How To Fast-Track Your Fitness And Drop That Holiday Weight

The holidays are typically the time of year where everyone loosens their restrictions around diet and exercise. After all, with all the get-togethers and fun seasonal treats, it’s hard not to overindulge.

Research finds that the average person gains anywhere from 1–2 pounds during the holidays, which is much less than most people suspect. The main reason for the discrepancy in how much weight people actually gain and how much they think they gain is how they feel. Temporary bloating following heavy meals and lots of snacks can be the culprit behind feeling 10 pounds heavier.

Since weight gain can vary from person to person, only you will know how much weight you’ve put on over the holidays. The good news is that two to three weeks of overindulgence doesn’t tend to lead to too much weight gain. It can, however, lead to difficulty getting back into the swing of your diet and fitness routine. So, how can you get back on track after all the holiday fun is over?

Here’s how to fast-track your fitness – and how to drop holiday weight along with it.

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Image by Danielle Cerullo on Unsplash: Dancing can be a fun activity to burn calories and lose that holiday weight.

How can I lose holiday weight fast with exercise?

The holiday weight you gained may be a little or a lot, depending on how relaxed you chose to be about your diet. The good news is that no matter how much weight you gained, there are some simple tips and tricks that can help you drop holiday heaviness. Since losing weight generally comes down to a combination of a calorie deficit and adequate exercise, focusing on what you eat and how much you move can lead to a quick reduction in that weight gain.

To get started with exercise in the new year, it can be helpful to add a new activity that you enjoy into your routine. The addition of something you’ve never done before will stimulate the mind, hold your interest, and provide you with a fun way to exercise. Research has shown that people who partake in physical activities that they enjoy and that provide more benefit than just healthy weight were more likely to stick to a routine, as well as to report higher levels of physical activity overall.

Exercises such as running or jogging, dancing, hiking, bicycling, and water sports can all lead to a high calorie burn. It’s all about finding something you love and sticking with it.  

How can I lose holiday weight fast with diet?

When it comes to diet, it may be hard to make the switch between all those sugary and salty treats you consumed over the holidays for plates of vegetables and low-carb foods. But it’s not impossible. There will be a period of adjustment, because sugar addiction is a real thing and it can be tough to deal with. The good news is that it passes relatively quickly, especially if you are someone who stays away from sugars for the better part of the year.

Cutting down on your sugar or refined carbohydrate intake, you’re likely to experience less hunger, which will lead to fewer calories eaten throughout the day. Adding in protein sources, vegetables, and healthy fats such as olive oil will also keep you satiated for longer, leaving you without the snack cravings that often come with the territory of overindulging in refined carbs and sugars.

If you want to lose the weight fact, restrictions will need to be set in place. Once you’ve dropped those extra couple of pounds, you can begin to slowly reintroduce some extra foods in moderation. After all, moderation is vital in limiting the chances for binge-eating unhealthy foods.

Some supplements can also be of great assistance when trying to lose weight after the holidays. Vital RX’s Fat Loss Subscription Box contains a combination of peptide supplements, vitamins, and nutrients to help kickstart a healthy weight loss journey.

How can I get workout results fast?

It’s crucial to take small steps in the right direction when it comes to changing diet and upping your workout routine. Research has shown that doing too much too quickly can lead to injury, burnout, or a stress response within the body. To get results quickly, you’ll have to improve your nutrition first.

Then, you’ll want to focus on the right type of exercise. An hour-long walk is good for you; however, an high-intensity 20-minute workout may help speed up results. This is because these types of exercises lead to the body’s improved ability to metabolize foods, leading to higher calorie burn in less time.  

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Image by Samuel Ramos on Unsplash: Many people believe they gain more weight over the holidays than they actually do – the typical amount is one to two pounds.

How long does it take to get fitness levels up?

Fitness level improvements will vary depending on your starting point. If you work out all year round and just skipped the holidays, you will suffer from loss of muscle mass starting about two weeks after your last workout. Easing back into things will make it easier to keep up with form and prevent injury.

The first week back at your regularly scheduled routine will be harder than you remember, but your fitness levels are likely to be completely restored within one to two weeks. For those who are just starting a new routine, it may take a lot longer. Beginners can expect around eight weeks of hard to work to get to a moderate level of fitness.  

Taking a few weeks off every year to enjoy life and let loose can be good for the mind, which in turn is good for the body. It’s important to remember that those few weeks of holiday indulgence aren’t causing too much damage, and getting back into your healthy lifestyle is easier than you think. Motivation is crucial following the off time, and dropping holiday weight can be done by following the above tips closely.

