5 Naturally Detoxifying Foods

Food is fuel. If you’re eating healthily, you’ll get all the nutrients and vitamins your body needs to run at its most optimal levels. However, that’s not always the way things work. Between busy schedules and the plethora of delicious (yet not-so-healthy!) foods available, eating a healthy diet 100% of the time is near impossible. 

However, your body may begin to suffer when you regularly eat heavily processed foods or foods that lack adequate nutrition. A poor diet can also lead to toxin buildup in the body, which means too many toxic substances are floating around. The good news is that there are foods you can eat to counteract this buildup. Let’s take a look at some naturally detoxifying foods and how to use them to your benefit.

What does detoxing mean? 

Detoxing can have two meanings: refraining from consuming toxic or unhealthy substances, or taking action to get rid of toxin buildup that is already occurring within your body. While detoxing can be healthy, most people opt for a lesser version such as a juice cleanse or other similar short-term solutions. However, if you want a long-term solution to your toxin buildup, you’ll need to turn to food. 

fresh berries
Image by Eiliv-Sonas Aceron on Unsplash: What foods help flush out toxins?  

How do I detox my body naturally? 

There are many ways you can detox your body naturally that don’t revolve around food. For example, you could refrain from eating anything (otherwise known as fasting) for one to three days. Fasting can clean you out while you avoid consuming anything that may hinder the process. (It’s important to always consult your doctor about this process before diving in.)

You could also opt for the juice cleanse mentioned above, which replaces all solid foods with fruit juices, smoothies, or vegetable juices for a period of time. Another way to detox is to drink salted or lemon water. But while these methods work, depriving your body of the nutrients it needs for any given period can be harmful

So, what’s left? Using naturally detoxifying foods to aid your body in the detox process. This way, you can give your body what it needs and still get the same cleansing effects.

What are good detox foods? 

If you want to use food to detoxify your body, there are many options. Let’s take a look at the top five types of detox foods. 

1. Antioxidant-rich foods 

Antioxidants reduce or balance out the number of free radicals in the body. Free radicals are molecules that can, in high amounts, cause damage to cells and drive oxidative stress. Oxidative stress sends your body into chronic inflammation, which is terrible for your overall health.

When you eat foods high in antioxidants during a detox, you can help keep these free radical levels down and oxidative stress at bay. Antioxidants can also aid the body’s attempts to get rid of toxins, so consuming them provides a two-fold health benefit.

Some of the best antioxidant-rich foods to choose from include: 

  • Berries 
  • Nuts
  • Cocoa and chocolate 
  • Spinach 
  • Carrots 
  • Potatoes and sweet potatoes
  • Squash 
  • Pumpkins
  • Collard greens
  • Artichokes 
  • Cabbage
  • Asparagus 
  • Avocados 
  • Beetroot
  • Radish
  • Kale 

2. Prebiotic-rich foods 

The gut aids in the natural way your body detoxes itself. When your gut health is balanced, it helps eliminate toxins and other substances not needed by the body. However, if that action is compromised, your body cannot detoxify as effectively. Because of that, eating foods high in prebiotics can keep your levels of good gut bacteria where they need to be so they can perform.

Excellent food sources of prebiotics include: 

  • Tomatoes
  • Artichokes 
  • Bananas 
  • Asparagus 
  • Onions
  • Garlic 
  • Oats 

3. Sulfur-containing foods 

If you suffer from heavy metal toxin buildup, eating foods rich in sulfur can combat the effects. Sulfur aids the liver in creating glutathione, an antioxidant that helps rid the body of toxins. Without enough of it, the liver will struggle, and your detox will not be as effective.

Some of the best sulfur-containing foods include: 

  • Onions
  • Broccoli 
  • Garlic 
  • Lean meats such as turkey, chicken, and fish 
  • Nuts 
  • Whole grains
  • Chickpeas
  • Eggs 
  • Beef 
fresh vegetables in basket
Image by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash: How do I detox from processed foods? Stick to a wholefood diet instead.

