10 Natural Foods That Promote Muscle Gain

Increasing your muscle tone sounds easy enough, right? You just need to lift weights and do bench presses, and you’re good to go! Except… it’s actually a lot harder than most people think. Gaining muscle depends on many factors, but your diet is the most important thing to consider when bulking. If you’re doing all the right exercises without the right diet, all your effort will be for nothing.

A diet rich in lean proteins and amino acids is a crucial step when bulking, but not many people know what to add to their diets and what to exclude. And that’s exactly why we’ve compiled a list of the ten best muscle-building foods. Read on to learn all you need to know!

Why Is Diet So Important For Muscle Gain?

Building muscle isn’t just about hitting the gym for hours every day. To see the results you’re after, you need to start with your diet. What you eat and how much you eat is essential for muscle development. Dietary proteins, amino acids, and leucine are crucial for muscle building. So while we agree that strength training is important for muscle gain, it’s also important that you have the proper nutrition you need to go along with it. Without a good diet, you could lose muscle tissue rather than building it.

Essential amino acids and leucine are just as important as protein in your diet because they stimulate protein synthesis (the building of new muscle) and prevent your body from breaking down existing muscle to use as fuel during workouts.

Is Protein The Only Way To Bulk?

Without a doubt, protein is the most important thing your body needs for successful bulking. This is because our muscles are made up of proteins, and our bodies need a proper amount of protein not only to build new muscle but also to sustain existing muscle. But protein alone isn’t enough to fuel your body.

Many people trying to get “shredded” are also trying to lose fat, which usually means restricting the number of calories they consume. But this could have an adverse effect on muscle building. You don’t just need the right amount of protein, but the right amount of calories too. Otherwise, your body may burn your existing muscle to use as fuel.

Carbohydrates and fats are also important dietary necessities for building muscle. Unfortunately, most bulkers see carbs and fats as the enemy, but really, it’s just highly processed carbs that you should avoid. Carbohydrates found in wholegrains, legumes, fruit, and veg will help fuel your body during your workout to achieve the results you’re after.

10 Natural Muscle-Building Foods

Knowing what to eat to gain muscle is the first step to successful bulking. Below, we’ve compiled some lists of foods you should add to your diet to get the gains you’re aiming for.

eggs on toast
Image by Aline Ponce from Pixabay: Eggs are rich in protein and essential amino acid, and are among the best natural foods that promote muscle gain.

Proteins For Muscle Building

1. Eggs

Eggs are rich in protein, healthy fats, and nutrients. They also contain a large amount of the amino acid leucine, which is incredibly important for muscle gain.

2. Beef

Beef is rich in high-quality proteins, minerals, B vitamins, and creatines. Some studies have shown that adding lean red meat to your diet can increase the lean mass gained from strength training.

3. Salmon

Salmon is another excellent source of protein for muscle building. Every three ounces of salmon contains approximately 17 grams of protein, 1.5 grams of omega-3 fatty acids, and a few important vitamin Bs.

4. Chicken

Chicken breast is a great source of lean protein. In just three ounces of chicken breast, you’ll find about 27 grams of protein. This is also one of the cheapest protein options available.

Fruits & Vegetables For Muscle Building

5. Green Peas

Green peas aren’t just a delicious dinner side, but a protein-packed one as well. For every 200 grams of peas, you’ll find about 9 grams of protein.

6. Spinach

Spinach is an excellent source of protein. After all, it was Popeye’s favorite food! Each cooked cup (about 30 grams) of spinach contains approximately 5 grams of protein.

7. Corn

Corn on the cob is a BBQ favorite and a great way to get extra protein. In 150 grams of sweet corn, you will find about 4.7 grams of protein.

spinach on toast
Image by Lisa Fotios on Pexels: Vegetables for muscle building are often an overlooked but excellent source of protein.

Grains, Legumes & Other Foods For Muscle Building

8. Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt can be used to make high-protein snacks for muscle gain, especially protein smoothies. In 100 grams of nonfat Greek yogurt, there are about 10 grams of protein.

9. Soybeans

Perfect for vegetarian and vegan bulkers, there are about 16 grams of protein in just 86 grams of soybeans!

10. Protein Powder

Supplements are also a great way to get the nutrients your body needs. If you’re having trouble getting enough protein, try protein powders. Whey protein is the most popular variety, but options are available for folks who don’t consume dairy.

They say that the perfect physique starts in the kitchen, and they’re right. If you want to build, tone, and shape, you need to start with what you eat!

Featured image by Григорий Калюжный from Pixabay

6 Natural Foods That Promote Fat Loss

Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is essential for various reasons. When someone is at a higher weight than they are comfortable with, it can drastically affect their mental wellness and overall self-esteem. Aside from improved mental health, losing fat is also a great way to ward off preventable chronic diseases brought on by obesity. Such conditions include cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and fatty liver disease.

The health risks alone are enough to encourage a change to eating habits. But where to start? Many suggest going on crash diets or working out incessantly, but those tactics don’t really work for sustainable fat loss. If you want to lose fat and keep it off, you’ll have to put most of your focus into food. So can the food you eat help you lose weight? And if so, what are some natural foods that promote fat loss? Let’s investigate. 

Food to promote weight loss 

Food and fat loss may not seem to go hand in hand, but no matter what you weigh, you still have to eat to fuel your body. That is why avoiding overeating isn’t the only factor, but also focusing heavily on what you do eat. All foods give you energy, even “junk food.” That said, the right foods will offer your body the nutrients and other substances it needs to burn fat on a cellular level. When losing fat, food can be your best friend. 

Image by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash: What foods help burn belly fat? 

What are the best fat loss foods? 

Choosing the right foods for fat loss doesn’t have to be an arduous guessing game. A few will help your body do what it needs to do to get rid of excess fat while you limit weight-gain foods and move your body more.

1. Fatty fish 

Fatty fish such as salmon, herring, sardines, and mackerel are all great options if your goal is to lose fat. The primary nutrient in these types of fish is omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids can contribute to a reduction in inflammation as well as a reduced risk of heart disease.

When it comes to losing fat, studies have found that eating fatty fish helps fat loss because of its effect on cortisol. Cortisol is one of the body’s stress hormones. When you have high levels of cortisol, the body holds on to fat. However, eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids has been shown to lower cortisol levels, making it easier to lose fat.

These types of fish are also high in protein, a nutrient that increases metabolism and makes you feel fuller for longer. 

2. Coffee

Coffee is a day starter for many people because of its caffeine content – caffeine can help people become more alert in the morning. The substance can also improve mood and increase mental and physical performance.  

Studies find that when people consume caffeine before working out, they burn almost twice as much fat as those who do not. Because of this increase in physical stamina, fat loss during exercise is much easier. Caffeine also boosts the metabolism by as much as 13%, which gives the body more fat-burning power even at rest. 

3. Eggs

Eggs are often overlooked as a healthy food because they are high in cholesterol. However, they are actually nutritional powerhouses because of all the essential vitamins they contain. 

Research finds that people who eat eggs for breakfast are less hungry throughout the day and eat less. Because of this, it is easier to lose fat.

Eggs also contain high amounts of protein, which, as mentioned above, helps increase your metabolic rate and encourage fat burn during downtime. 

4. Green tea

Green tea is hailed as a health food because it has many benefits. Aside from the more commonly known effects, such as reducing the risk of heart disease and protecting against cancer, green tea also provides caffeine and an antioxidant known as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). 

EGCG is crucial for fat loss because of the way it promotes fat burning, especially in the belly area.  

red chili peppers
Image by Ryan Quintal on Unsplash: Are there any healthy snacks for weight loss? Yes!

5. Chili peppers 

Chili peppers add spice to foods. Consuming chili peppers can be great for your health, too. Antioxidants in chili peppers have been shown to reduce inflammation while protecting your cells from damage that could lead to chronic disease because of the ingredient capsaicin.  

Capsaicin can also help promote fat loss for several reasons. The substance reduces overeating because of its ability to make you feel fuller for extended periods. People limiting their calorie intake to lose weight may slow their metabolism. However, adding chili peppers with capsaicin counteracts that slowing of metabolism, which can encourage more fat burn throughout the day. 

6. Olive oil 

Olive oil is a healthy fat, and while eating fat may seem counterintuitive to losing fat, it’s actually a vital piece of the fat loss puzzle. Olive oil can reduce triglyceride levels, raise good cholesterol levels, and encourage the body to produce more of a hormone that helps you feel fuller longer. 

Studies also found that people who consume extra virgin olive oil with their meals burn more fat for a few hours following the meal. That means that olive oil helps you eat fewer calories and encourages your body to burn more when you’re at rest. 

Eating to lose fat is an integral part of the weight loss puzzle. You just have to know what foods to eat to ensure that your body continuously burns more fat. 

Featured image by CA Creative on Unsplash

5 Naturally Detoxifying Foods

Food is fuel. If you’re eating healthily, you’ll get all the nutrients and vitamins your body needs to run at its most optimal levels. However, that’s not always the way things work. Between busy schedules and the plethora of delicious (yet not-so-healthy!) foods available, eating a healthy diet 100% of the time is near impossible. 

