

While you’re pretty much set with your RMR and BMR, you can use it to help you lose fat and get to a healthy overall weight.

Featured image by Bill Oxford on Unsplash

What Organ Systems Are Affected By Excess Body Fat?

Being overweight or obese can be dangerous for a variety of different reasons. When many people focus on losing weight, a big part of their motivation comes from cosmetic reasons – but many people aren’t privy to the real health risks of carrying around excess weight.

How does obesity affect the body?

On a cellular level, the process of gaining weight occurs when new fat cells are formed, and along with old fat cells, begin to grow. Every person has a set number of fat cells; when weight loss occurs, those fat cells begin to shrink, not disappear. This could be why some people are more likely to be overweight or obese than others.

Obesity puts a strain on every system of the body. To put it into perspective, think about your body as a vehicle. When the trunk is completely empty, the car will run smoother and faster, and waste less gas. As the trunk begins to fill up, its performance continues to decrease. In terms of the body, as weight continues to build upon the frame, the body’s systems begin to lose their ability to do what they’re supposed to do.

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Image by Siora Photography on Unsplash: How do you know if you have excess body fat if it’s not obvious?

How do you know if you have excess body fat?

Aside from visually seeing the weight on your body, knowing how much fat you have can be tricky. The Body Mass Index (BMI) has been used as an indicator since the 1800s, but recent research has found that it has no place in determining overall levels of health because of the factors it doesn’t take into consideration.

The best way to tell if you have excess fat but aren’t sure of it is to check your overall levels of health. If you get winded going upstairs or can’t do a single push-up, it could mean that your body isn’t carrying around as much muscle as you thought.

Risks associated with excess body fat

There are some serious health risks associated with being overweight. In comparison to those with healthy body weights, those who are obese have a higher risk for developing the following health conditions:

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Liver disease
  • Kidney disease
  • High cholesterol
  • Stroke
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Breathing problems and sleep issues
  • Cancer
  • Mental illness
  • Chronic pain and inflammation
  • Early death

This list is not exhaustive, but it does paint a grim picture about how that excess body weight can be detrimental to one’s overall levels of a health.

Body systems affected by being overweight

When there is excess weight on the body, it doesn’t typically affect only one system, but rather the majority of them. The location of the highest levels of fat will be the deciding factor of what system is affected and how badly. Visceral fat is the type of fat that sits around the organs, and when it is found in high amounts, it can damage organ function.

Respiratory system

The respiratory system is the network of organs and tissues that help with breathing. When the body has too much fat, it can cause issues with this system by putting compression on the chest cavity, particularly the lungs and diaphragm. This leads to pulmonary damage. Excess fat can also decrease how well the respiratory functions by reducing muscle strength in the chest. The buildup of fat on the body can lead to asthma, airway hyperresponsiveness, and increased inflammation.

Digestive system

Obesity can lead to a variety of different digestive issues, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease, erosive esophagitis, gallstones, pancreatitis, and digestive organ cancers.

Reproductive system

Studies have shown that women who are overweight or obese have a harder time becoming pregnant due to anovulation and menstrual dysfunction. They can also experience infertility at higher rates than those who have a healthy amount of fat on their body, as well as a heightened risk for miscarriage and pregnancy complications.

Endocrine system

Obesity affects the endocrine system by altering the way the hypothalamic-pituitary hormone axes functions. This leads to problems with hormone release, which can cause hypothyroidism, hypogonadism, growth hormone deficiency, and Cushing’s Disease.

Cardiovascular system

Since those with too much excess weight require more blood to circulate oxygen throughout the body, the cardiovascular system has to work extra hard. This leads to high blood pressure, which in turn significantly raises the risk of heart attack. It can also change the structure and function of the heart because of how hard it has to work to get the same tasks done, leading to heart failure.

Vital RX - excess weight
Image by Jarmoluk on Pixabay: Every bodily system is affected by excess weight on the body.

Mental health

Being obese can lead to a variety of different mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and eating disorders.


Being obese can also affect the liver because of buildup that can lead to inflammation and damage. When the liver can’t handle the input to output of fat, it begins to malfunction. This leads to fatty liver disease.  


When the body holds excess weight, the kidneys need to work harder to filter out waste. This can lead to an over-productive kidney function. As time goes on, this extra work causes strain on the kidneys and can lead to kidney disease.

Musculoskeletal system

Being obese can cause limited function in the way the muscles perform, hindering mobility, postural and dynamic balance, and strength over time. It also puts unnecessary pressure on the joints, which can deplete cartilage levels, leading to a variety of arthritic conditions.

Immune system

Since obesity can cause an inflammatory response in the body, it can lead to an impairment in the immune function. This leads the body to become more susceptible to infections and an increased rate of mortality when battling serious respiratory infections such as H1N1.  