4. Spices and herbs 

Spices do more than add a little something extra to your meals – they can also aid in the detoxification process, but you have to choose the right ones.

Cilantro is an excellent option for people who wish to get rid of toxins because of the way it enhances the body’s natural ability to detoxify itself. Other herbs and spices that can help to rid the body of excess toxins include: 

  • Turmeric 
  • Red clover 
  • Milk thistle 
  • Dandelion 
  • Stinging nettle
  • Burdock root 
  • Spirulina 

5. Algae

Algae isn’t always a popular choice when it comes to food. However, it can pack a punch when it comes to getting rid of toxins.

One specific type of algae known as chlorella aids in detoxification because of its nutrient content. It works by binding to toxins and heavy metals, flushing toxins out of your system and giving the body a fresh start. 

Naturally detoxing your body using food may seem like a lengthy process as opposed to a three-day cleanse. However, it is the best possible option for long-lasting maintenance. If you wish to detox your body naturally, the best way to do it is through your diet. 

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What Does “Detoxing” Actually Mean?

Detox diets have become mainstream in recent years because of all the promises they make in regards to improving overall health. Various claims include getting rid of harmful toxins from the body, cleaning the blood, and even helping to jumpstart weight loss. Detox diets are also purported to aid in the healing process of many health issues including digestive diseases, autoimmune disease, allergies, bloating, obesity, chronic fatigue, and inflammation.

The jury is still out on the detox diet because of a lack of clinical research. The detox diet studies that do exist are also flawed in nature, so it’s uncertain whether these diets work or if the people who have done them and claimed to feel better afterward were experiencing a sort of placebo effect. There are various types of detox diets, all of which offer the same claims of improved health. Read on for all you need to know, including the answer to the important question: what does “detoxing” actually mean?

What does detoxing mean? 

The word “detox” essentially means to get rid of unhealthy or toxic substances. Typically, detoxing used to be a process reserved for people who had been exposed to toxic chemicals or substances such as illicit drugs. Nowadays, though, detoxing is often used in the health space as a way to rid people’s bodies of harmful substances through a variety of methods.

The most common detox method is fasting; other common methods include limited diets where you only consume fruits, vegetables, or fruit juices and water. In some cases, a detox diet may involve use of supplements or colon cleanses/enemas to flush waste from the system.

The way detox diets are said to work is by giving the organs time to rest while stimulating the liver to detox more efficiently. They are also said to improve circulation and ensure that healthy nutrients are being reintroduced into the body.

fruit and vegetable juices
Image by Zlatko Durić on Unsplash: What kind of detoxes are there? Read on to learn more.

What kind of detoxes are there?

Although all detox diets are said to have similar benefits as well as the same end goal, there are various ways a person can participate in a detox diet. They include:

  • Fasting: The fasting that is done in a detox diet typically occurs for as little as one day up to as many as three days.
  • Fresh fruit and vegetables: Many detoxes focus solely on consuming fresh fruit and vegetables in juice form. Smoothies, water, and tea can also be consumed while on this type of detox diet.
  • Drinking specific liquids: Other than fruit juices or smoothies, some detox diets instruct people to drink only one type of special liquid, such as salted water or lemon juice.
  • Elimination: Elimination detox diets aim to remove things that may cause issues with a person’s health, such as foods that contain heavy metals, allergens, or other contaminants. Other things that are commonly eliminated during detox diets include alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, and refined sugar.
  • Supplementation: In some cases, people may have to take herbs or other supplements during a detox to help reintroduce healthy substances into the body.
  • Getting rid of waste: A big part of a many detox diets is getting rid of waste. This is often achieved through the use of laxatives, colon cleanses, or enemas.
  • Exercise: During a detox diet, emphasis is often placed on having a regular exercise routine.

The length of time a detox diet lasts and how intense it is will vary depending on the person and their goals.