However, your body may begin to suffer when you regularly eat heavily processed foods or foods that lack adequate nutrition. A poor diet can also lead to toxin buildup in the body, which means too many toxic substances are floating around. The good news is that there are foods you can eat to counteract this buildup. Let’s take a look at some naturally detoxifying foods and how to use them to your benefit.

What does detoxing mean? 

Detoxing can have two meanings: refraining from consuming toxic or unhealthy substances, or taking action to get rid of toxin buildup that is already occurring within your body. While detoxing can be healthy, most people opt for a lesser version such as a juice cleanse or other similar short-term solutions. However, if you want a long-term solution to your toxin buildup, you’ll need to turn to food. 

fresh berries
Image by Eiliv-Sonas Aceron on Unsplash: What foods help flush out toxins?  

How do I detox my body naturally? 

There are many ways you can detox your body naturally that don’t revolve around food. For example, you could refrain from eating anything (otherwise known as fasting) for one to three days. Fasting can clean you out while you avoid consuming anything that may hinder the process. (It’s important to always consult your doctor about this process before diving in.)

You could also opt for the juice cleanse mentioned above, which replaces all solid foods with fruit juices, smoothies, or vegetable juices for a period of time. Another way to detox is to drink salted or lemon water. But while these methods work, depriving your body of the nutrients it needs for any given period can be harmful

So, what’s left? Using naturally detoxifying foods to aid your body in the detox process. This way, you can give your body what it needs and still get the same cleansing effects.

What are good detox foods? 

If you want to use food to detoxify your body, there are many options. Let’s take a look at the top five types of detox foods. 

1. Antioxidant-rich foods 

Antioxidants reduce or balance out the number of free radicals in the body. Free radicals are molecules that can, in high amounts, cause damage to cells and drive oxidative stress. Oxidative stress sends your body into chronic inflammation, which is terrible for your overall health.

When you eat foods high in antioxidants during a detox, you can help keep these free radical levels down and oxidative stress at bay. Antioxidants can also aid the body’s attempts to get rid of toxins, so consuming them provides a two-fold health benefit.

Some of the best antioxidant-rich foods to choose from include: 

  • Berries 
  • Nuts
  • Cocoa and chocolate 
  • Spinach 
  • Carrots 
  • Potatoes and sweet potatoes
  • Squash 
  • Pumpkins
  • Collard greens
  • Artichokes 
  • Cabbage
  • Asparagus 
  • Avocados 
  • Beetroot
  • Radish
  • Kale 

2. Prebiotic-rich foods 

The gut aids in the natural way your body detoxes itself. When your gut health is balanced, it helps eliminate toxins and other substances not needed by the body. However, if that action is compromised, your body cannot detoxify as effectively. Because of that, eating foods high in prebiotics can keep your levels of good gut bacteria where they need to be so they can perform.

Excellent food sources of prebiotics include: 

  • Tomatoes
  • Artichokes 
  • Bananas 
  • Asparagus 
  • Onions
  • Garlic 
  • Oats 

3. Sulfur-containing foods 

If you suffer from heavy metal toxin buildup, eating foods rich in sulfur can combat the effects. Sulfur aids the liver in creating glutathione, an antioxidant that helps rid the body of toxins. Without enough of it, the liver will struggle, and your detox will not be as effective.

Some of the best sulfur-containing foods include: 

  • Onions
  • Broccoli 
  • Garlic 
  • Lean meats such as turkey, chicken, and fish 
  • Nuts 
  • Whole grains
  • Chickpeas
  • Eggs 
  • Beef 
fresh vegetables in basket
Image by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash: How do I detox from processed foods? Stick to a wholefood diet instead.

4. Spices and herbs 

Spices do more than add a little something extra to your meals – they can also aid in the detoxification process, but you have to choose the right ones.

Cilantro is an excellent option for people who wish to get rid of toxins because of the way it enhances the body’s natural ability to detoxify itself. Other herbs and spices that can help to rid the body of excess toxins include: 

  • Turmeric 
  • Red clover 
  • Milk thistle 
  • Dandelion 
  • Stinging nettle
  • Burdock root 
  • Spirulina 

5. Algae

Algae isn’t always a popular choice when it comes to food. However, it can pack a punch when it comes to getting rid of toxins.

One specific type of algae known as chlorella aids in detoxification because of its nutrient content. It works by binding to toxins and heavy metals, flushing toxins out of your system and giving the body a fresh start. 

Naturally detoxing your body using food may seem like a lengthy process as opposed to a three-day cleanse. However, it is the best possible option for long-lasting maintenance. If you wish to detox your body naturally, the best way to do it is through your diet. 

Featured image by Kim Daniels on Unsplash

Natural Foods That Boost Energy Levels

Food is a vital piece of the health puzzle – without it, of course, the body would cease to function. In this day and age, eating means more than simply fueling your body. From social gatherings to family bonding, eating has become a centrepiece in many people’s lives.

When it comes to energy levels, diet is the be-all-end-all. Without eating the right foods, the cells in your body will not have the fuel they need to perform, and you will end up feeling tired and fatigued. But what foods are best to keep your energy up? Let’s take a look at some of the different natural foods that boost energy levels. 

Foods for energy

Food is essential for all bodily functions but crucial for your energy levels. Everything you eat contains certain nutrients or substances that can make or break your energy. If you eat a wholefood-rich diet, you’re likely getting the vitamins and minerals the body needs to function correctly. However, if a lot of what you eat has additives or is heavily processed, you’re consuming substances that will eventually harm how well your cells perform their jobs, leading to fatigue.  

The good news is that changing your diet to help boost your overall health and energy levels isn’t difficult, and you don’t have to give up everything you love to eat. You can treat yourself in moderation while incorporating good energy-boosting foods to help you ward off those pesky and lingering feelings of tiredness. 

fresh apples
Image by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash: What is the best energy booster food?

What foods boost your energy levels naturally? 

Various wholefoods provide the energy you need to tackle your daily life. Foods that contain energy-boosting nutrients such as protein, iron, potassiumCoQ10, B vitamins, carnitine, and creatine are your best option. Let’s delve into some of the foods that contain these nutrients.

Animal-based proteins

Animal-based proteins contain essential vitamins and minerals that are required for energy. The best animal proteins for the abovementioned key nutrients include: 

  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Eggs 
  • Cheese 
  • Milk 

Other animal proteins such as beef and pork also offer nutrients, but they also contain other substances, such as excess amounts of fat, that could stall energy production in your body. That is why it’s best to stick to leaner meat products if you want to reap the benefits of energy-boosting nutrients. That way, you will avoid excess substances that could cause more harm than good. 

Plant-based proteins 

Plant-based proteins are often used as substitutes for people who don’t want to consume much or any meat. However, most plant-based proteins are incomplete, meaning they don’t contain all the amino acids required to build protein in the body. Because of this, you will need to eat more of them to get the same benefit as their animal-based counterparts. 

The nutrients mentioned above can be found in the following plant protein foods: 

  • Almonds
  • Amaranth
  • Cashews
  • Chia seeds
  • Peanuts
  • Pistachios
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Quinoa 
  • Sesame seeds
  • Walnuts 
  • Black beans
  • Edamame
  • Soybeans 


Fruits are an essential part of any healthy diet for many reasons. When it comes to energy levels, fruits contain vital nutrients that help cells in the body stay energized. The best way to consume fruit is fresh and whole.

If you want to battle fatigue, you can choose fruits such as: 

  • Apples
  • Avocados
  • Bananas 
  • Blueberries
  • Dates
  • Goji berries
  • Cantaloupe
  • Lemons
  • Oranges
  • Raisins
  • Strawberries 

These contain vitamins and minerals such as CoQ10, magnesium, potassium, and iron – all of which will fuel your cells to perform appropriately. 

wholegrain bread
Image by Young Shih on Unsplash: What food improves energy?  


Similar to fruit, vegetables should be included in everyone’s diet. While each vegetable contains its own nutrient content, all veggies have something to help power your cells with what they need to get things done. When it comes to energy levels, some vegetables may be better than others.

Some good vegetables to incorporate into an energy-boosting diet include: 

  • Asparagus
  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Cauliflower
  • Spinach
  • Squash 
  • Sweet potatoes 

Magnesium and potassium are found in all of the foods mentioned above. Others contain extra nutrients such as iron, CoQ10, and protein to help increase the boost you’ll get when eating them regularly.  


Wholegrains are complex carbs. They are broken down by the body slowly, with the nutrients used more effectively. They also contain more nutrients than simple carbs and are lower on the glycemic index.

Because of their vitamin and mineral content, wholegrains are a perfect addition to an energy-boosting diet. Some of the best options include: 

  • Brown rice
  • Oatmeal 
  • Whole wheat 
  • White rice 
  • Fortified breakfast cereals

When it comes to fortified cereal, you’ll want to choose an option with the least amount of sugar. Too much processed sugar can hinder your energy levels in the long run. 

Dairy substitutes 

Eating dairy alternatives can be a great way to get high levels of potassium, magnesium, protein, and B vitamins for people who wish to avoid dairy products. All these nutrients are vital to your overall energy levels. Some of the best options for dairy alternatives include: 

  • Almond milk
  • Cashew milk
  • Oat milk
  • Rice milk
  • Soy milk
  • Ice creams and yogurts made from a milk alternative (try to stick with low-sugar options)

If you want to boost your energy levels, regularly incorporating any of these foods is a great way to do it!