Featured image by Victor Freitas on Unsplash

10 Supplements That Will Improve Your Fitness Levels

Often when people think of fitness, they think of exercise. Many people don’t realize how much nutrition has to do with how well the body can handle physical activity and how stamina levels are affected by what someone eats or doesn’t eat.

The modern diet is often lacking in the proper amounts of essential vitamins and minerals the body needs to participate in and maintain optimal fitness levels. That is why many people turn to dietary supplements for exercise and athletic performance. Taking supplements to help boost your fitness levels can be a helping hand on the road to a better level of athleticism, but it’s important to know which supplements are best for you. Below we’ll take a look at 10 particular supplements that will improve your fitness levels.

Should you take workout supplements?

As previously mentioned, supplementation is designed to do just that: supplement. It is not a replacement for healthy eating, nor should it be treated as such. However, as people age and the body begins to slow production of certain nutrients or lose the ability to process and store others, supplementing certain vitamins and minerals is entirely necessary, regardless of diet.

The same can be said for those wanting to up their fitness performance. It is also worth noting that you will not reach optimal levels of muscle gain if your diet is not where it should be, so supplementation should follow diet if you want to live up to your full fitness potential. For example, if you’re working out to gain muscle but your body is breaking down more protein than you consume, you aren’t likely to see much difference.

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Image by Sabine Mondestin on Pixabay: Building muscle requires enough protein, or else workout efforts could be fruitless.

What supplements should I take if I just started working out?

Starting a new workout routine can be difficult, even if diet is up to par. The body has to get used to moving more than it used to and it can be tough to get into a good physical routine that is both challenging and feasible in terms of your current state of health.

Two of the most commonly used supplements by fitness enthusiasts are branched chain amino acids and protein. As mentioned, taking protein is a great start because your body needs it to build muscle, and studies have shown it to be effective in long-term muscle building.

You’ll also want to invest in some branched chain amino acids, as muscle also needs a good level of BCAAs to induce protein synthesis. In the event that you have a hard time getting going, you can also take something for a pre-workout jolt, such as caffeine or a pre-workout blend that contains both caffeine and carbohydrates.

Dietary supplements for exercise and athletic performance

There is a myriad of different health supplements that can help encourage overall fitness levels aside by encouraging the growth of lean muscle mass.

1. Vitamin D3

Some research has found that being deficient in vitamin D can hinder athletic performance greatly, and that those with adequate levels were able to improve performance during fitness testing in comparison to those without adequate levels.

2. Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is needed in the creation of red blood cells, which help to transport oxygen where it needs to go. Without adequate levels of oxygen in the body, physical fitness will suffer greatly. 


Bone health is important when it comes to fitness, because healthier bones lead to increased ability to participate in different workout routines. DHEA was found to boost bone health, making it easier to work out effectively.

4. Synapsin

Research has found that regular exercise can increase synapsin levels within the body, thus leading to elevated levels of protein.

5. G.A.C.

Otherwise known as glutamine, arginine, and carnitine, this group of amino acids gives the body energy by converting glycogen. This can aid fitness levels due to helping the body return to a healthy body weight, increasing stamina, and improving circulation. It has also been shown to prevent muscle loss.

6. MK-677

This active nonpeptide has been shown to encourage fat-free mass in weight loss efforts, thus leading to greater physical fitness overall.

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Image by Monicore on Pixabay: Fish oil is good for the brain, but did you know it can also improve fitness levels?

Best supplements for endurance athletes

To take endurance and stamina up a level, some supplements stand out more than others. The following are thought to improve athletic performance when taken regularly.

7. Fish oil

Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to help increase overall endurance levels by improving neuromotor functions. The ingredient that is thought to be the biggest driver is docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). One study on female soccer players found that it could have a positive impact on reaction time as well as precision and efficiency.

8. Creatine

Creatine is one of the most popular supplements for physical fitness because of the effects it has on building muscle and overall levels of strength. It is naturally occurring in the body and gives cells energy to keep moving.

Many studies have found that the use of creatine supplements during an exercise regimen can significantly increase the body’s ability to gain muscle, increase levels of strength and fat-free mass, and improve physical performance.

9. Beta alanine

Typically used during high-intensity workouts, this particular supplement has been shown to delay muscle fatigue and improve stamina. When it comes to endurance exercises, beta-alanine can help you go the extra mile.

10. Sodium phosphate

Sodium phosphate is more commonly used a food preservative; however, studies have shown that the supplement can lead to an increase in red blood cells’ ability to transfer oxygen throughout the body, thus reducing tiredness levels and increasing stamina.

Taking supplements that will improve your fitness levels could be the boost you need to stay on track with your physical goals. Vital RX’s Fitness Subscription Box contains many of the aforementioned ingredients to help you boost your overall levels of physical fitness and get on the road to a healthier you.