Is a detox the same as a cleanse?

Both detox diets and cleanses follow the same sort of routine; however, cleanses are more focused on digestive health, whereas detoxes are likely to take the approach of aiding the body generally by removing toxins.

There are a few areas where some research has found detoxing to be of benefit. They include:

  • Weight loss
  • The avoidance of dietary sources of heavy metals
  • More exercise, which is better for overall health
  • The introduction of healthier foods into the diet
  • Avoiding heavily processed foods that are bad for the body
  • Drinking more water or tea and being more hydrated
  • Limiting stress levels, which can help improve sleep

With that being said, if you were to follow certain elements of a detox diet such as focusing on whole and nutritious foods, eating more fruits and vegetables, drinking more water, and exercising regularly, you would likely see similar benefits – simply because these elements are part of a well-rounded and healthy lifestyle regardless of whether you are detoxing or not.

detox juice
Image by Juguslocos on Unplash: How can you tell if your body is detoxing?

Should I detox my body?

While detoxing is a personal choice, the body has its own detoxification process that gets rid of toxic substances all on its own, so you really don’t have to participate in one at all. Your body is constantly making sure it has no buildup of harmful substances. The natural detox process is done by the liver and through the excretion of feces, urine, and sweat. The liver itself actually manages to take toxic substances and make them harmless, and then sends them out of the body.

While detoxing may be beneficial in some ways, it does not take a special diet to get rid of harmful toxins from your body. Your liver and other processes do this for you already. The idea of a detox diet, however, can be helpful in changing your lifestyle in a way that helps you prevent illness and the consumption of certain substances such as heavy metals or alcohol. If you do choose to detox, it’s important that you speak to your doctor first to ensure that your body can withstand the potential effects of your chosen detox diet.

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Spring Clean Your Gut! 6 Foods To Include In Your Spring Detox

In many places, the winter months are cold and unwelcoming. People often spend much more time indoors, eat comfort foods more often, and indulge in holiday meals and snacks. So when the spring finally arrives and it’s time to get back outside again, your gut health might be a little off because of all that overindulgence. The good news is that a few additions to your diet may be all you need to help your body detox after your stint in hibernation mode.   

Why do people detox in spring?

Spring cleaning is a commonly used term that often refers to people getting rid of old things and letting go of all the things they no longer need, wear, or have room for in their house. It’s also a time to do a deep clean that may have been neglected over the course of the winter months. Spring cleaning doesn’t just have to be done on material objects, though. Your body can also benefit from its own version of this new-season principle.  

During the winter, it’s easy to exercise less and eat a little less healthily than you would in the warmer months. All that extra food and reduction in exercise often leads to an excess in weight as well as a build-up of toxic substances in the body. This could be why people often feel sluggish and tired at the beginning of the spring season. By doing a spring detox, you can help to eliminate all that heaviness that you’ve accumulated over the course of the cooler months. This, in turn, will make it easier to get more active during spring and start feeling lighter and healthier ASAP.

berries for spring detox diet
Image by Cecilia Par on Unsplash: If you find yourself wondering what snacks to eat when detoxing, look no further than a delicious and sweet bowl of in-season berries.

How can I clean my gut naturally?

Since digestive health is a huge part of overall health, it’s vital to make it a priority. Cleaning the gut naturally can be done with a few simple dietary steps. The first is to stay hydrated. The digestive tract needs water to help move foods along and absorb nutrients, and drinking enough water each day will help to keep your digestion regulated. Eating foods with a high water content can also be a great help.

Adding fiber into your diet will also help to move the food along through your digestive tract and ensure that anything the body doesn’t need gets flushed out as waste. A cleanse or detox routine can also help to clean the gut naturally, so let’s take a look at what a spring detox might involve.

What are the best foods to eat when detoxing?

Eating whole foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants is the best way to help your body flush out any harmful build-up or extra toxins that may have accumulated throughout the winter. Although many fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and protein sources can help to detox the body, some foods are better than others for the process.