Featured image by Maksim Shutov on Unsplash

11 Natural Foods That Promote Immune Health

Having a healthy immune system is vital to avoiding illness and disease – but it can also be easy for your immune system to become compromised. There is little more important than diet when it comes to the health of your body’s defense system. Food fuels the immune system with the nutrients it needs to perform at its best, and if you eat the right things, you can promote overall good immune health now and for years to come. Let’s take a look at some natural foods that promote immune health.

What foods boost your immune system naturally? 

Many nutritious foods can help you boost your immune system and keep yourself safe from outside pathogens. They include: 

1. Citrus fruits 

Citrus fruits are high in vitamin C, a nutrient that helps increase white blood cells. White blood cells are vital players in the fight against pathogens. Some of the best citrus fruits you can eat if you want to improve your immune health include: 

  • Grapefruit
  • Oranges
  • Tangerines
  • Lemons
  • Limes
  • Clementines

The body doesn’t store vitamin C, so it’s important to incorporate fruits like these regularly into your diet. 

2. Red bell peppers

Another great way to get the vitamin C you need is through red bell peppers. Bell peppers of the red variety contain three times the amount of vitamin C as one orange. If you don’t want to eat a citrus fruit every day or need variety to get your daily needs, adding some red bell peppers to your meals is a great way to accomplish that. 

3. Broccoli 

Broccoli contains several nutrients that can keep your immune system healthy. It has vitamins E, C, and A, and antioxidants that help reduce widespread inflammation. When there is inflammation in the body, especially chronic, it can weaken your defenses. By eating more broccoli, you can gain the nutrients your body needs to fight off pathogens and keep inflammation down when you are not contending with an illness.  

4. Garlic

Garlic has been used for centuries as a flavorful addition to food and medicine. Garlic is excellent for the immune system because it contains the compound allicin. Allicin has the ability to both help the body fight off viruses and regulate the immune system for better overall functioning. 

Image by Mike Kenneally on Unsplash: Is garlic an immunity booster food? Yes! 

5. Ginger

Ginger is another food many people turn to when ill because of its medicinal properties. Ginger contains antibacterial and antiparasitic properties. The root vegetable is also a diaphoretic, which can help the body sweat out colds or cases of flu faster. Research has shown that ginger can reduce inflammation in the body and fight off oxidative stress, which can help the immune system to become better regulated. 

6. Spinach 

Spinach is a powerhouse of nutrients. It contains high levels of vitamin C, antioxidants, and beta-carotene. All these nutrients can increase the immune system’s ability to fight off infection and stay better protected against disease. 

7. Yogurt 

The health of the immune system and the gut go hand in hand. Roughly 80% of all immune cells are found in the stomach, so when it is healthy, the immune system generally is, too. This is why eating yogurt regularly can promote good immune health.

Yogurt contains beneficial live bacteria that help to stimulate the cells of the immune system in the gut to fight off disease effectively. As one of the best foods for immune health, the cultures in yogurt also help to keep the gut bacteria balanced in a way that improves not only immune health, but overall bodily health. 

8. Almonds

Almonds contain high levels of vitamin E, which acts as an antioxidant within the body. According to research, vitamin E is one of the best nutrients for immune health because it modulates immune function. When the immune system is regulated correctly, it responds better to harmful pathogens. 

sunflower seeds
Image by Zobia Shakar on Unsplash: What food improves immunity? 

9. Sunflower seeds 

Similar to almonds, sunflower seeds also contain high levels of vitamin E. Along with this nutrient, the seeds also contain selenium, phosphorous, magnesium, and vitamin B6, each of which is important to overall immune function.

Selenium acts as an antioxidant, reducing overall inflammation levels and enhancing the immune response. Phosphorous plays an essential role in immunity because of its ability to create barriers against pathogens in the body, and magnesium can strengthen the action of white blood cells. When you get enough magnesium, your immune cells can better find and destroy pathogens. 

10. Turmeric

Turmeric has long been used in the natural medicine world because of its ability to combat illness and treat various types of arthritic diseases. The substance that gives turmeric its medicinal properties is curcumin. According to research on curcumin and immunity, the spice can influence how well immune cells function. That influence helps the immune system maintain readiness for fighting off infections. 

11. Green tea 

Green tea is another immune-friendly food touted for its health benefits. Green tea contains flavonoids, which are great for regulating the immune response. The compounds help immunity because they can inhibit the activation of specific immune cells that harm how well the immune system functions. 

An antioxidant known as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is also found in high amounts in green tea. Research has shown that this particular antioxidant can boost the immune system.

Incorporating these foods regularly into your diet will ensure you get all the nutrients your immune system needs to keep you well protected now and in the future.  

Featured image by Bruna Branco on Unsplash

10 Foods That Support Liver Health

Your liver is one of your hardest-working organs. It plays a role in many essential bodily tasks such as storing nutrients, producing proteins, and even regulating cholesterol. The liver is also your natural detox organ in the sense that it breaks down certain toxic substances and sends them out of the body.

Without a healthy liver, your body will begin to suffer in various ways. That is why it’s important to take care of your liver so it can take care of you. But how can you do this? One way is through diet – so let’s take a look at some of the foods that support liver health.  

How do I make my liver healthy?

According to the American Liver Foundation, various aspects of your lifestyle are involved in maintaining and improving liver health. They suggest the following steps to help keep your liver as healthy as possible:

  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Keep up with a regular exercise routine
  • Avoid toxic substances such as alcohol and illicit drugs
  • Practice safe sexual encounters
  • Practice good personal hygiene
  • Never misuse or overuse medications
  • Get vaccinated against certain conditions such as hepatitis A or B if possible

Another great thing you can do for your liver health is fuel your body with healthy foods. But what foods help with liver health?

sliced grapefruit
Image by Rayia Soderberg on Unsplash: How to improve liver function naturally? Eat some grapefruit!

What foods are good for liver repair and function?

While many foods can ensure that your whole body is running at its best, there are some that stand out from the rest when it comes to the health of your liver specifically. They include:

1. Coffee and tea

While it might be surprising to see coffee on a list of liver health foods, it’s here for good reason! Studies have found the popular beverage helps protect against liver disease in both healthy people as well as those who already have chronic liver disease.

Staying on the caffeine train: tea is also hailed for its many health benefits, but many people don’t know just how good it can be for the liver. The type of tea you drink matters when it comes to liver health, though, with green tea being the best option. One particular study found that blood markers of liver health improved after people drank 10 cups of green tea per day.

2. Grapefruit

Grapefruit is often considered a “diet food”, but did you know it’s packed with nutrients and antioxidants that can boost your liver health? Two antioxidants that are dominant in grapefruit are naringenin and naringin, and both have been shown to protect the liver from damage and injury by reducing inflammation.

3. Blueberries and cranberries

Blueberries and cranberries contain high amounts of antioxidants known as anthocyanins. These have been shown to protect the liver from damage as well as prevent the development of lesions on the liver, which can lead to various issues.

4. Grapes

Red and purple grapes contain a plant compound known as resveratrol. Resveratrol has been shown to increase antioxidant levels in the body, prevent damage, and reduce inflammation, all of which can improve the function and health of the liver.

5. Prickly pear

Prickly pear is a type of cactus that you can eat. While it has been used in alternative medicine for centuries, many modern medical researchers are now looking at its use in the traditional medicine. Studies done on the prickly pear have examined how it can affect the health of the liver following alcohol consumption, finding that it reduces inflammation caused by drinking.

6. Beetroot juice

Beetroot juice contains many healthy substances such as nitrates and betalains, which are antioxidants that have been shown to reduce oxidative stress and widespread inflammation. When it comes to liver health specifically, beetroot juice has been shown to reduce damage and inflammation to the liver at the same time as increasing the organ’s ability to detox the body by increasing production of enzymes tasked with this job.

bowl of brussels sprouts
Image by Sebastian Coman Photography on Unsplash: Are cruciferous vegetables good for liver health? You bet!

7. Cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and mustard greens provide many health benefits to the body because of their high nutrient and fiber content. Research has shown that eating these types of vegetables regularly can help to maintain and improve liver function by protecting the organ from damage at the same time as increasing its ability to detox the body.

8. Nuts

Nuts contain high amounts of plant compounds and antioxidant vitamins that are good for overall health. When it comes to the liver, studies have found that people who included nuts more in their diet had a lower risk of developing nonalcoholic fatty liver disease than those who skipped out on eating nuts altogether.

9. Fatty fish

Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fatty fish, are strongly associated with the reduction of inflammation. While this is typically connected to heart health, research on omega-3 fatty acids has found that adequate amounts can help to lower the amount of fat in the liver in people who already have an existing liver disease.

10. Olive oil

Olive oil is a type of fat, but it’s considered a healthy fat because of its many health benefits. Studies have found that consuming a small amount of olive oil every day can help improve the levels of fat in the liver as well as the amount of liver enzymes available to help with the detoxification process.