Since being overweight or obese can negatively affect all bodily systems, it can be attributed to the onset of many different diseases. Losing weight can be tough, but it’s often a huge step in the right direction towards living healthily.

Featured image by mojzagrebinfo on Pixabay

Everything You Need To Know About Peptide AOD-9604

Being overweight or obese can lead to a myriad of health conditions. It can also heighten the risk of developing other diseases as you age. A healthy body weight is ideal for overall health, but it can be hard to achieve for a multitude of reasons. Genetics, medications, and lifestyle habits all play a role in levels of obesity among the American population.

When it comes to losing weight, fad diets tend to be the go-to for many people, but they often come with other health concerns. Losing weight is a difficult task for anyone, but armored with the right knowledge, it doesn’t have to be. Eating right and exercising is the best way to shed pounds, but adding certain supplementation to your regimen can aid in quicker and healthier weight loss. Below we’ll take a look at one such supplement that can help with fat loss. Here’s everything you need to know about peptide AOD-9604.

What is peptide AOD-9604?

Peptide AOD-9604 is a peptide fragment of the human growth hormone; specifically, of the C-terminus. The C-terminus falls at the end of an amino acid chain and aids in protein translation from RNA. AOD-9604 has the ability to aid in weight loss by harboring the fat loss activity of the human growth hormone.

The human growth hormone plays a vital role in many bodily processes, but for adults, its most crucial role is in metabolism. When it comes to weight loss, the human growth hormone aids in the breaking down of fats in the form of triglycerides, which can then be used by the body as energy.

The human growth hormone was once considered as a potential treatment for obesity; however, adverse side effects such as insulin resistance, diabetes, cancer, edema, and hypertension were present, and it was rendered an unsuitable form of treatment in the long term.

Vital RX - working out
Image by Kate Trysh on Unsplash: AOD-9604 can be used to help build muscle and repair cartilage without causing the same adverse side effects experienced while using the human growth hormone.

How does AOD-9604 work?

The lipid metabolism is in charge of how the body uses and stores fat within its cells. It involves synthetization of both types of lipids (structural and functional), and determines how much fat becomes stored and how much is expended by way of cell signaling from the brain. When the brain tells fat cells to release their energy stores, also known as fatty acid molecules, the rest of the body takes them from the bloodstream to use as energy when there is none left by other means.

The AOD-9604 peptide can be used to encourage weight loss by stimulating the same fat-into-energy process initiated by the human growth hormone, having a direct effect on lipid metabolism. Some AOD-9604 studies on animals have found that the peptide can encourage an overall reduction of fat without affecting appetite by stimulating lipolysis and discouraging the process of lipogenesis.

Human clinical trial studies on the peptide have found that the other adverse side effects that occurred using the human growth hormone molecule as a form of weight loss treatment were not present when using AOD-9604.

What is AOD in bodybuilding?

The human growth hormone has long been hailed as a muscle builder because of its anabolic effects. It speeds up the healing process and repairs muscle tissue after long bouts of strenuous exercise. It has been known to be a direct component in the increase of overall muscle mass and reduction of fat.

The peptide AOD-9604 can be used to help regulate the body’s metabolism, which can then lend a hand in overall reduction of fat. When it comes to fitness and bodybuilding, AOD-9604 can have similar effects that the human growth hormone does on building muscle mass and the regeneration of cartilage.

Is AOD-9604 safe to use?

Since AOD-9604 is a fragmented form of the human growth hormone, it has been deemed to be a safe and effective alternative supplement for both weight loss and increasing lean muscle mass. Studies have shown that it causes no adverse side effects on the carbohydrate metabolism or appetite. It also doesn’t lead to changes in levels of IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1), whereas the human growth hormone has been shown to have an effect on these levels.

The promising results from such studies have painted a hopeful picture when it comes to using the peptide for fat loss. It has been shown to target stubborn areas that even diet and exercise can sometimes leave behind because of its lipolysis effects.

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Image by Jan Sedivy on Unsplash: How does AOD-9604 work for weight loss? When used in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle, AOD-9604 can lead to significant weight loss in stubborn areas.

Where to buy AOD-9604

Peptide therapy is becoming very popular as more research comes to light on what it can do to help encourage the proper functioning of all bodily processes. In the United States, AOD-9604 has received approval from the FDA and is now legally sold as a food supplement in many places.

AOD-9604 is sold in vials and can be purchased from places ranging from health-based medical centers to online stores with approval from the FDA. The best way to purchase AOD-9604 is through a trusted and reputable site that has done its research and sources quality ingredients for its supplements.

Vital RX’s AOD-9604 peptide comes included in the Fat Loss Subscription Box. All ingredients in Vital RX’s formulated combinational supplement packages are carefully curated by a team of highly knowledgeable medical professionals.