Featured image by StockSnap on Pixabay

How NAD+ Affects The Energy Metabolism

The body relies on a symbiotic set of processes for optimal health. When all systems are working together, the body runs smoothly. When they do not, chronic health issues can arise, such as fatigue and inflammation.

The metabolism is the system that converts nutrients from food into energy, and it relies heavily on NAD+ to help it function properly. NAD+ helps by activating sirtuins, which are proteins that contribute to the regulation of cellular health. It also assists with metabolic function by encouraging mitochondrial fitness and essentially rewiring the metabolism to function as it should. But what is NAD+, exactly? Let’s find out more about this compound and how NAD+ affects the energy metabolism.

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Image by Jaron Nix on Unsplash: NAD+ is a coenzyme molecule that is required for many processes within the body.

What is NAD+?

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is a chemical compound within the body that works to support the health of cells. It is classified as a dinucleotide because it consists of two nucleotides joined through phosphate groups, with one containing an adenine base while the other contains nicotinamide.

Vitamin B3 is considered to be a precursor to NAD+. When the vitamin is converted into NAD+ it contributes to the process of converting food into energy, repairing DNA, strengthening cell defense, and regulating circadian rhythm. It is not difficult to get enough vitamin B3 for NAD+ biosynthesis, and it’s been found that less than 20 mg of niacin per day is enough to keep up with the body’s demand.

In people with deficiencies of vitamin B3, NAD+ levels can suffer. However, there are a few other substrates for NAD+ pathways that can help stimulate synthesis, including the amino acid tryptophan, nicotinamide riboside, and nicotinamide mononucleotide.

While the body ages, levels of NAD+ decline, thus making a person more susceptible to age-related conditions and other health issues that can arise when the metabolism isn’t at its best. Some conditions that have been linked to declining levels of NAD+ in the body include heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Why is NAD+ so important?

Cells need both hydrogen and electrons to produce and store energy. NAD+ is the molecule that carries electrons and hydrogen to the cells so that the process of creating energy can continue through its reduced form known as NADH. NADH is the molecule that takes electrons from NAD+ and then gives them to other cells so that they can perform cellular processes. Without NAD+ and other electron carriers within the body, the cells would not be able to produce and store the energy, leading to fatigue on a cellular level.

In terms of other cellular processes such as DNA damage repair, NAD+ is needed to help restore healthy levels of DNA. If the body becomes depleted of NAD+, as it does with age, DNA cannot be repaired as it should be. It can also become depleted in cases of obesity or if the body is not receiving the required nutrients it needs. Metabolic disorders such as fatty liver disease and diabetes have been closely linked with depleted levels of NAD+. The good news is that if a person receives precursors of NAD+, optimal levels can be restored, which could help prevent metabolic diseases.

What is the role of NAD+ in metabolism?

NAD+ plays a vital role in oxidation reactions that contribute to metabolism. It is a contributing part of several different metabolism pathways, such as breaking down glucose for energy, oxidizing nutrients for optimal energy release, and the breakdown of fatty acids to produce energy. The energy metabolism is greatly affected by these processes, as it needs them to occur to help distribute energy throughout the entire body.

How do you raise your NAD+ levels?

The best way to ensure that you have optimal levels of NAD+ is by ingesting one of the precursors to aid in synthetization. Perhaps one of the most common nutritional supplements to take to help encourage NAD+ production is vitamin B3.

Human trials have found that increasing intake of vitamin B3 led to increased levels of NAD+ in muscles by three times the amount prior to taking the vitamin. Getting B3 through diet is the best way to utilize it as a NAD+ precursor; it can be found in high amounts in fish, peanuts, and avocados.

Some research has also shown that getting more exercise can increase levels of NAD+. This is because when the body uses more energy, it needs to create more. However, it should be noted that if there is not enough of a NAD+ precursor in the body to aid in the production of the molecule, exercising may not help to increase levels.

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Image by Estudio Bloom on Unsplash: Avocados contain high levels of vitamin B3, which is needed to help synthesize NAD+, so eating more could help boost energy levels.

Does NAD+ give you energy?

Since NAD+ is a vital component to energy levels, it can be said that it helps the body create energy. The molecule itself doesn’t necessarily give you energy, though. It is needed for cellular processes that encourage the metabolism to function as it should, thus dispersing energy throughout the body.

Synapsins are proteins that help maintain healthy levels of NAD+, and thus are important for overall energy production. Vital RX’s Fitness and Energy Subscription boxes contain synapsin so that stores of NAD+ are kept at their most optimal, leading to an overall healthy level of energy and metabolic function. NAD+ is a key player in energy production, and keeping levels up can be as easy as adding a few things to your diet and supplementing with the right products.