Your liver deserves all the good attention it can get because of how hard it works for your body. By introducing some (or all!) of the above foods into your diet on a regular basis, you can maintain and improve your liver health for years to come.

Featured image by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Why Certain Foods Speed Up Your Metabolism

Whether you feel as though your body isn’t burning as much fat as it should be, or you’re aiming to lose weight and can’t seem to keep it off no matter how hard you try, you may start to believe that your metabolism is simply against you. While there is some truth to fast and slow metabolism affecting weight, having an ill-functioning metabolism can affect more than just your weight.

In fact, every single thing you do (from thinking to breathing to sleeping) relies on a properly functioning metabolism. But what is your metabolism, exactly? How does it work? And are particular foods better for boosting metabolism than others? Read on to learn all you need to know, including why certain foods speed up your metabolism.

What is your metabolism?

Metabolism is a bodily process that converts the food you eat into energy that can be sent throughout the body. For example, when you eat an apple, its components are broken down and divvied out through the metabolism process. Metabolism combines the food’s calories with oxygen, which aids in the release of energy.

While some people may believe that you only need energy when you’re engaging in an activity, that’s not true. Your body requires a certain level of energy to perform even its most basic functions, such as breathing, growing and repairing cells, and circulating blood.

When we talk about speeding up the metabolism, the conversation is usually more geared toward to weight loss or maintenance.

spoons with spices
Image by Calum Lewis on Unsplash: What ingredients speed up your metabolism?

What is the metabolic rate?

As mentioned above, when the body is at rest, it still needs energy. This means you could be doing nothing but lying down and breathing and you’ll still be burning calories. Your metabolic rate, also referred to as your basal metabolic rate, is how many calories you need for those basic functions. Not to be confused with your basal metabolic rate, your resting metabolic rate is how many calories your body burns while at rest.

When you’re thinking about speeding up the metabolism with food, you’re looking to increase your metabolic rate so that your body burns more calories when you’re not working out or moving around.

How does food affect your metabolism?

Every time you eat, digest, or store food, your metabolism increases because of the thermic effect of food. The thermic effect is a boost in metabolic rate after you eat due to the energy it takes the body to chew, swallow, and digest food. This means that regardless of what you eat, you’re still boosting your metabolism at every meal.

Different foods will offer a different type of boost, because each food comes with its own thermic effect and therefore boosts the metabolism in different ways. For example, eating a large steak will have a much more powerful boosting effect than eating a few small pieces of fruit.

Other factors that affect metabolic rate

While food plays a role in your metabolism, there are other factors to be taken into consideration when figuring out how to boost your metabolism. Your age, for example, is a key factor, because as you age, your metabolism begins to slow down naturally. This is due to a variety of reasons, including less physical activity, a decrease in muscle mass, and simply the natural aging process of the internal components that make up the metabolism.

Your hormones, overall weight, muscle mass, and body composition also play a vital role in metabolism.

What foods make your metabolism faster?

While all foods will provide a brief boost in metabolism because of the thermic effect of food, some are better for this purpose than others. The best metabolism-boosting foods include:

Protein-rich foods

Foods rich in protein such as lean meats, eggs, dairy products, nuts, seeds, and legumes have been shown to help boost the metabolism because of they have the highest thermic effect of food. Plant-based protein sources such as beans also have the same effect and can aid in boosting metabolism.

Mineral-rich foods

Foods that contain high levels of iron and selenium are important for metabolism boosting because of the way they affect the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland helps to regulate metabolism, so when it is running as it should, it helps speed metabolism up. Foods that are rich in minerals include nuts and seeds, shellfish, cruciferous vegetables, and organ meats.

people holding coffees

Image by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash: What foods make your metabolism faster?

Chili peppers

Chili peppers can help to boost metabolism because of capsaicin, a chemical they have in abundance. Research has found that eating chili peppers or using supplements can help to boost the metabolism so much that it burns an extra 50 calories per day.

Coffee and tea

Caffeine has been shown to help the body burn more fat for energy as well as boost the metabolism so much so that the body burns up to an extra 100 calories per day. It does this by stimulating the body’s system to burn more calories.

Tea can also boost the metabolism because it contains catechins, which are compounds that promote overall health. Tea, especially green and oolong, increase the body’s ability to burn more calories and use fat stores for energy.


While many people may not think of water as a metabolism-boosting food, it has been shown to increase the speed of metabolism because the body needs to use more energy to heat the water up to room temperature – a process known as induced thermogenesis.

While all foods have an effect on metabolism after you consume them, some are more effective than others at boosting the metabolic rate. So why not include some of the above metabolism-boosting foods in your next meal?

Featured image by Thomas M. Evans on Unsplash

Winter Immunity Diet Guidelines

When many people think of a winter diet, their mind goes directly to warm comfort food. In some cases, such food is just that: comforting. However, it can also be full of not-so-good-for-you ingredients such as extra fats, excess carbohydrates, and sugar. Unfortunately, even if these types of foods taste good, they’re doing your body a disservice, especially when it comes to your immune health.

During the winter months, there are fewer things more important than keeping your immune system running optimally. With cold and flu season and the added concern of COVID-19, immune health this winter has never been more important. The good news is that even during the winter months you can do certain things to keep your immune system functioning at its best, keeping your body in fighting shape if you do happen to encounter a virus or other pathogen.

How can I boost my immune system in winter?

There are many things you can do during the winter months to keep your immune system ready for battle, so to speak. They include:


Exercise has been proven to help boost immune function. While most types of exercise will do, it’s best to keep it at a moderate pace and do it regularly. This could include lifting weights for roughly 30 minutes a day or going for a walk brisk walk outside. The only thing you’ll want to avoid is pushing your body too far, because exercise that’s too intense has actually been shown to have negative effects.

winter foods
Image by Davies Designs Studio on Unsplash: Are there any winter foods that boost your immune system? Read on to find out!

Get enough sleep

In the winter months, your sleep schedule may be compromised due to a lack of sunlight during the day and what feels like less time to accomplish the things you need to do. But sleep and immunity go hand in hand, so it’s important that you get the right amount of quality sleep during the winter months to ensure your immune system is ready to go if faced with infection.

Reduce stress where possible

Stress isn’t always avoidable – it’s often just a part of life. The unfortunate thing about this is that stress can actually hinder your immune system’s ability to ward off infection. To make sure you have the strongest immune system possible during the winter months, you’ll want to practice stress reduction techniques as much as possible to keep your stress levels at bay. Why not try a yoga practice or meditation session to keep yourself calm?

Get enough vitamin D

Vitamin D is vital for immune health. But there’s less sunshine in the winter, and that means your body isn’t getting the same amount of vitamin D that it does the rest of the year. If you can’t get outside as much in winter because of where you live, you might want to supplement with vitamin D or ensure that your diet has a lot of vitamin D-rich foods to keep your levels up.

What should I eat to stay healthy in winter?

What you eat during the winter to stay healthy is very similar to what you need to eat all year round to keep your body in good shape. Wholefoods, nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables, and lean protein sources are all good options to keep your body in fighting shape.

The foods that are most important when it comes to a healthy and well-rounded winter diet include:

  • Colorful fruits and vegetables: These have high levels of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. If you can’t get fresh fruit and veg, opt for frozen over canned, as frozen options retain much of their nutrients more effectively.
  • Healthy fats: Healthy fats play a role in the cellular response and function of immune cells. Healthy fats in the diet can include olive oil, avocado, and salmon.
  • Fermented foods: Fermented foods help keep the gut bacteria balanced, which is important for immune health. Some fermented foods to add to your diet include yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, and kefir.
  • High-fiber foods: Wholegrains and legumes are great fiber sources. Fiber helps to keep the gut healthy, which in turn helps the immune system. 
  • Spices: Spices such as turmeric, black pepper, garlic, and ginger each possess their own immune-boosting properties.
  • Lean means: Protein is vital for immune function, and lean meats are a great source.

As mentioned above, your body gets less vitamin D in the winter, so eating food that is high in vitamin D is also a great place to start for your winter immunity diet. Foods high in vitamin D include:

  • Salmon, herring, and sardines
  • Canned tuna
  • Eggs
  • Mushrooms
  • Foods fortified with vitamin D such as orange juice, oatmeal, and some milks

When getting enough vitamin D through diet, you’ll always want to ensure that you’re getting enough calcium as well. Vitamin D is vital for calcium absorption in the body, so if you aren’t getting enough of it, your body won’t be able to absorb the calcium you do eat – which is not a good thing, because both these elements are important for immune health.

plate of winter food
Image by Mark DeYoung on Unsplash: What should I eat during winter?

The immune system relies heavily on various nutrients to ensure that it runs properly. These include:

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D (as mentioned above)
  • Zinc
  • Selenium
  • Iron
  • Protein

To ensure you’re getting enough of each, try to make sure you’re eating some or all of the aforementioned foods. For example, lean meats can provide you with a good amount of protein, zinc, selenium, and iron. Good choices would be lean beef, turkey, chicken, shrimp, lobster, or fish. Vitamin C can be found in colorful fruits and vegetables, which you can serve alongside your protein.