1. Beets

Beets are a great spring food to add to a detox diet because of their ability to activate liver enzymes and increase the level of bile within the body. This heightens the liver’s detoxing ability and helps toxins get flushed out of the body at a higher rate.

2. Berries

Berries are full of antioxidants.Spring berries such as strawberries are a great addition to the diet because their antioxidants can help to balance the levels of free radicals within the body. This balancing act ends up contributing to the body’s heightened ability to flush out toxins.

3. Asparagus

Typically, grocery stores pack asparagus all year round, but it’s especially great for detoxing in the spring, as that’s when it is in season. The vegetable acts as a diuretic, which helps the body get rid of excess substances such as salt. It can also help flush out toxins from the kidneys, leading to an overall body detoxification.

seasonal spring beets
Image by Emma-Jane Hobden on Unsplash: Many people don’t immediately think of beets when they think of a detox, but their ability to help the liver do its job is what makes them a great addition to a detox diet.

4. Grapefruit

Grapefruit used to be hailed as a superior diet food. Some people may have even tried the “grapefruit diet”, which involves eating grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice with every single meal.Even though that diet was really just a trend, there is some truth to the health benefits grapefruit can provide, especially when it comes to detoxing.

The natural sugars in grapefruit are easy to digest and the high water content will help to flush out toxins. Studies have also shown that when people eat grapefruit on a regular basis, it helps them increase their intake of other healthy foods that could help in a detox.

5. Kale

Kale is another spring season vegetable that you should be eating more of during your spring detox. This leafy vegetable has a high content of phytonutrients, which are molecules in plants that provide some great health benefits when consumed.

One specific phytonutrient known as sulfurophane helps with liver health, which in turn leads to the strengthening of the body’s natural detox process. Kale also contains high levels of antioxidants that also help the body get rid of all those toxins it doesn’t need.

6. Green Tea

Green tea is available all year round, but that doesn’t make it any less important when it comes to your spring detox. Green tea is packed with antioxidants and contains liver-protecting properties that can keep your natural detox process running as it should.

A spring detox is a great way to help shed that heaviness and tiredness that winter left behind, and including the aforementioned foods in your diet can help you speed up the process.

Featured image by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash

4 Easy Steps To A Simple Winter Detox

As the body’s largest organ, the liver has a pretty big job to do. Along with over 500 other different functions, it provides the body with the much-needed exit door for toxins. It does this by filtering out all the blood that comes through the digestive tract and sorting through different nutrients, toxins, and hormones.

Since the liver is a detoxifier all on its own, it can be hard to imagine how you can help the process out. But some detox programs can actually give the liver a little boost when it comes to getting its job done properly. During winter, a specific type of detox may be especially important because the what the body needs during those cold months of the year is different than in other seasons. So, what is a winter detox, exactly, and how can you do it for optimal health? Read on for our easy steps to a simple winter detox.

What is a winter detox?

In the simplest terms, a winter detox is just a detoxification program that occurs in the winter season. There’s much more to it than just doing your simple juicing and cleansing, though. A detox is designed to reset and rejuvenate the body to help battle fatigue and other unhelpful symptoms that happen when the body is weighed down by too many toxins.

When it comes to winter detoxification, the idea is to focus on eating better, moving more (even though it can be hard to get outside exercise), and balancing your body and mind. A winter detox should include foods that have warming properties to ensure that the optimal metabolic state is reached. It’s important to keep warm in the winter for overall health because when the internal temperature is stable, the body is more likely to be able to fight off viruses and infections.   

Vital RX - winter soup
Image by Monika Grabkowska on Unsplash: How can I detox my body at home naturally? Start with your diet.

What are the benefits of a detox diet for winter?