Weight loss can be difficult, but with the right products and the right support, it doesn’t have to be. Click here for more information on what’s in the Vital RX Fat Loss Subscription Box and the other subscription boxes available.

Featured image by I Yunmai on Unsplash

What’s Included In Our Fat Loss Subscription Box (And Why)

Fad dieting has been a huge part of world culture since the late 1800s when English undertaker William Banting started the very first trend in weight loss—the low-carb diet. His diet became so popular that the entire world started referring to losing weight as “banting”. The first weight loss pill was also created in the late 1800s and was derived using a thyroid extract to help increase metabolic rate. The side effects were more than unpleasant, and could even lead to death, but that didn’t stop people from using the supplement for decades following its creation.

Although things haven’t changed much in the realm of pop culture and dieting, the sheer amount of scientific evidence discovered since then has given people different ways to lose weight in a healthy manner so that they can avoid the complications that may arise from being obese, or from taking products that can lead to adverse reactions. The research that has gone into weight loss supplementation is vast, and has led to an increase in ways to aid diet efforts for those who want to be and feel healthier.

Vital RX - fat loss subscription box
Image by Jarmoluk on Pixabay: Visceral fat is the type of fat that sits around the vital organs within the abdomen. It is a bigger threat to health than subcutaneous fat.

Peptides for weight loss

The use of peptides for weight loss began when researchers discovered that peptides can target fat cells the same way they do other cells within the body. Since losing weight requires a string of different lifestyle changes and the influence of a host of different systems in the body, peptides have grown popular in the fight against obesity.

Vital RX has created one of the best subscription boxes for weight loss by enlisting experienced doctors and high-quality ingredients, including the following:


The peptide AOD-9604 is said to have positive effects on weight loss efforts. The peptide is the synthetic form of human growth hormone (HGH). HGH is a small protein that works within the body to speed up the lipolysis process. When this happens, the body is more likely to shed unwanted pounds by reducing fat stores.

AOD-9604 also has the ability to decrease appetite and encourage the release of stored fat from cells throughout the body. It is one of the best peptides for belly fat reduction because of its ability to decrease levels of visceral fat. Some evidence suggests that AOD-9604 is one of, if not the best peptide for fat loss.

Ibutamoren Mesylate (MK-677)

Categorized as an active nonpeptide, MK-677 acts as a growth hormone secretagogue. This means that the peptide itself is responsible for the secretion of growth hormone into the bloodstream. It does this by stimulating the release of HGH from the glands through both the pituitary and hypothalamic hormone receptors.

Studies have found that the oral use of MK-677 can increase the levels of HGH, thus leading to an overall reduction in weight. MK-677 has also been proven to help improve overall physical health when it comes to bone density and an increase in fat-free mass. It can also help to improve sleep and cognitive function, as well as physical energy and stamina, making the process of losing weight easier.

MIC Combo Blend

The MIC Combo Blend in Vital RX’s Fat Loss Subscription Box is a form of lipotropic injection. Lipotropics are used to help break down fat by way of the metabolism. These compounds target the liver’s ability to break down fat, and some research claims that they can aid in the speed and efficiency of the metabolism. Lipotropics generally contain more than one fat-burning ingredient. The most common ingredients in lipotropic injections include:

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 aids in energy levels and helps to keep red blood cells at optimal health to avoid conditions such as anemia.


Methionine is an amino acid with a key job in keeping the metabolism functioning at its best.


Inositol is a natural sugar. It can help the body to metabolize fats and improve the function of the body’s insulin.


Playing an important role in metabolism and other cell functions such as membrane structure, choline is an essential nutrient that is added to lipotropic injections to increase the body’s ability to burn fat.

Multicomplete 360

To round off one of the best subscription boxes for weight loss, Vital RX has added a multivitamin with all the essential vitamins and nutrients needed when diet alone is not enough to get recommended daily values. It is both gluten-free and vegetarian, so it can be taken by anyone. Although some nutrients are more important than others when it comes to weight loss, all are required for the body to work as it should, and when the body has everything it needs to function properly, a healthy weight is not as hard to obtain.

Vital RX - supplements
Image by Ajale on Pixabay: Vital RX’s proven weight loss peptide supplement box is backed by science and can help you in your journey towards a healthy body weight.

Weight loss can be easy for some and difficult for others. There is never a one-size-fits all fad diet that can help someone healthily lose their unwanted pounds and keep it off. Lifestyle changes, such as an improved diet full of whole foods and a good amount of exercise, are the most important factors when it comes to being at an overall healthy weight.

For those with chronic conditions that lead to weight gain, losing weight and keeping it off can be difficult. That is why supplementation is always a good addition to any weight loss journey. Each ingredient in the Vital RX Fat Loss Subscription Box will be dose-dependent, so you can be sure you’re getting everything you need in the right amount to help you on your road to optimal health.

Featured image by Happy Vegan Fit on Pixabay