You also want to make sure you’re staying hydrated in winter. While it can be tempting to stick to hot cocoa and other warm winter beverages, plain water is best. If you do wish to have a warm drink, try mixing warm water with lemon and honey for the perfect winter beverage to help you stay warm and hydrated.

The secret to a winter diet that’s good for your immune system? Getting all the important nutrients the body needs all year round. Happy cooking!

Featured image by Farhad Ibrahimzade on Unsplash

5 Delicious Winter Foods That Aid Fat Loss

For many people, the chill in the air that hits right before wintertime is a signal to go into a form of personal hibernation. This means less time outdoors, more time spend doing sedentary activities, and possible weight gain. That being said, there is no obligation to pack on the pounds during the winter months – remember, you aren’t actually hibernating!

The arrival of winter doesn’t mean you have to give up fresh fruit and vegetables in exchange for foods that are not going to be kind to your waistline. In fact, there are plenty of in-season winter foods that are great for losing weight or keeping your weight maintained, even during the cold and dark days of the season. Read on to learn more about some delicious winter foods that aid fat loss.

How can I lose fat in winter?

The key to losing fat in the winter is to eat healthily and exercise. While it may seem harder to eat healthily because the freshest produce isn’t available to everyone (especially those in colder climates), it can still be done.

The most important step to losing fat in the winter is maintaining your exercise program. If you usually exercise outside and can’t during the winter months, consider joining a gym or getting a piece of cardio equipment for your home. That way, any type of exercise you would have done in the great outdoors can still be done from the comfort of your own living room.

Once you have managed to keep your exercise routine in check, you can figure out what types of foods you should be incorporating into your diet so that not only is the produce fresh, it is also good for your waistline.

What should I eat to lose weight in winter?

Eating a diet rich in whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes is the best way to make sure that your weight loss journey stays on track throughout winter. Eating local and in-season is always better, because the further away from harvest a food is, the less nutrient-dense it becomes.

butternut squash
Image by Viviana Rishe on Unsplash: What foods help burn fat faster? 

So, what winter foods should you be adding to your diet for an extra weight loss boost over the winter season?

1. Butternut squash

Butternut squash isn’t only low in calories – it’s also high in filling fiber that will help keep your appetite regulated so you’re not tempted to overeat. A cup of butternut squash will cost you just 87 calories in exchange for 7 grams of fiber.

The type of fiber in butternut squash is important, too. The vegetable contains both insoluble and soluble fiber; soluble fiber keeps you fuller and reduces your appetite. Research has shown that diets higher in dietary fiber could help to reduce overall levels of body fat and promote weight loss.

2. Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes are nutrient powerhouses and contain complex carbohydrates. This means the carb is linked with three or more different sugars, including fiber. While you won’t be able to scarf down sweet potato fries and still see fat loss, eating sweet potatoes the right way can help to promote fullness and reduce cravings, which aids in the reduction of calorie intake overall throughout the day.

3. Carrots

Carrots are a great in-season option, and not just because they’re versatile and delicious. Carrots contain high levels of nutrients and are low in calories, so they are able to help decrease cravings and encourage feelings of fullness. As is the case with butternut squash, it’s the fiber content of carrots that really helps aid in a reduced appetite.

4. Kale

Kale is one of the best foods you can eat when you’re trying to lose fat. The low-calorie vegetable has a high water content, and because of this combination, it has a low energy density. This means that you can eat a ton of kale and the calories won’t add up in the same way as other foods. Low energy density foods have been shown to significantly help with weight loss.

bunch of kale
Image by Adolfo Félix on Unsplash: How can I reduce my belly fat in the winter? Snack on some kale!

5. Beets

Beets are another in-season vegetable with a low energy density that can aid in weight loss. They also contain high amounts of vitamins and minerals that the body needs to function at its best. Because of their high nutrient content, beets can help you keep off the fat; for example, the fiber they contain has been shown to aid in weight loss.

Beets may also help to improve athletic performance because of the nitrates they contain. Nitrates have been shown to improve the efficiency of certain parts of cells known as the mitochondria, in turn helping to fuel every cell in your body with the energy it needs to push you through a tough workout.

When the seasons change, it can be difficult to keep up with a routine. This is especially true when the days grow shorter and the nights longer, and the air gets a little too chilly to enjoy. While the winter does come with its downsides, the plus side is that you don’t have to give up on your weight loss journey just because the season has changed. Add the aforementioned foods to your diet this winter and you can reap nutritional benefits that will aid in fat loss all season long.

Featured image by Gabriel Gurrola on Unsplash

Satisfying Winter Meals That Are Low In Calories

Eating healthily is important regardless of your weight. You want to give your body all the vitamins and minerals it needs so you can feel good and stay protected from illness and chronic disease. While there is no shortage of healthy meals for you to incorporate into your diet to keep your body nourished, when winter rolls around and the temperatures drop, it’s easy to reach for hearty (but less-than-healthy) comfort foods.

That being said, winter doesn’t have to put a damper on your healthy eating routine. For those who are trying to lose weight, healthy eating in the winter is especially important because we tend to exercise less and become more sedentary during the colder months. Luckily, there are plenty of great meal ideas for you to try this winter that are low in calories as well as satisfying and comforting.

Weight loss and nutrient levels

Weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint. That’s why it’s important to think about long-term sustainability when it comes to losing those excess pounds. If you want to lose weight in a healthy way, you have to address some key issues: nutrient depletion, sleep habits, and hydration. Hydration and sleep may not be highly affected in the winter because it’s easy to keep up with your patterns even when the seasons change, but nutrient depletion can affect you without you even realizing it.

Take vitamin D, for example – otherwise known as the sunshine vitamin. In the wintertime, most people get less sun exposure. When that happens, vitamin D levels may plummet. Research has shown that there may even be a connection between low levels of vitamin D and weight gain. This is only one example, of course, but eating healthily in the winter is vital to make sure that your nutrient levels are where they need to be for your body to work for you and not against you on your weight loss journey.

winter stew
Image by W on Unsplash: What are some good dinner ideas for winter nights? A hearty stew is always a good option.

Low-calorie winter meals

A calorie deficit means you expend more energy than you consume, which is what leads to weight loss. To do this, you’ll have to make sure you’re adding some healthy, low-calorie, nutrient-dense meals into your diet. Below are some healthy winter recipes for weight loss that are bound to help you shed those extra pounds.

Vegetarian chili

Nothing says comfort food quite like a loaded bowl of vegetarian chili. It’s that warm, delicious mix of flavors that satisfies both your waistline and your tastebuds. To make vegetarian chili, you can choose your own variation of vegetables: sweet potato and black bean, butternut squash and red kidney beans, or even just your favorite bean mixed with carrots, celery and anything else you have on hand. Most vegetarian chilis can come in well under 450 calories per serving, and they’re so filling that you won’t even think about needing another bowl.

Slow cooker meatballs with zoodles

There’s nothing quite spending a winter’s day relaxing while your slow cooker does all the heavy lifting for you! A good slow cooker meatball recipe is just the trick to have a healthy meal without having to put a lot of work in. Use ground turkey instead of beef to make this meal even leaner and combine it with a pinch of paprika, a clove of garlic, and your low-calorie breadcrumbs of choice.

In the meantime, chop some onion, carrots, celery, garlic, and parsley, combine with tomato paste, and gently fry for about a minute before putting them into the slow cooker. Top the vegetables with your meatballs, set it on low, and spend the next five hours living your life! Once the meatballs are done, serve them over some zucchini noodles and voila: a healthy and hearty winter meal under 400 calories.

making zucchini noodles
Image by Igor Miske on Unsplash: What are some good healthy winter meals on a budget? Top zucchini noodles with meatballs for a tasty low-calorie dinner!

Good old-fashioned stew

Would it even be winter if you didn’t make a stew at least once? Similar to chili, the great thing about stew is that you can really make it your own. You can use any type of protein mixed with your favorite vegetables to create a low-calorie yet hearty meal.

To keep things simple and lean, try a chicken barley stew. You’ll need some boneless, skinless chicken, barley, onion, carrots, celery, garlic, potatoes, chicken broth, white wine or white wine vinegar, and the herbs of your choosing (typically, thyme, rosemary, and sage add a nice winter flavor).

Cook the chicken, then shred it with forks and set aside. Then sauté your vegetables, deglaze the pan with your white wine or vinegar, and add everything together to simmer for a good half hour to an hour. While this recipe may take some time, it’s high in protein and is less than 350 calories per serving.

These are just a few dinner ideas for winter nights that you’ll love to add into your rotation after you try them. Eating healthy, low-calorie meals doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice the heartiness you enjoy when the temperature drops! Losing weight in the winter is entirely possible, and with the right meals, you’ll be that much closer to your goal by the time the last frost melts.

Featured image by American Heritage Chocolate on Unsplash

Natural Highs: How To Use Diet And Exercise To Achieve An Endorphin Rush

Many people who vigorously exercise on a regular basis know about that feeling after their workout. The one where you feel as if you’ve just conquered the world. The most commonly used phrase to describe the sensation was coined by avid runners and is known as the “runner’s high.”

While many people are not quite sure why this sensation happens, as it turns out, that overall feeling of euphoria after a satisfying exercise session comes down to biological science. It is caused by neurochemicals known as endorphins, which are made primarily in the hypothalamus and pituitary glands of the brain. The pituitary gland is a vital component to brain health because it influences all other parts of the body. But what exactly are endorphins? And how do they affect you?