When the seasons change, the body undergoes some changes, too. This is because it has to prepare itself to adapt for the colder temperatures. Processes like metabolism, hormone levels, and circulation all need to adjust when colder temperatures roll in. Lifestyle changes such as more indoor time and the consumption of heavier comfort foods can also lead to changes in the body. With all these different changes come all-new toxins for your body, some of which it might not be used to.

The biggest benefit of doing a winter detox is to help your body adjust to those changes. Since there will be new toxins to eliminate, the body will need to be ready and able to get rid of them so that any side effects from being over-toxified don’t set in. Think of it as a fresh start for your liver.

How can I detox my body in winter safely?

If you want to do a detox, it might be tempting to look up a quick three-day program so you can get it over with. However, the safest way to detox the liver is by taking your time. This is because toxins need ample time to be released from the body or they may end up sticking around and triggering an inflammatory response. This can lead to flu-like symptoms (and the feeling that you’re hurting your body more than helping).

You don’t want to end up overloading your detox pathways so that nothing can get out, so you’ll also want to pay close attention to what you’re putting into your body during a detox. If you’re trying to eliminate toxins but continue to consume others, it’s a losing game. You have to be tuned into your body and really listen to it. If something doesn’t feel right, chances are you should slow the detox program down.

How do you do a simple detox?

Here are our four key steps to a simple winter detox.

1. Start with your diet

Eating a proper diet is vital to a winter detox. You’ll want to eat warming foods designed to help keep the body’s temperature where it needs to be during long bouts of cold weather. Start by eliminating sugars, processed foods, and caffeine from the diet, and eating winter detox foods such as healthy soups, walnuts, fruits like blueberries and cranberries, Brussels sprouts, and salmon.

2. Practice mindful relaxation

Mental or emotional health is just as important as physical health during a detox. When stress is at an all-time high, the body can have a more difficult time removing toxins, as the overabundance of stress hormones slows the detoxification process.Taking a long mineral bath or doing an online yoga class from the warmth and comfort of your own home can go a long way toward reaching a nice and relaxed state.

Vital RX - winter
Image by Clint Patterson on Unsplash: A winter detox can be as simple as just a few lifestyle changes.

3. Stay warm

Feeling sluggish in the winter happens to everyone. Less vitamin D, coupled with the fact that circulation suffers in cold temperatures by trying to preserve warmth for the internal organs, can lead to winter tiredness. Stay cozy with warm socks, blankets, sweaters, or heating options when you’re in your home.

4. Supplement where necessary

Even if your diet is ideal and your winter detox is going smoothly, supplementation can help make sure that your body is getting what it needs while it’s hard at work getting rid of what it doesn’t. Riboflavin is a great supplement to take because of its immune supporting benefits, and milk thistle, dandelion root, and turmeric can all help the liver get the toxins out.

Doing a winter liver detox can help you rid the body of the toxins that build up over the course of the colder months, and keep you healthy throughout a season where many people are more susceptible to illness.

Featured image by Rodolfo Sanches Carvalho on Unsplash

11 Supplements That Are Great For Detoxing

The human body is a marvel of chemical processes. Every organ has a specific job, and when they’re all functioning optimally, overall health is at its best. The liver, specifically, is used to help rid the body of toxins that can accumulate over time. If the build-up is too much, it can lead to chronic illness and other health complications.

Proper functioning of the liver is vital to the natural detoxification process, but sometimes, it can’t manage against the overabundance of heavy metals and bio-accumulated pollutants. This is where detox support supplements can come in to play to help restore the liver to its full capacity. Below we’ll take a look at some supplements that are great for detoxing.

What is detoxing?

The increased numbers of bio-pollutants and the use of heavy metals in everyday life have led to an increased risk of toxicity within the body. Detoxing is the process by which those harmful substances are neutralized and eliminated. Generally speaking, detoxification is a natural process that manages itself, but when the liver isn’t functioning at its best, it could use a little help.