Featured image by Aditya Saxena on Unsplash

What’s Included In Our Fitness Subscription Box (And Why)

Being physically unfit can lead to a myriad of different health problems. Cardiovascular and respiratory health is highly dependent on physical fitness to be at its best. The strength and amount of muscle you have on your body will also determine how well you’re able to move, and function.

When fitness isn’t up to par, all of your systems can suffer – and when that happens, the body gets sick. It’s inevitable, because each system relies heavily on the other and they all require movement to function properly.

As many as 80% of Americans are lacking when it comes to getting adequate exercise. Due to modern-day sedentary lifestyles, moving enough can be a real challenge for most people, whether due to time constraints or physical inability due to chronic disease. For those who want to step up their fitness game, supplementation may be required to help get moving and back to optimal health.

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Image by Derick McKinney on Unsplash: Many people opt for protein shakes because of their proven ability to help build muscle following intense workouts.

What supplements should I take for fitness?

Whether you are the type who enjoys minimal physical activity or someone who works out an hour a day, supplementation can be a great help on the road to true physical fitness. Not all supplements are created equal, though, and some can be of much greater benefit for those who want to move more in their daily lives.

For building muscle, many people opt for protein supplements because protein has been shown to help increase muscle mass. Other supplements people choose to take while taking on a fitness routine include:


Popular among athletes and sports scientists, creatine is used as a pre-workout supplement to help increase performance, muscle mass, and overall strength.


Beta-alanine is an amino acid taken by people who work out regularly to help fight off dreaded muscle tiredness, although its efficacy in improving exercise ability over long periods of time may be lesser than the typical boost it gives during short bursts of exercise.


Another amino acid that’s popular among fitness enthusiasts is citrulline. It’s naturally produced in the body but is taken as a supplement to increase levels for better exercise performance due to increased oxygen flow.

Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs)

BCAAs include three very important molecules that help in overall exercise performance by reducing mental fatigue and speeding up recovery time.  


Nitrate is generally found in vegetables, but it is also produced naturally in the body in small amounts. Some research has suggests that it can help with fitness due to its ability to increase blood flow.


This essential nutrient can help with blood pressure, recovery, and muscle soreness.

How do peptides help muscle growth?

Research on the use of peptides in older adults, specifically collagen peptides, has shown that they can have a direct effect on how much muscle mass a person has overall, as well as their level of strength. The aforementioned creatine is another peptide that can help boost muscle growth in those with regular fitness routines. Since peptides are a sort of mini-protein, they can have positive effects on muscle-building while also being easier for the body to absorb.

Other health benefits of peptides

Peptides aren’t just good for fitness. Research has shown that they hold a plethora of health benefits when taken properly and for the right reasons. Health conditions that can benefit from the use of peptide supplementation include:

Although this list is not exhaustive, it does highlight the many different uses for peptides. New research is ongoing in the realm of peptides for different health conditions, and it’s likely that will continue as they increase in popularity among health aficionados.

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Image by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash: Peptides can help build muscle and improve stamina.

What is the best fitness box subscription?

There are many new subscription boxes to choose from if you’re looking to supplement your fitness routine. The Vital RX Fitness Subscription Box manages to stand out from the crowd with its carefully curated selection of essential vitamins, nutrients, and peptides that aim to improve fitness levels.

So, what are the key ingredients in the Vital RX Fitness Subscription Box? All of them have proven abilities to aid in the increase of overall fitness levels. Let’s take a closer look.


MK-677 is an active nonpeptide that can increase the body’s secretion of the human growth hormone (HGH). When this happens, it can help to increase fat-free mass, which will then lead to a better ability to participate in fitness-related activities.


Otherwise known as G.A.C, glutamine, arginine, and carnitine are amino acids that work together as a group to help convert glycogen into energy. This helps to decrease fat stores within the body and burn more calories during a workout. It can aid in weight loss, but has also been shown to increase stamina, improve circulation, and prevent muscle loss.


Synapsins are proteins that belong to the same family and are involved in neurotransmitter release. They assist in maintaining levels of NAD within the body so that the regulation of cell metabolism is balanced. Research has found that synapsin levels can increase with regular exercise, and having elevated levels of the proteins from more exercise can help boost brain function.

Vitamin B12

This essential vitamin is needed for a plethora of different functions, including red blood cell formation and cell metabolism as well as DNA production and nerve function. Vitamin B12 also plays a vital role in energy levels.


DHEA is considered the source of sex hormones and has been referred to as the “youth hormone”. Research has shown that it can help boost bone health, leading to lessened risk for osteoarthritis, as well as enhancing memory.

Featured image by Luis Quintero on Unsplash