We’ll examine this below, as well as delving into how to use diet and exercise to achieve an endorphin rush and feel like you’re on top of the world.

What are endorphins?

As mentioned above, endorphins are neurochemicals. More specifically, they are a large group of peptides that act on the opiate receptors in the brains. Opiate receptors are designed to act as a switch in the brain that triggers reward systems as well as addictive behaviors. When endorphins are released within the brain and stimulate the opiate receptors, it leads to feelings of pleasure, wellbeing, and even a reduction in pain.

The most common time endorphins are released into the body naturally is in stressful situations or if you are experiencing pain. The body naturally releases these endorphins to help cope with the experiences, with the aim being to combat the negative outcomes that accompany high levels of stress or pain by maximizing pleasure.

It’s not only stress or pain that can lead to the release of these neurochemicals, though. Other activities such as eating, sex, and exercise can all play a role in endorphin release. Because of the body’s ability to create endorphins during those times, it is said that their release can help modulate appetite, trigger the release of sex hormones, and increase the efficacy of the immune response.

woman wild swimming in natural waters
Image by Seth Doyle on Unsplash: Being in nature helps to produce endorphins.

What are the benefits of endorphins?

Aside from being able to help you deal with painful injuries or stressful situations, endorphins have been shown to promote overall wellness, especially when it comes to mental health. Studies have shown that participating in activities that boost endorphins can lead to the reduction of symptoms in those with depression and anxiety. Endorphins can also help to boost self-esteem because they lead can lead to a more positive and optimistic demeanor.

Other studies have shown that an endorphins have a role in weight gain or loss. This is because of their appetite regulation abilities. It’s also possible to be deficient in endorphins, leading to a range of potential symptoms, such as:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Moodiness
  • Aches and pains
  • Addiction
  • Trouble with sleep
  • Poor impulse control

Does exercise increase endorphins?

Any type of physical movement will cause the body to produce endorphins. This is because exercise stimulates the body’s stress response. When you increase your heart rate or start to move your body in an active way, the body can see this as a sign of stress and begin to release stress hormones. When that stress hormone activation occurs, your brain counteracts it by releasing endorphins. This counteraction is why people can feel euphoric or a general sense of happiness after a good exercise session.

What activities increase endorphins?

You don’t have to wait for a stressful situation or injury to occur to take advantage of the happy chemicals in your brain! There are many activities you can partake in that will lead to a rush of endorphins. Running is perhaps the most common activity when it comes to endorphin release, but any type of exercise will do the job. Workouts with a higher intensity are more likely to give a rush, because they put more stress on the body and thus elicit a higher response to combat that stress. Wild swimming, for example, is another physical activity that sends stress signals throughout the body that will induce endorphin production and release.

Aside from exercise, some activities that will drive the release of endorphins include:

spicy red chilli
Image by Aliona Gumeniuk on Unsplash: Eating spicy food can help to trigger endorphin release in the body, research says.

What foods help release endorphins?

Since appetite regulation is an important part of food consumption and endorphins play a role in appetite, it’s no surprise that eating and endorphin release are connected. Eating good foods have been shown to trigger the release of the feel-good chemical that leads to those satisfied feelings of fullness and happiness after eating something you truly enjoy.

So which types of foods can trigger the release? Well, some are better than others. The best foods to eat if you want to give yourself an endorphin rush include:

Although these foods have been studied and shown to help boost overall feelings of happiness, simply eating your favorite food can also do the trick.

The endorphin rush is a natural high that everyone can benefit from – it’s great for the body, the mind, and overall levels of health.

Featured image by Anthony Fomin on Unsplash

Spring Clean Your Gut! 6 Foods To Include In Your Spring Detox

In many places, the winter months are cold and unwelcoming. People often spend much more time indoors, eat comfort foods more often, and indulge in holiday meals and snacks. So when the spring finally arrives and it’s time to get back outside again, your gut health might be a little off because of all that overindulgence. The good news is that a few additions to your diet may be all you need to help your body detox after your stint in hibernation mode.   

Why do people detox in spring?

Spring cleaning is a commonly used term that often refers to people getting rid of old things and letting go of all the things they no longer need, wear, or have room for in their house. It’s also a time to do a deep clean that may have been neglected over the course of the winter months. Spring cleaning doesn’t just have to be done on material objects, though. Your body can also benefit from its own version of this new-season principle.  

During the winter, it’s easy to exercise less and eat a little less healthily than you would in the warmer months. All that extra food and reduction in exercise often leads to an excess in weight as well as a build-up of toxic substances in the body. This could be why people often feel sluggish and tired at the beginning of the spring season. By doing a spring detox, you can help to eliminate all that heaviness that you’ve accumulated over the course of the cooler months. This, in turn, will make it easier to get more active during spring and start feeling lighter and healthier ASAP.

berries for spring detox diet
Image by Cecilia Par on Unsplash: If you find yourself wondering what snacks to eat when detoxing, look no further than a delicious and sweet bowl of in-season berries.

How can I clean my gut naturally?

Since digestive health is a huge part of overall health, it’s vital to make it a priority. Cleaning the gut naturally can be done with a few simple dietary steps. The first is to stay hydrated. The digestive tract needs water to help move foods along and absorb nutrients, and drinking enough water each day will help to keep your digestion regulated. Eating foods with a high water content can also be a great help.

Adding fiber into your diet will also help to move the food along through your digestive tract and ensure that anything the body doesn’t need gets flushed out as waste. A cleanse or detox routine can also help to clean the gut naturally, so let’s take a look at what a spring detox might involve.

What are the best foods to eat when detoxing?

Eating whole foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants is the best way to help your body flush out any harmful build-up or extra toxins that may have accumulated throughout the winter. Although many fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and protein sources can help to detox the body, some foods are better than others for the process.

1. Beets

Beets are a great spring food to add to a detox diet because of their ability to activate liver enzymes and increase the level of bile within the body. This heightens the liver’s detoxing ability and helps toxins get flushed out of the body at a higher rate.

2. Berries

Berries are full of antioxidants.Spring berries such as strawberries are a great addition to the diet because their antioxidants can help to balance the levels of free radicals within the body. This balancing act ends up contributing to the body’s heightened ability to flush out toxins.

3. Asparagus

Typically, grocery stores pack asparagus all year round, but it’s especially great for detoxing in the spring, as that’s when it is in season. The vegetable acts as a diuretic, which helps the body get rid of excess substances such as salt. It can also help flush out toxins from the kidneys, leading to an overall body detoxification.

seasonal spring beets
Image by Emma-Jane Hobden on Unsplash: Many people don’t immediately think of beets when they think of a detox, but their ability to help the liver do its job is what makes them a great addition to a detox diet.

4. Grapefruit

Grapefruit used to be hailed as a superior diet food. Some people may have even tried the “grapefruit diet”, which involves eating grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice with every single meal.Even though that diet was really just a trend, there is some truth to the health benefits grapefruit can provide, especially when it comes to detoxing.

The natural sugars in grapefruit are easy to digest and the high water content will help to flush out toxins. Studies have also shown that when people eat grapefruit on a regular basis, it helps them increase their intake of other healthy foods that could help in a detox.

5. Kale

Kale is another spring season vegetable that you should be eating more of during your spring detox. This leafy vegetable has a high content of phytonutrients, which are molecules in plants that provide some great health benefits when consumed.

One specific phytonutrient known as sulfurophane helps with liver health, which in turn leads to the strengthening of the body’s natural detox process. Kale also contains high levels of antioxidants that also help the body get rid of all those toxins it doesn’t need.

6. Green Tea

Green tea is available all year round, but that doesn’t make it any less important when it comes to your spring detox. Green tea is packed with antioxidants and contains liver-protecting properties that can keep your natural detox process running as it should.

A spring detox is a great way to help shed that heaviness and tiredness that winter left behind, and including the aforementioned foods in your diet can help you speed up the process.

Featured image by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash

14 High-Energy Foods That Give You A Natural Boost

Having low energy levels can hinder your performance throughout the day. Whether you need to be sharp for a work presentation or your afternoon workout routine, having a good amount of energy is vital. Since food is your body’s energy source, it’s only natural to assume that any type of food will give you the energy levels you need to get through your day. However, there are some foods that provide much more energy than others.

If you’re wondering “What can I eat to give me a boost of energy?”, look no further than the following 14 foods, which are proven to give you that stamina you’re looking for.

Which foods give you energy quickly?

Not all foods are created equal when it comes to energy. This is because of different nutritional content. Certain foods with a high level of quality nutrients will be far better for that energy increase you need. To incorporate more energy-rich foods into your meals, try consuming the following things.

1. Fatty fish

Salmon and tuna are types of fatty fish that are packed with energy-providing nutrients such as protein, fatty acids, and B vitamins. Vitamin B12, in particular, is especially important for energy levels because of its ability to produce red blood cells and help iron do its job in the body. A single serving of fatty fish provides all the vitamin B12 you’ll need throughout the day, and this is what helps to increase energy.  