This is where other forms of encouraged detoxification come from. From changing a diet to help reduce the amount of toxins being ingested, to participating in detoxification methods such as chelation therapy and sauna therapy, there are many ways one can encourage their body to reach optimal health through detoxification.

What is heavy metal poisoning?

Heavy metals are naturally occurring elements that the body can use in trace amounts for a variety of functions. These heavy metals, such as zinc, iron, and copper, need to be present for bodily functions to perform as they should. But when the soft tissues in the body accumulate too much of these heavy metals – or others that the body does not need, including mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic – it can cause a wide variety of health repercussions.

Symptoms will vary depending on the level of toxicity as well as the type of metal ingested, but often include:

  • Gastrointestinal distress such as nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chills
  • Weakness and fatigue
  • Tingling in the hands and feet

Although this is not an exhaustive list, these are the general symptoms that accompany many types of heavy metal poisoning.

What are bio-accumulated pollutants?

Pollutants can be found everywhere: in the air, in the food you eat, and in water sources. Examples of harmful pollutants that can build up within the body and cause chronic health issues include:

  • Nitrate
  • Fluoride
  • Organic chemicals such as pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and solvents
  • Radionuclides such as uranium
  • Asbestos
  • Second-hand smoke
  • Aerosols
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Carbon monoxide
  • Fossil fuels
  • Fertilizers

Different bio-accumulated pollutants will have varied effects on health. For example, when too much fluoride is ingested, it can lead to neurotoxicity.

Vital RX - health and wellness
Image by Tim Bogdanov on Unsplash: Having a healthy liver can make all the difference to your overall levels of wellness.

Supplements that are great for detoxing

Milk thistle

Milk thistle is used as a detox supplement because of its positive effect on liver function. It’s a common component in the treatment of liver disease damage because it can help to restore the natural detoxification effects of the organ.


One study found that spirulina has protective benefits for those who suffer from chronic liver disease. It was found that spirulina acted as an antioxidant, helped rid the body of free radicals, encouraged the chelation process, and prevented further damage to the liver.


Chlorella can be found in detox supplements for extra support of liver function because of its ability to bind to heavy metals within the body.

Barley grass

To help improve liver function, barley grass reduces inflammation that can often be induced by alcohol consumption.


Gut bacteria have an effect on all bodily processes, including liver function. Having optimal microbiota health can improve harmful interactions in people with hepatic disease.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is widely known as an immune-boosting supplement, but it earns its spot on the list of best supplements for a detox diet because of its ability to protect the liver against hepatoxic substances.

Activated charcoal

Most notably used in to help treat poisoning and overdoses, activated charcoal gets its liver-boosting properties from its ability to bind to drugs and toxins in the body and eliminate them.


Zeolite has been used in a variety of ways, including medicine, cosmetics, manufacturing, and ecology. It aids in the detoxification process by binding to harmful substances in the gastrointestinal tract and removing them from the system.


Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that occurs naturally within the body. It aids in the prevention of oxidative stress by promoting balance between free radicals and antioxidants. It has also been shown to help improve cell function in those who have fatty liver disease.

Calcium-D glucarate

The binding of calcium and d-glucaric acid give this particular supplement its liver-protecting benefits. Research has shown that it does this by encouraging the liver’s natural processes, as well as protecting against toxin build-up and excess levels of steroidal hormones.

Licorice root

Studies suggest that licorice root can support detoxification at the same time as limiting early liver cell death.

Vital RX - vitamin C
Image by Freestocks on Unsplash: Looking for a supplement for detox support? Vitamin C is a great assistant when it comes to restoring healthy liver function.

If the liver is functioning as it should, the use of supplements for detox isn’t generally necessary. Also, certain supplements may work better or worse depending on the level of health of the liver overall. But in those with liver disease, supplements to help improve symptoms and decrease the progression of the illness are best, whereas in those with a one-off build-up of toxins can benefit from supplements that bind to heavy metals and pollutants. This way, the liver will be able to flush out toxins on its own and return you to optimal health.

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