2. Brown rice

Brown rice is nutritious for a variety of reasons, but when it comes to energy, it’s the high amount of manganese that really helps keep you alert and ready to take on any task. Manganese helps enzymes break down foods in the body to turn them into energy.

3. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes also have a high amount of manganese that is vital in keeping energy levels up. Because they are also nutrient-dense and classified as complex carbohydrates, they digest slower. This gives the body more stable energy levels.

4. Quinoa

Quinoa is high in protein, complex carbohydrates, and dietary fiber. It also has a good amount of minerals and vitamins the body needs for different processes. It is low on the glycemic index, which makes it a great source for sustained energy throughout the day. It also contains manganese, magnesium, and folate, all of which are important for energy levels.

5. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is the breakfast of choice for many people because of its health benefits. What some people may not know is that it’s a great energy booster. This is because it is full of B vitamins, iron, and manganese as well as beta glucan. Beta glucan is a soluble fiber that can aid the digestive system and its absorption of nutrients. This keeps energy levels stable and consistent throughout the day.

oatmeal - high-energy foods
Image by Alex Motoc on Unsplash: Oatmeal has been proven to provide a good boost of energy.

6. Lentils

Lentils are typically eaten as a plant-based protein, but the legumes are great for increasing energy and keeping levels steady. They are high in both carbohydrates and fiber, as well as manganese, zinc, and iron. The combined nutrient value of lentils is what helps to give the body the boost it needs.

7. Beets

Beets may not be a favorite food for everyone, but with their health benefits and the many different ways you can incorporate them into meals, everyone should be trying to get a little more beet into their diet. Beets are high in antioxidants, which help to improve blood flow; they also contain nitrates, which help in the production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide helps oxygen flow throughout the body and can increase energy levels. 

What snacks are high in energy?

For many people, snacking is a big part of their energy intake. Leading a busy life can often have people skipping meals or foregoing healthier meal options for quick takeout when time is scarce. There are, however, some great snack options that will help to keep energy levels up throughout the day.

8. Bananas

Bananas are full of complex carbohydrates, potassium, and vitamin B6, all of which can give the body the energy boost it needs to help ward off fatigue throughout the day.

9. Coffee

Coffee is typically the first thing people reach for in the morning to wake themselves up, and for good reason. Its caffeine content passes through the blood into the brain quickly. There, it stimulates the production of epinephrine, a hormone that stimulates both the body and the brain, leading to higher energy levels.

10. Eggs

Eggs are great in both meals and snacks; however, on their own as a snack, an egg can provide the body with a good amount of protein. Eggs also contain an essential amino acid known as leucine, which gives the body a boost of energy.

11. Apples

Apples are nutrient-dense and contain natural sugars and fibers. This helps the body to release energy slower, thus keeping a steady stream flowing throughout the day. Their antioxidant content also helps to boost energy because antioxidants have been shown to lead to slower digestion, thus releasing energy for longer periods of time.

12. Dark chocolate

This sweet treat is great for energy levels for a few reasons. It is full of antioxidants, which help to maintain steady energy release, increase the flow of blood to aid in oxygen delivery, and reduce mental fatigue.Dark chocolate also contains caffeine and theobromine, which are stimulants designed to enhance energy levels.

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Image by Jason Leung on Unsplash: What is the best natural energy booster? Dark chocolate is high on the list.

13. Goji berries

Goji berries are nutrient powerhouses. They are high in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber, all of which help to provide energy to the body.

14. Edamame

Edamame is a great snack for those looking for an energy boost because of its high levels of protein, carbohydrates, and fiber. It also contains manganese and folic acid that can help increase energy.

By adding these foods into your meal and snack schedule, you can help give your body the energy boost it needs as well as keeping energy levels steady and consistent throughout each day.

Featured image by Louis Hansel @shotsoflouis on Unsplash

8 Foods That Can Help Boost Your Metabolism

The metabolism is a very important bodily process. It is tasked with turning the calories a person takes in from food and beverages into energy. It does this by converting sustenance into specific nutrients that are then used in different ways. The calories that are consumed are combined with oxygen and released as energy into the body. That energy is required for every other process – which is what makes the metabolism so vital.

Even when the body is doing nothing at all, it needs energy. Everything from breathing and blood circulation to hormone levels and cell growth and repair all rely heavily on how much energy is within the body. The basic functioning carried out while the body is completely at rest is called the basal metabolic rate.

When a person is active, the level of required energy changes. This is why those who move more often require more calories to function. There are varying degrees of metabolic function, too; those with a higher-level metabolism burn more calories at rest than those with a low metabolism. But can you boost your metabolism yourself? And if so, what foods can you eat to do this?

Can you boost your metabolism naturally?

The rate of your metabolism is genetic, so what you’re born with is generally what you’re stuck with. Of course, there are some caveats, such as age. As people get older, their metabolism tends to slow down. This can be attributed to some factors such as less activity, muscle loss, and certain cellular processes that lose efficiency as you age, thus slowing down your metabolism.

However, there are certain ways the metabolism can be manipulated into switching into a higher gear. Metabolism is greatly affected by exercise levels, so by moving more, you can increase your metabolic rate. Research has shown that exercises such as high-intensity interval training (HIIT) can be a great metabolism booster. You can also use the food you eat for energy as a way to boost your metabolism.  

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Image by Estudio Bloom on Unsplash: What fruits help boost metabolism? Avocado is a great choice.

Metabolism-boosting foods

Not all calories are created equally; some can help to keep your metabolism burning at a higher rate. If you’re wondering what foods can speed up your metabolism, you have to look at the key nutrients and vitamins in each type of food. These play a vital role in all bodily processes, and can help to determine the difference between a slow or fast metabolic process.

1. Protein-rich foods

Foods that are high in protein are a great addition to the diet if you’re looking to boost your metabolism. Foods such as meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, and nuts and seeds are all great sources of protein. The reason protein is so important for metabolism is because it uses more of the body’s energy to digest. This is known as the thermic effect of food (TEF). Studies have found that when the body digests protein and uses that additional energy, it can raise the metabolic rate by 15–30%.

2. Iron, zinc, and selenium-rich foods

These essential minerals play vital roles in many processes, but they are particularly great aids in speeding up the metabolism. This is because they all contribute to the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Since the thyroid gland regulates metabolism, foods such as meat, seafood, legumes, and nuts and seeds can all aid in boosting metabolic function.

3. Capsaicin-rich foods

Capsaicin is a chemical compound found in chili peppers. Research has found that the compound can lead to an increased metabolism by increasing the amount of calories the body burns per day.

4. Caffeine

Caffeine can be found in many beverages, such as tea and coffee, as well as chocolate. Research has shown that consuming 270 mg or more of caffeine per day can lead to an extra 100 calories burned. When it comes to tea, the best kinds to choose from for metabolism-boosting effects are oolong and green tea. Research has shown that both of those teas can lead to a 4–10% increase in metabolism.

5. Spices

Ginger is a spice that is well-known for its effects in soothing nausea, but it can also help to boost metabolism. Other spices that have been shown to help boost metabolism include grains of paradise and cayenne pepper.

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Image by Charles Koh on Unsplash: What vitamins help metabolism? Zinc is one, so be sure to include zinc-rich foods like seafood in your diet.

6. Coconut oil

Coconut oil has been used widely in recent years because of the many health claims surrounding it. It can be used topically (i.e. on the skin) or with food. When consumed, it can help to speed up the metabolism because of its high level of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). Research has shown that MCTs increase metabolic rate.

7. Water

Water may not seem like a metabolism-boosting food, but research has found that staying hydrated with H20 can actually increase metabolic rates by 24–30%. This is likely due to the fact that the body needs to use energy to heat the water to body temperature. However, the effects of water on the metabolism are typically temporary.  

8. Avocado

Avocado is considered a “superfruit” because of its many health benefits. It can also help to boost metabolism because of its high content of healthy fats, such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These healthy fats are burned at a higher rate than other types of fats, thus speeding up the metabolism.

Boosting the metabolism isn’t always easy, especially considering the complex nature of the process. However, consuming certain foods can be a helpful aid in increasing the rate at which the body burns calories, particularly when combined with other lifestyle factors such as exercising.

Featured image by Mark DeYoung on Unsplash

14 Immune-Boosting Winter Foods To Fight Off Illness

The immune system can always use an extra boost, but that is especially true in the winter months. During the winter, colds and flus typically affect people in higher numbers because people are more likely to stay in enclosed spaces for longer and because viruses thrive in the cold, low-humidity conditions.

Making sure your immune system is up to par when flu season rolls around is crucial to warding off illness and keeping yourself healthy all year round. There are plenty of things you can do to stay on top of your immune function – including eating some immune-boosting winter foods.

What are home remedies to boost your immune system?

There are a few things you can do for your immune system that require little effort and can be done from the comfort of your own home. Getting enough quality sleep is vital to immune health because the less quality sleep a person gets, the more likely their immune system will weaken, leaving them open to illness.

Moderate exercise is also a great way to help improve the functionality of the immune system. Research has shown that people who engage in moderate exercise regularly, such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, light hiking, and biking, show an improvement in the way their immune system functions. The one caveat is that the activity shouldn’t be too intense, as intense bouts of exercise can actually suppress immune function.  

Staying hydrated is also a simple way to keep the immune system up to par. Dehydration can cause a variety of ailments such as headaches, mood imbalances, and heart and kidney issues, and when the body is fighting to stay healthy on its own, it has a hard time fighting off pathogens. It’s also worth noting that keeping stress levels down can have a positive effect on immune function. You can reduce stress through relaxation exercises such as meditation or yoga.  

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Image by Einar H. Reynis on Unsplash: How do I boost my immune system to fight a cold? Try some moderate exercise such as jogging.

What foods boost your immune system when sick?

Diet is the best way to ensure that your immune system is running at its best. If a cold or flu has already taken hold of your body, there are specific foods that can lessen the duration and severity of the illness by boosting your immune function and getting you back to health.

  1. Broths. Broths are great when you’re sick because they keep you hydrated, are easy to stomach, and contain vital nutrients that the immune system needs to be ready for battle.
  2. Garlic. Garlic has both antibacterial and antiviral effects, so it’s a great addition to your diet if you’ve caught a cold. It has been shown to help stimulate the immune system.
  3. Honey. Honey is full of antimicrobial compounds, which give it antibacterial effects. This has led to honey being used to help people ward off illnesses and get over common flus and colds.
  4. Oatmeal. Oatmeal is bland enough to eat while sick but also packs a punch when it comes to helping you get over that pesky cold. Oats contain beta-glucans, which stimulate the immune response.
  5. Berries. The immune-boosting effects of berries come from polyphenols, a type of antioxidant.
  6. Green leafy vegetables. Green leafy vegetables such as spinach have vitamin C, beta carotene, and antioxidants. When consumed regularly, they can give the body a better chance at fighting off infection.  
  7. Citrus fruits. Citrus fruits are full of vitamin C, a vital nutrient for immune health. The vitamin plays a role in the production of white blood cells, which are responsible for fighting off infection. Having more white blood cells will make the immune response stronger.
  8. Yogurt. Natural yogurt is high in vitamin D, a nutrient that helps regulate the immune system and its response to outside invaders.Vitamin D can also be found in supplement form, and in Vital RX’s Immune Health Subscription Box.
  9. Bell peppers. Bell peppers have both vitamin C and beta-carotene, two crucial nutrients for optimal immune health.
  10. Sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds are a great immunity booster because they are full of nutrients that help immune function, such as vitamin E, vitamin B6, and magnesium.
  11. Kiwi. When the body is fighting off an infection, it needs all the nutrients it can get. The kiwifruit is a superfood of sorts and is full of essential nutrients such as folate, vitamin K, and vitamin C.
  12. Almonds. The immune system requires vitamin E to do its job; almonds are packed with this nutrient.
  13. Papaya. Another vitamin C-packed fruit that you can eat while sick is papaya. The fruit also contains a specific digestive enzyme known as papain that lowers inflammation throughout the body.
  14. Shellfish. Shellfish may not be your first thought when considering immune-boosting foods, but they are a great food to eat when sick. This is because they have a ton of zinc, a mineral that helps immune cells function properly.

This list, although not exhaustive, is a great place to start when thinking about boosting your immune system this winter. The important thing to remember is the vital nutrients that are needed to help ward off infection and keep the immune system running strongly.

Specific nutrients that are vital to immune health include:

  • Vitamin C. (Spinach, kale, strawberries)
  • Vitamin E. (Nuts, seeds, oils)
  • Vitamin A. (Carrots, sweet potatoes, butternut squash)
  • Vitamin D. (Salmon, tuna, fortified cereals)
  • Folate/Folic acid. (Enriched foods such as pasta, bread, and rice)
  • Iron. (Red meat, chicken, turkey, beans, broccoli)
  • Selenium. (Seafood, poultry, cottage cheese)
  • Zinc. (Baked beans, yogurt, chickpeas)
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Image by Elle Hughes on Unsplash: Shellfish such as shrimp pack a lot of iron, an immune-boosting food.

If the immune system is functioning properly, it becomes a lot harder for pathogens to infiltrate the body. Eating immune-boosting foods all year round is a great way to keep your health up to par, but adding them in when temperatures start to drop can be a great immunity boost in winter.

Featured image by Bluebird Provisions on Unsplash

How To Improve Fitness Levels Through Diet

The human body is a symbiotic system. All its functions rely heavily on one another to run properly, and when one part breaks, the others are bound to suffer the consequences. For example, at first glance, one might not think that the brain and the gut have much in common. But research has shown that it’s quite the opposite, and that the bacteria in our gut has a direct effect on our mental wellbeing.

The mind-gut connection isn’t the only known integration when it comes to the health of the human body. The cardiovascular system works in conjunction with the lymphatic system and urinary tract to keep balance over the body’s levels of water, and the respiratory, muscular, and cardiovascular systems all play a role when it comes to regulating temperature. This commingling of organs and systems is what keeps you healthy.

The same can be said for fitness levels and the diet you consume. They may appear only tangentially related, but they can in fact have a huge impact on one another.

What’s the connection between fitness and food?

Fitness is sometimes considered to be synonymous with overall healthy body weight. This is due to the assumption that an obese person is less likely to be physically fit, and that they aren’t generally eating foods that fuel their body well enough (or they’re eating far too much of them). However, there’s more to the story when it comes to weight and fitness levels – and when considering physical fitness, so many more factors need to be taken into consideration.

Research out of the University of Texas at Austin found that there was a direct link between exercising regularly and healthier eating habits. When participants were more active, they made better food choices. The study came to the conclusion that moderate exercise could reduce cravings for high-fat foods by encouraging changes in dopamine levels in the brain.

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Image by Alexander Redl on Unsplash: The respiratory system relies heavily on many processes in the body to be at its healthiest.

What systems are most affected by exercise?

It’s been long known that the efficiency of the cardiovascular system is directly related to how much cardio exercise one gets (it’s right there in the name, after all!). Research has suggested that people who exercise more regularly are less likely to develop heart disease in the future because of stronger hearts, lowered cholesterol, and better circulation.

The respiratory system also benefits greatly from exercise. When you work out, your lungs bring much-needed oxygen into the body while releasing carbon dioxide. The two systems – the lungs and the heart – work together to bring in oxygen, release carbon dioxide, and then send oxygen to the muscles being used. This extra boost of oxygen to your muscles is what gives them the energy to keep moving.

The immune system also benefits from regular exercise. It does this by encouraging the proper processes of disease-fighting cells, as well as slowing down negative changes caused by ageing that could lead to a weakened immune function. It has also been proven that participating in physical activity can boost mental health by increasing blood flow to the brain and encouraging communication between several areas involved in mood regulation.

How can you improve your eating habits to improve your fitness levels?

Nutrition is said to be the most important part of fitness for one specific reason: weight loss. It’s no secret that eating well and losing weight go hand in hand. But being at an ideal weight isn’t the only reason to eat well when it comes to being physically fit.

Proper nutrition plays a huge role in optimal levels of health. Foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals give the body and its processes the energy needed to perform mentally and physically. Having these essential systems running smoothly will allow the body to perform better, thus enhancing your overall level of fitness.

Eating a wholefood diet with adequate levels of protein, carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins and minerals will also encourage apt performance when it comes to digestion, oxidation, and energy levels. This will allow you to put more energy into your exercise.

What should I eat if I work out every day?

There are many health claims that contradict one another when it comes to what to eat before or after working out to optimize fitness levels. Some people will swear by the keto diet, which is high-fat and low-carb, while others subscribe to plant-based diets, eliminating animal products. While there may be some truth to the benefits of both diets, it’s not that cut and dry.

There are, however, many things that a person should be eating if they want to build, maintain, or improve upon their level of fitness. For example, peptides are a type of hormone that get released during exercise to encourage proper levels of muscle energy and higher endurance. Taking a peptide supplement has been shown to increase stamina and lead to a more effective workout.

Other examples of vitamins and minerals that could help if taken every day are:

  • Iron. Having sustained amounts of iron helps to increase oxygen circulation and keep the heart rate at healthy levels.
  • Protein. This is responsible for the building and repairing of muscles.
  • Antioxidants (Vitamin C, E). Vigorous exercise can often lead to oxidative stress. When this happens, the body is thrown off balance. Ensuring your body is getting enough antioxidants will help limit this lesser-known side effect of intense exercise.
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Image by Cecilia Par on Unsplash: Berries are among the best fitness foods, full of antioxidants that can help boost fitness levels by reducing oxidative stress throughout the body.

What is the best food for fitness?

There is no one best food for fitness, but there are plenty of foods that should be eaten to have a well-rounded diet and a system that functions well enough to become more physically fit.

These foods include:

  • Wholegrains
  • Bananas
  • Chicken or lean fish or turkey
  • Olive oil
  • Beans (black, kidney, pinto, white, red)
  • Berries (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries)
  • Hummus
  • Greek yogurt
  • Carrots
  • Celery
  • Cucumber
  • Nuts (peanuts, almonds, cashews)
  • Green tea
  • Eggs
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli

This list is not exhaustive; however, it can help you begin your journey to fitness through diet.

Featured image by Lily Banse on Unsplash